Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Alcoholics Anonymous

During the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting I attended, my eyes were opened to the disease of addiction. When I walked into the meeting, I introduced myself and announced that I am a nursing student and was there to observe. In sync, all of the people attending the meeting greeted me. Twelve people took turns to read the twelve steps on the road to recovery. After the twelve steps were read everyone introduced themselves and then everyone greeted them at once. It was announced that each person that was there for addiction had only had five minutes to share their story.The Alcoholics Anonymous meeting was definitely a reality check for me. There were many people that were there that announced that they were an addict that did not look or act like an addict. Many described the third step to be the most difficult of the twelve steps. The third step is transferring yourself to God or a higher power to get you through your addiction. At first this did not make sense to me, but I realized that addicts naturally need control over situations.So when they hand over themselves and their addictions to a higher power it is like they are stepping down from having control. It is as if they will not make any wrong decisions because their higher power is in control. So if they do make a wrong decision they feel it is not their fault which I do not agree with. The difference between NA and AA is that AA believes you are clean as long as you did not have any alcohol, but NA believes you are clean as long as you did not have any mood or mind altering substances, which includes alcohol.I definitely enjoyed NA better than AA because it was more fulfilling and not so ignorant to the actual idea of addiction. AA believes in trading one addiction for another even if it is more dangerous than alcohol. It is not said at the AA meeting that this is the case, but that is what I got from it. At the end of the meeting they also said the serenity prayer like the NA meetings in a circle.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the author of One Hundred Years of Solitude, lived and experienced a religious Latin American life. These experiences played a vital function in the development of his characters, specifically Jose Arcadio Buendia. Jose Arcadio Buendia was the founder of the innocent city of Macondo where â€Å"the world was so recent that many things lacked names. †(p. 1) He was a strong coordinator and looked to as a leader.As Melquiades and the other gypsies passed through the village, Jose Arcadio Buendia’s attention was quickly captured. Fascinated by their magic and determined to learn more, he bartered the most valuable possessions of his family in exchange for their mystical tools. He would then spend his time trying to figure out how to use these tools and what they meant, unaware of the fact that his constant pursuit for knowledge would soon lead to his downfall.In the meantime, he became obsessed with trying to find civilization outside of Macondo, a t ask he had failed to do but his wife, Ursula, had simply completed months later. I believe Jose Arcadio Buendia’s desire to find other civilization is related to his obsession for knowledge and information for reasons beyond just the simple founding of people. The discovery of civilization will not only allow him to find more unknown information, but will also subconsciously allow him and his family to interact with more people.It is possible that this subconscious quest for social interaction is the actual cause of the introversion and solitary confinement that is evidently a characteristic of his family line. This unintentional corruption of his family is consistent with the significance of Jose Arcadio Buendia within the novel. The innocence of the rest of Macondo was also corrupted through Buendia’s obsession for facts and information.If he had not sought answers, the gypsies may have had no incentive to return to Macondo, Jose Arcadio would have never impregnated the gypsy girl or joined the gypsies as they left town, and Ursula would have never followed Jose Arcadio and returned with knowledge of the path through the swamp that led to other civilization. In fact, even if the gypsies continued to pass through the village and Ursula still found the path through the swamp, it was her husband’s obsession of finding other civilization that made mentioning of this path significant.Beyond this unfolding sequence of events, the search for truth corrupts human’s abilities to live in fantasy worlds without realizing the fantasy of it. Once truth is revealed, the world previous to that truth will be interpreted as an incorrect way of life. Thus, continuing the attempt to live that â€Å"incorrect† life after knowing the truth will now be interpreted as a fantasy. If truth had not been revealed, the village of Macondo could have lived in a fantasy world without interpreting it as a fantasy.In searching and revealing the truth, Jose Arcadio Buendia corrupted the imagination of the villagers with a correct answer for things. Soon things began to have specific names and people had correct ways of life. I find Macondo to be the Garden of Eden’s second chance. If the world of the novel were compared to the Holy Bible, then Jose Arcadio Buendia would symbolize Adam. His obsessions and constant search for knowledge is clearly analogous to Adam and Eve when they eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.The subsequent downfall of the Buendia family as well as the rest of Macondo is the same as Adam and Eve being outlawed from Eden and sentenced to live a mortal life. When Jose Arcadio Buendia is tied to a tree by the other villagers, it is a symbol for how Bible followers, such as Christians, are trying to separate themselves from Adam and Eve through redemption and reconciliation. Through the death of the Buendia line, Marquez may be trying to reveal the possibility that the line of Adam and Eve can als o be ended.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Psychology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Psychology - Term Paper Example It is possible for us to measure the behaviour of a person both qualitatively and quantitatively and hence psychology is now considered as a branch of science. Clinical psychology is the most important branch of psychology because of the immense contributions it gives to the treatment of mental problems of human beings. There are many branches of clinical psychology at present. Psychoanalysis is one among them. Psychoanalysis theory was developed by Sigmund Freud which deals with psychological method of investigation, systematic set of theories about human behaviour and the treatment of psychological disorders. Feminists were among the earliest proponents of psychoanalysis because it acknowledged sexual desires in all people including women, who at the time were considered asexual. But over the course of the century, the theory fell out of favor among feminists, many of whom maintained that it contributed to women’s oppression instead of their liberation. In the 1970s interest in psychoanalysis among feminists enjoyed a renaissance, and by the end of the century it formed part of the canon of feminist theory in the humanities. However, the theory still faces a great deal of resistance from feminists in the social sciences (Feminist Theory: Psychoanalytic, 2010) This paper briefly explains the feminist theory in psychoanalysis Freud argued that boys and girls begin life with similar psychological dispositions, but they follow different paths to adult heterosexuality owing to their anatomical differences and the expectations placed upon them by their families and society in general (Feminist Theory: Psychoanalytic, 2010). According to feminists the interpretations of sexual development by Freud is unacceptable. Freud believed that the environmental parameters control the sexuality more than the genetic parameters. In other words the boys and girls develop heterosexuality mainly from the environment rather than any genetic predispositions. Freud argued that the boys and girls learn a lot form the family and the society about the sexual patterns and they try to follow the same pattern. For example, boys realize their similarity with their father at an early age itself and will try to imitate the father in every respect. Same way girls will try to imitate their mothers. Freud pointed out that â€Å"When individuals did not successfully progress through the stages of development, mental illness could result. Freud maintained that unresolved early childhood traumas associated with these stages of sexual development become lodged in the unconscious and reappear in neurotic symptoms†(Feminist Theory: Psychoanalytic, 2010). Many of the psychological disorders occur at the latter stages of one’s life is attributed to the unresolved childhood traumas by Freud. For example, it is quite possible that a child could not relieve his/her sexual energy in the childhood because of the social restrictions. In family and society, children are prohibited from engage in any sexual activities because of the traditions, customs and beliefs. On the other hand, childhood is a stage during which the sex hormones are hyperactive. In other words, most of the sexual requirements were remain unsolved or unmet during childhood which will negatively impact the life of the child latter, according to Freud. In short, Freud’s theory succeeded in giving a comprehensive account about the sexual development. Freud observed that

Sunday, July 28, 2019


ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HRM AT BANK MUSCAT - Essay Example Conclusion 12 Recommendations to improve the HR activities in Bank Muscat 12 References 14 Appendix 17 Introduction Bank Muscat is one of the leading financial institutions that offer a wide range of financial services. The main financial services provided by the bank includes: asset management, speculation banking, commercial banking, secretive banking, trade banking and treasury. In addition, Bank Muscat also has international branches in the different countries of the world (Bank Muscat. 2012). In this paper, the relationship of traditional practice of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations to Human Resource Management would be discussed effectively in context of Bank Muscat. In addition, organization structure and the practice of the bank would also be identified properly in order to accomplish strategic objectives of this research paper. Apart from this, Bank Muscat’s HR activities would also be accessed in relation to human resource development. Finally, effective recommendations to improve the HR activities would also be discussed in relation to Bank Muscat. Additionally, for this assignment, a questionnaire would also be prepared to collect the important information as well as data. This information would be collected from the employees of Bank Muscat. This data would be more beneficial and significant to improve the understanding the relationship between the HRM and traditional practices of PM and IR. ... The traditional practices of human resources management includes: planning personnel needs, conducting job analyses, selecting the right people for the job i.e. recruitment, orienting and training, appraising performance and communicating with employees at all levels of administration (Price, 2007). There is a strong relation among the HRM and traditional practice of personnel management. For instance, as per the HRM front line managers are more accountable for managing the people within the organization. On the other hand, traditional activities of the human resource management provide necessary advice and support services to enable managers to carry out their responsibilities (Armstrong, 2006). Iit is also identified that, practices of personnel management as well as HRM flow from the business strategies of the organization (Miller, 2007). Along with this, it should also be noted down that HRM and the personnel management deals with the same level of challenges in the multinational organization. On the other hand, both the HRM activities influence personnel management direly or indirectly. For instance, both personnel management and HRM are fretful with providing the employees and organization personnel’s with appropriate compensations and benefits (Needle, 2004). This is one of the vital areas of employee management as no employee will works for free for any organization. In addition, both the approaches have a same objective that is to solve employee’s problems. For example, every time an employee has a problem those requirements concentration, personnel management and the HRM are available to them for solving their problems and issues. In this manner, the personnel

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Merger Of Mittal And Arcelor Steel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7250 words

Merger Of Mittal And Arcelor Steel - Essay Example Having reached the number one position in steel manufacturing and assessing the need to consolidate and to take advantage of the economies of scale, in January 2006, Lakshmi Nivas Mittal of Mittal Steel Netherlands took a historical decision to make an attempt to acquire the next biggest steel company Arcelor S.A. Having gone through the basics idea about the world steel industry and the rationale behind the Mittal Steel's decision to acquire the next ranking Arcelor S.A, this paper attempts to bring out an analytical review of the whole scheme of merger with respect to the effect of the merger from the point of view of the investors, the appreciation in their holdings, reasoning behind the merger from the point of view of Mittal Steel as well as Arcelor S.A. The paper also studies the role played by Severstal, the Russian Steel major in the merger deal. With the advent of globalization the large companies have broken their geographical barriers and this has resulted in the cross border mergers and acquisitions of bigger companies. Especially in Europe the purchases by way of takeovers of companies had been at $ 418 billion whereas it was only $ 211 billion for the American companies in the first quarter of the year 2006. This includes the fierce battle of the hostile takeover by Netherlands based Mittal Steel of Luxembourg based Arcelor. This hostile bidThis hostile bid for takeover was put forth by Mittal Steel to Arcelor for taking over the latter at a consideration of US $ 22.4 billion and this bid was made on the 27th January 2006. This takeover once completed would result in an aggregate sale of seventy billion US dollars and ten percent of the world steel production. This also means that the combined production of the new company would be three times more than that of the closest competitor Nippon Steel Corporation of Japan. After the merger the new entity would provide employment for 320,000 people. The operations of the new company would spread over four continents of the world. The company would also expand its market to the United States where there is a high potential for growth. This would also entail the new company commendable bargaining power and economies of scale. From the following table, one can observe the size and magnitude of the takeover bid made by Mittal Steel Source: The Hindu. Business Line Newspaper Dated 1st February 2007 3.0 A BACKGROUND: A brief background of the Buyer (Mittal Steel) and the Target (Arcelor S.A.) is presented below: Mittal Steel N.V: Head Quartered in Rotterdam/London 225,000 employees Steelmaking facilities in 16 countries Customers in 120 countries Shipped 49.2m tons in 2005 Revenues of $28.1bn in 2005 (Breaking News Article 2006) While production of steel of various kinds is the main activity, the Mittal Steel is presently operating in countries like United States, Mexico, Trinidad, Canada, Germany and France. Specialisation of Mittal

Friday, July 26, 2019

Report on the analysis of the workplace behavior of Western Sydney Essay

Report on the analysis of the workplace behavior of Western Sydney - Essay Example Therefore the promotion of Carlene is appropriate. This therefore means that Carlene has a duty of meeting the requirements of Western Sydney, which is something she has proven to be capable of right from her position at the middle rank. Although Western Sydney is the main revenue generator for the group, it is worthwhile for them to put Carlene there as the CEO since she has the qualities necessary to steer the company to meet the requirements they have. Her one-month work at Western Sydney was a good point to get her to familiarize herself with the work environment and make changes as and when necessary. Carlene's identification of the stagnation and the traditionalist approach used by the Western Sydney was her justification for the alteration of the subsidiary's strategy from a conservative one to a more profitable business model that will generate profits. This is therefore the impetus for the need to change certain structures in different departments of Western Sydney, includin g the Operations Department where it can be logically inferred that the Operations Manager is maintaining a very traditionalist and authoritative structure which supports the stagnation identified by Carlene. There is therefore the need for the MD to give Carlene all the necessary support to attain this to ensure that Western Sydney, the cash cow of the group remains productive into the future. In the confrontation between the Operations Manager and the junior staff member, Carlene was using the mild form of disciplinary action in organizations, counseling to try to assert the fact that the Operations Manager went too far by physically assaulting the junior staff member. Assertive behavior is where an individual tries to justify,... The Operations Manager is undoubtedly a very experienced individual in what he does. He seem to have the competencies necessary to move the company to its strategic destination. All other individuals working at the company this therefore makes him a rare individual and a vital part of any progressive activity that they would be involved in. Such an individual needs to be included in the strategy of the organization even if he has some excesses as this operations manager seem to have. The Operations Manager seem to be in independent minded individual who always wants to do things according to a given plan or target. This is evident in the fact that the previous CEO stated that he is able to work within budget and meet targets. This presents the OM as a traditionalist who always works according to laid down principles and procedures. He appears to be a disciplined person and a disciplinarian who treasures authoritative systems and structures.

College if worth for most of people but not all kind of people Essay

College if worth for most of people but not all kind of people - Essay Example Many of the college students are struggling to repay their college loans. After school, they cannot be able to purchase a new home, car, or other important assets to help them live a happy life (Konwerski 1). Instead, their salary is being deducted to repay the college loans which makes it hard for them to achieve their goals when they are young. This explains the reason why many young people are yet to invest or even save for their future and that of the children. Therefore, at the end, those who never attend college are able to do well as they start to invest early enough, an aspect that enables them to lead a happy and better life (Leonhardt 1). The success of many college dropouts such as Bill gates and Mark Zuckerberg is an indication that college education is losing its focus. The current curriculum is focusing mainly on equipping the students will papers. Rather than helping the students nurture their talents, it is encouraging a culture of cramming. In addition, many colleges have become money making ventures (Burke 1). Therefore, equipping the students with the necessary skills for their future careers is an aspect that is being given little attention in the colleges. Instead, many colleges are admitting many students than the infrastructures in these institutions can handle in order to earn more money. This explains why some of the successful dropout ends up employing college graduates because they believe that they are entitled to a job rather than creating employment themselves (Rossi 1). The majority of the college students attends school to please their parents and pass this stage of life. They lack motivation to go through their respective courses. In addition, many parents force the students to pursue specific courses because they feel that they are marketable and fetch a higher salary (Brandon 1). However, this system of education ignores student’s talent. Therefore, many students end up in different careers than what they

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Managing Change at The Co-operative Group Assignment

Managing Change at The Co-operative Group - Assignment Example The market share of the company is about 4.2 percent which is not high at all in comparison to its competitors but one good thing about the company is that it is certainly a market leader when it come to top up food shopping and it is due to the convenience which is offered by the store. Company being a food retail chain, certainly has an ethical business, with various strengths and also weakness which provides a margin for company to improve. There are few set values and also set of principles according to which the company operates and works. The major standards linked with the business mandate being the openness to democracy, social responsibility and also caring along with equality for others. They believe in converting these believes practically within the market place. The major pillars of the business being issues linked with ethical trade and fair trade. The company is also dependent on other important principles about training and information, concern for the community along with co operation between co operatives and training (KLINEDINST, M., & KALMI, P. 2009). There are some very important areas of concern for the co operative food retail which include the presence of â€Å"top up† shopping market segment along with the small store size. There are some very important areas which needs to be improved like restricted shelf space for the ethical lines of produce along with the customer base or the demographic profile of the people who are not willing to pay premium prices for the high welfare and organic foods which are produced. This thing can be improved by developing better marketing techniques for top up segment and market base along with focusing on the convenience factor more and making it their unique selling point. Great amount of marketing efforts can prove to play a vital role in increasing sales of the top up retail sector which is facing problems (BENNIS, W. G. 2000).   It is not always about the policies being practically set up , the company needs to work extremely hard in improving their supplier relationships which are not very great. The major problem which can be solved is improving the local procurement of the food. The company stresses a lot on their social responsibility and the role played by them which totally helps their consumer membership but they tend to ignore their supply chain management which is a very important and a crucial thing in today’s world. The competition is so high and large that no company can take a sensible risk of ignoring their supply chain which can indeed help them increase their profits by cutting costs. The efficiency of the company can increase if the supply chain is managed properly and the company is able to have good relationships with their suppliers. The Company can also improve their functions by focusing on the staff training and environmental reporting. All the environmental concerns need to be analyzed and reported on time. The company should make sure th at proper training is provided to the senior management about the importance of environmental issues and the impact they can have on them. The training should be linked with practices and policies which need to be set up. There should be proper and specific training given to the store based personnel regarding the environmental awareness and different mediums can be used in order to perform this task which includes using staff information posters and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

IMF Policy and Its Effects Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IMF Policy and Its Effects - Assignment Example In his essay â€Å"What I Learned at the  World Economic Crisis†, he described very thoroughly the problems of such countries and the role of international monetary fund IMF in creating and multiplying the downfall of a running economy. Stiglitz said that during his appointment as chief economist, he saw many economic crises in most parts of the world, which then took the form of a global crisis. He said that the IMF in not very serious on the issue of solving the problems of countries. Because it suggested wrong policies, many developing countries which were initially in a very good state, adapted those policies & in the end, declined off smoothly. Actually, IMF tries to implement the same tactics on each country without properly analyzing the background and ground facts. During the crises of Latin America in 1980s, IMF imposed controlled budget technique and tight policies if the countries agreed to provide them with an aid. This really proved to be good for them as they w ere not already involved with budget surpluses techniques so they survived from the crisis in a much better way. But the big issue is that IMF imposed all such techniques to those countries too like Thailand and Indonesia, who have a total different reality than US. This was a big mistake, not only from the IMF side but from the governments too, as they did not consider the fact that IMF was not fully aware of their economical status. They were already giving huge surpluses while avoiding the severe conditions of illiteracy and other factors that contributed a lot in economical development of a country. By implementing IMF policies, they nearly starved to death. The inflation rates and unemployment soared and people came upon the streets against their governments. Another major reason of this setback was that some Asian countries started liberalizing their capital markets, due to which they needed more revenue to compensate. So they implemented some short term financial programs whi ch caused huge real estate disasters. In late 1990s, Thailand and Indonesia suffered major economic crises due to bad policies of IMF. Stiglitz suggested that the tight austerity measures, high interest rates and reductions in government’s expenditure cannot solve the problem of such countries; rather it would propel them more towards depression and result in more bankruptcies. If there would be internal policies of the country according to its own ground facts, then they would be more helpful. Privatization is not the solution; instead there must be market competition so that the best would tackle the system. There should be an institutional infrastructure from top to bottom, which would definitely be helpful in boosting the economy. If every country suffering from recession adapts these measures, it will definitely get out of it without much damage to the economy (Stiglitz. What I Learned at the World Economic Crisis. 2000). In the reply to all of above mentioned accusation s made on IMF, Kenneth Rogoff, the Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department at IMF, came up with a comprehensive set of answers in his article â€Å"The IMF strikes back†. He said that there has been a debate on the competency of IMF staff that they are incapable and 3rd class students at their times, and also that IMF staff is careless and irresponsible that they don’

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

No real title. it is all about the COP 15 Meeting in Copenhagen Essay

No real title. it is all about the COP 15 Meeting in Copenhagen - Essay Example For the US alone, the impact of climate change is $60 billion annually at 1990 prices from 1990 to 2025 in terms of effects on agriculture, forest, specie extinctions, sea-level rise, morbidity, loss of human lives, migration, hurricane, and pollution (Encyclopedia of Earth, 2008). Many of the US states are expected to have damages from climate change at US$ 1 billion each (Science Daily 2008). In Europe, the European Environment Agency (2004, p. 70) has determined that economic losses from weather disturbances increased from US$ 5 billion to US$11 yearly during 20 years prior to its 2004 report. The European Environment Agency estimate did not include several things but the report is highly indicative of the damage that climate change would make on Europe. The cost or impact to developing countries is anticipated to be higher as the changing climate raise sea levels and warm the globe. A two degrees centigrade of global warming can have a yearly cost of 3 percent of the world’s gross domestic product (Tol 2002, p. 47).1 The 15th Conference of Parties 15 or COP 15 is a conference of 187 countries in Copenhagen (Denmark) mandated to come up with binding agreements among countries on climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. The World Bank acknowledged that if mitigation measures are not adopted, global warming could be 5 degrees centigrade by the end of the century (World Bank 2010, p. 1). This paper assesses the COP 15 of Copenhagen and identifies the lessons with regard to the ability of international environmental conference processes to develop collectively beneficial agreements. Sampaio et al. (2009, p. 6-9) summarizes the results of the Conferences of Parties (COP) prior to COP 15 and is the main source of this paper on earlier COPs. COP 1 held 1995 in Berlin agreed that nations should take action to curb greenhouse emissions and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Interpersonal Relationships Essay Example for Free

Interpersonal Relationships Essay Do you know what I mean when I say â€Å"What are some things that affect your interpersonal relationships? † Interpersonal relationships are any type of relationship that you have with someone else. I am going to share some tips that help with interpersonal relationship conflicts, and the things that influenced these relationships. As you get older you start to develop relations through personality, looks, intellectual stimulation, things in common or differences. This creates friendships, colleagues, and unimportant people. All types of things determine your interpersonal relationships. The most common form of daily communication is interpersonal. That is face to face, at the same time and in the same place (Lievrouw 2005). Emotional intelligence plays a strong role in relationships. As your relationship grows, you start to share a lot of emotions with others. Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Without the ability to show emotions, or understand them, they wouldn’t have any effect on a persons’ perception. Perception is your thought process about someone after taking, and observing the other person. Interpersonal conflict is neither bad nor good, but depending on how the disagreement is resolved, the conflict could strengthen or weaken the relationship. After the conflict, try to learn Interpersonal Relationships something from it. Conflicts will arise, and people are always going to communicate, and with communication in your interpersonal relationships. There are a few tips that could help save some conflicts. You could just deal with it, just leave the situation alone. Most important when you confront any conflict situation, you have to think it through. Otherwise you might make the wrong decision. You could confront the conflict face to face, and talk it out. Sometimes using a mediator would help. Having someone between the conflict, seems to keep the tension down. Something that proves right over and over to me is to avoid trouble makers. If you can ovoid these kinds of people then you are sure to pass a conflict. You should choose your battles. Be wise, and think it through, and apologize when appropriate. You have to know that you are not always going to be right. Maybe there is something you could do like work on your communication skills, and work to minimize conflicts. When you work to minimize a conflict you avoid conflicts as much as possible. And try not to be verbally aggressive or attacking the other person. Some of my most influential interpersonal relationships started at a young age. I was around mostly family and a couple of kids that were the kids of my parents friends. The reason they are the most influential is because these relationships were developed from unconditional love. When I was younger there was no one with bad intentions for me. I created my lifelong best friend at a young age. Her and I were always together, and was a year older than I, and she lived next door. So we connected through the fact that she lived right next door. We also shared a lot of common hobbies. Interpersonal Relationships The amount of self-disclosure depends on the level the relationship. Self-disclosure is information about yourself that you share with others, who you have already established a relationship with. So the more trust and comfort you have in any relationship the more you would share. It is communication of more sensitive, private, and confidential information. The level of self-disclosure in our relationship was high and very easy to do. I trusted her with everything and told her everything. When it comes to other people I have a hard time telling them anything. I have a hard time trusting other people. When you are younger the relations that you start are pure, which makes it easier to start. Still to this day every time that I see her, my perception of her is still the same as it was when we were children. We have shared a lot of hard and good times together. So with the emotional connection that we have it makes us both turn to each other when we are in need. We shared a lot in common being close in age, that we shared mutual friends. Sometimes this would cause a conflict. We always seemed to get though the situation. I think that we really connected through personality. Through the years our relationship is still the same. I am thankful to have a friend that I can always count on. I have a lot of interpersonal relationships that are a big part of my life. My family and my fiance are strong relationships, created from love, trust, verbal and non-verbal expressions. The hardest to maintain is the one with my fiance. There are so many obstacles that can ruin a relationship like this. Interpersonal relationships are also built around need. As long as you fulfill the need of the other person you will have a strong relationship.

Arthur Miller biography Essay Example for Free

Arthur Miller biography Essay Arthur Miller was born on 17 October 1915, in New York City. He lived in Harlem until he was fourteen. His Dad was a clothes manufacturer but lost all his money in 1929 when the stock market crashed. Due to the economic depression, which followed, when Miller graduated from high school in 1932 there was no money to send him to university. He worked for two years as shipping clerk, earning money to get him to college. He applied to the University of Michigan in 1934 and graduated from there in 1938. He worked in a Navy Yard while writing for the radio. His first successful stage play was All My Sons which opened in 1947 and later a film was made of it. Following this was the even more successful Death of a Salesman, which opened in 1949. These plays were seen as an attack on capitalism and during the McCarthy era of the 1940s and 1950s there was a lot of hysteria surrounding the spread of communism. Senator Joe McCarthy was very anti-communist and was adamant that any communist activities in America should be stomped out and the perpetrators jailed. Although this seemed a good idea to some, McCarthys policy was you either confess to be a communist, or give names of communists, or you would go to jail. Due to All My Sons and Death of a Salesman being seen as an attack on capitalism, Miller was summoned before the House Un-American Activities Committee that had been in operation since 1938. He was told to confess to signing his name on various petitions that the court had received or he would be jailed. Arthur Miller linked the activities of the Committee to the Salem witchcraft trials in which a few adolescent girls accused people of Salem of witchcraft. If these people did not confess to witchcraft then they would be hanged. From this he was able to write the play, The Crucible. The Crucible is about a young girl named Abigail who is in love with a married man named John Proctor. Abby and some other girls confess to compacting with the devil and are seen as saints as they start naming people who they claim to be witches. Proctor is determined to stop them and he with some others try to oppose authority to uncover the truth. Miller has used John Proctor as metaphor for himself.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Religious Healthcare Organisation

Religious Healthcare Organisation Religious Health Care Introduction I work for the firm of consulting. Religious Health Care of Middleville community have hired us to recognize and assess its strategic performance and to appraise and share concerns from the response’s that have been obtained from quite a few religious leaders in the region. These results will be shared with the CEO and the governing board. Our consulting firm has one rule, â€Å"Never present a condemnation or unconstructive finding devoid of recommending how the organization of clients’ can improve it.† There are a lot of significant elements for improving the organization’s core functions. We will describe the five (5) mainly significant elements that we sense will advantage Religious Health Care and will create an efficient and productive HCO. The governing board functions are vital and by addressing the subsequent improvements in the governing board, will have a productive and efficient HCO. The following will provide the steps to the five most significant elements that the governing board must improve upon: Selecting and operational with the CEO: selecting a CEO, instituting an efficient relationship, assess executive performance and award successes; as well evaluating policies for recruiting, compensating and developing other managers and sustaining a plan for succession of management (Griffith White, 2010). The board not merely selects and works with the CEO’s however it continues its relationships above time. Establishing the vision, mission, and values: agreeing on core values of the organization and common goals and expressing them as a directing concept (Griffith White, 2010). Approving annual budget and strategies to execute the mission: selecting the foremost lines of investment regular with the vision and mission, balancing the vision in opposition to financial realities, and approve plans for execution (Griffith White, 2010). Sustaining the eminence of care: identifying goals for effective, safe, patient-centered, efficient, timely, and equitable care and sustaining an organization that will draw and sustain the mainly competent nurses, physicians, and further caregivers (Griffith White, 2010). Monitoring outcomes for conformity to laws, goals, and regulation: reviewing progress in the direction of implementation by means of benchmarks and events in the community to recognize opportunities of improvement (Griffith White, 2010). We consider that the three (3) mainly significant areas of key performance that will construct for a well-established health care organization are: Building and maintaining a strong and responsible executive team: The mainly vital activity that Religious Health Care can carry out that would be decisive to its financial accomplishment is building and maintaining a sturdy team. It needs a team operational in the direction of the vision and mission to be thriving. No one person in all healthcare organizations, can perhaps own the intellect, insight, or knowledge base to place an organization for success by them. Interviewed executives hardly ever employ the word I. â€Å"Employ of the expression team is persistent in all we execute, from planning in the course of implementation of strategy. These endeavors are not the effect of individuals functioning alone,† says William Nelson. (Griffith White, 2010). Internal operations: capability to offer competitive service, efficiency quality,and accessibility of service. This demonstrates the expenditure of each unit’s care; it computes quality and safety of care and the relevance of rendered services (Griffith White, 2010). Cost: costs, physical counts, and resource situation. This dimension illustrates supply counts, hours of nurses, and vehicles (Griffith White, 2010). Religious can supervise in its emergency room its nursing staff performance by using the subsequent performance measures: Demand: patients number and emergencies percentage. This is calculated in the emergency room by urgent services given to every patient. Demand as well calculates such features as the variation and average in demand, delays for urgent and scheduled service and counts of disruptions or cancellations in process of scheduling (Griffith White, 2010). Satisfaction of Patient: percentage of â€Å"extremely satisfied† in opposition to the number of complaints. The satisfaction of patient is evaluated by surveys that inquire every patient’s satisfaction with the eminence of care given and patient education in relation to any concerns or symptoms. Satisfaction of Patient is evaluated by surveys that deal with such issues as reassurance, personal care, and patient education (Griffith White, 2010). Satisfaction of Physician: referring physicians and physicians attending percentage that are â€Å"extremely satisfied† in opposition to the complaints number. Satisfaction of Physician is particularly significant in view of the fact that the physician is the vertebrae of any organization; devoid of the physicians there might be no organization. This can as well be made with surveys that are completed by physicians attending who rate every physician by her or his performance; on satisfaction of patient and complaints of patient (Griffith White, 2010). By glancing at the admissions number at Religious in opposition to Samaritan’s in Middleville, Religious has fewer admission. Religious can get better on their admissions by ensuring that patients obtain quality care, making sure that every patient is taken care of in a appropriate manner, and ensure that every patient and family member is communed to on their condition and the procedures essential to the welfare of the patient. They can as well get better by doing a scrutiny of admissions; this would assist to perceive where there might be a trouble and how it can be corrected to construct the admissions percentage better. The position of Religious Health Care might be the reason that Samaritan obtains additional admittance. If patients are nearer or live nearer to one facility to a certain extent than the other, the patient will set off to the closest facility to their closeness. Religious can as well advance on their admissions by providing the finest in primary care of every patient; ensure that their facility is secure for patients by carrying out procedures of quality control and offering training for any person or persons that might not fall in compliance and offer each patient with quality care in a appropriate manner. Religious Healthcare might as well improve its image by sustaining its excellence of service by rewarding efficient devoted associates who will then continue being loyal customers. Religious can as well construct relationships with further religious groups in the society by offering free screenings of blood pressure, blood drawing clinics and conducting seminars that could encourage wellness and prevention of disease. Materials can as well be published and distributed at workplace and schools that provides advice and insights on prevention of disease and wellness. Religious Healthcare can also employ the data warehouse system to scrutinize electronic medical records, its human resources, materials management, payroll, marketing and planning, and additional information systems. Religious Health Care by means of the data warehouse, can execute internal management audits by accumulating data on satisfaction of customer, staff satisfaction, hours worked and supplies used and absenteeism,. (Griffith White, 2010) Religious Health Care will have data that would be concise and clear consecutively to manage and preserve a completely efficient health care organization. Religious Health Care can as well utilize a distinctive accounting enterprise system to carry out collections and billing; supplies management; payroll management; financial accounting and reporting; cost finding and reporting cash and investment management; and budget developments (Griffith White, 2010). The entire of these things establish if the Heath Care Organization is appropriately supervised financially. Conclusion Religious Health Care in conclusion, will be thriving in all areas by following the over recommendations consecutively to offer 100% satisfaction of customer; management will be portrayed properly and conveyed in the health care organization and the nursing staff will be executing at higher standards which will consecutively build up into loyal patients and the community are deemed in its strategies of marketing. Reference Griffin, J. R. White, K.R. (2010) The well-managed healthcare organization. (7th. Ed). Chicago: Health Administration Press.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Truth vs. Fiction in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and Un

Truth vs. Fiction in Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and Uncle Tom's Cabin It is often said that truth is stranger than fiction. Perhaps, this is so, as truth wears no veil; it is stark reality. There are no soft edges in truth. Only the most zealous hunters, those willing to meet the sword, actively seek it. The majority, while considering ourselves open to the truth, may only realize it when it comes disguised as something else. In short, it seems that we need to see it as not threatening, but molded and plied into something we can digest. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave is a brilliant and powerful piece which details one of the worst times in American History. After reading Douglass' work, those seeking the truth about slavery could not help but to have been compelled to denounce this institution and those who upheld it. Yet, while there are many who undoubtedly applauded his work, those were difficult times with no easy answers, and truth is relative, at best. In sharp contrast to Douglass' eloquent narrative is H arriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. This piece of sentimental fiction, while based on factual accounts, offered Americans an idealized view of slavery. The slaves were relatively content with their kind masters, and the vivid images of brutality that Douglass describes are not seen in Uncle Tom's Cabin. However, Stowe, writing from a woman's standpoint, presented her own truth in a context that Americans could relate to at the time. In spite of her gender and subsequent social position, and perhaps because of it, through her fiction, Stowe succeeded in portraying the institution of slavery for the abomination that it was. Both Uncle Tom's Cabin a... .... The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002. Lauter, John. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002. Mieder, Wolfgang. Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You:Frederick Douglass' Proverbial Struggle for Civil Rights . Journal of American Folklore 114 no453 331-57 Summ 2001. Piacentino, Ed. Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Explicator 58 no3 135-8 Spr 2000. Stowe, Harriet B. Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002. Stowe, Harriet B. The Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Crossroads of Tibet :: miscellaneous

Crossroads of Tibet Tibet, the roof of the world, is the highest and the most isolated country on earth. Located between China and Nepal, imagine a place tucked safely away from the world, hidden by walls of snowcapped mountains, rich with strange beauty and innocence. Tibetans are very confined people, their clothes are plain and simple like ropes but are actually silky and thick, unlike Chinese gowns which are flamboyant. They may have old fetchers but that is because the cold makes them look dry and old, but they are actually very pleasant people. During those days, they did not allow foreigners to enter their country. They were not hiding anything but they believed that foreign people would want to modernize their country, which they were against. Tibetans want to maintain their culture without changes, like a time capsule. Tibetans believe that walking for a long distance to holy places purifies the bad deeds they have committed; and that the more difficult the journey, the greater the depth of the purification. In 1949, Chairman Moa Tse-Tung was triumphantly proclaimed leader of the new People’s Republic of China, vowing that the first task of the communist regime, was to reunite the Chinese motherland. He declared that remote kingdom of Tibet was an integral part of Chinese territory and must rejoin the great republic. As the news passed to the ears of the Tibetan government, they replied firmly that â€Å"The government of Tibet recognizes no foreign sovereign, and we are an Independent Nation and all Chinese officials will be expelled from Tibet, and have a safe and pleasant return to China†. The government of Tibet knew that they would have a war against China which they did not intend to for it to happen and in the early 1950’s His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama was called upon to assume full political power of Head of State, when Tibet was threatened by the might of China. His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso, at the age of 12 was the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people, was recognised as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the 13th Dalai Lama, was born in a small village of Takster – Northeast of Tibet. His Holiness dreamt that the village of Takster in Amdo including the northern border regions of Tibet was secured by the Chinese killing every man, woman and child. In his dream, images of monks were forced against their own will to point a gun to each other’s head.

Free Admissions Essay - The Dance of Life :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

Admissions Essay -  The Dance of Life    For the dancer, music and choreography are paramount. The music guides the dancer, and the moves express the music. However, the dance has to start from somewhere.    Similar to planning a career in medicine, the dance has a beginning. It starts with an idea of what the final creation will be. The music, which is the background for the dance, must be chosen carefully because it controls the mood and direction of the dance. Education is the music for the dance of a doctor. For this reason I chose to attend Xavier University of Louisiana because I felt it would provide me with the right music to guide my movements. Attending Xavier has helped keep me on the path to my goals by providing support, guidance, and opportunities to learn and grow. With this foundation I am prepared for the rigors of medical school and the challenges of adjusting to new people, situations, and responsibilities.    The dance cannot exist with music alone; the choreography helps complete the dance. Choreography often involves learning dance from other dancers, or learning a new type of dance to make the existing one more exciting. Going beyond the normal boundary increases the chance that the dance will effectively intertwine the music and choreography, so the dance will go beyond the original idea. Shadowing neurosurgeon Dr. Norgran in high school and pulmonologist Dr. Yaeger in college, has given me a new perspective on going into a career in medicine. These people helped me to see that I would have to be willing to alter the music of my life in order to finish the dance of a medical career.    The best expression of dance comes from a skilled and experienced dancer. Ultimately, I want to dance the dance of medicine in a way that fully expresses the essence of the dance, which is a dance of knowledge and compassion. A dancer that can take the music and choreography and express the essence of the dance, has an indefinable quality that only those with a pure love for their calling can possess. In dance, that special quality is what separates the average dancer from Baryshnikov or Pavlova. That aspect is one that intertwines unsurpassable skill with a focused relentless devotion to the task. Although I have danced since the age of three, I know I do not have this prima ballerina quality, but as a future doctor, this same kind of quality is what drives me.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Apparts Jacob Riis

This document was written by Jacob A. Riis, an excerpt from his How the Other Half Lives. The author views that most people do not realize the tremendous amount of poverty surrounding them. They do not realize how the â€Å"other half† of the population; meaning the poor, manage to make it through a living. Riis wants to describe the living conditions of the lower class to create Americans an image of how the poor has many difficulties. Place and Time: Jacob Riis wrote this document in the late nineteenth century. This was when immigrants, mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe, came in an abundance amount of number to American cities very rapidly. However, Jacob Riis focuses mainly on New York City in this excerpt, for it was the major entry port for Europeans and possessed more foreign-born residents and more densely populated neighborhoods than any other U. S. city. Prior Knowledge: The first great wave of immigration began in the 1820s during a period in American history that witnessed expansion, innovation, and the beginning of a modern society. The United States offered hope with the prospect of prosperity and security for many Europeans struggling with the post Napoleonic period. The arrival of so many immigrants created massive problems in Northern cities. The Five Points district in New York City spawned the cholera outbreak during the presidency of Andrew Jackson which led to stereotyping immigrants by middle class and wealthy Americans. Emerging slums further intensified sanitation concerns and produced irrational fears. By the 1850s, strong nativist feelings led to the formation of the American party, often referred to as the â€Å"Know-Nothings. † Believing that low-wage earning immigrants would take away jobs and fearful of the perceived authoritarianism of Catholicism, Know-Nothings attempted to pass strict laws restricting immigrants. Both Irish and German immigrants helped forge the new nation precisely at a time when innovation, creativity, and labor were needed. Germans like Horace Mann in the 1830s and 1840s reformed American education. Carl Schurz, a founder of the Republican Party and a refugee of the 1848 Revolutions in Europe, became a national leader, championing Abraham Lincoln, crusading for party reform after the Civil War, and strongly opposing American imperialism at the turn of the century. Audience: Jacob Riis’ intended audience would most likely be anyone that is not aware of the living conditions of the lower class or poor people/immigrants/families; particularly the â€Å"half† of the people who were rich, though. Riis just wanted Americans to have a glimpse of life among the urban poor. Reason: Jacob Riis, who became a crusader for the eradication of tenement slums, intended on describing the crowded conditions and the â€Å"cosmopolitan character of lower New York. † Riis wanted to provide numerous Americans their first glimpse of life among the urban poor. He wanted to show people how the lower classes manage to live in the horrible conditions that they are in. The Main Idea: The main idea was that American cities were vastly and rapidly being populated by immigrants, mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe. However, the majority of these immigrants were living in poverty. They were residing in crowded conditions, not being able to support their family or themselves without any sort of income, food, or property. Being the â€Å"other half† that were poor; they did not get enough if any, attention from the â€Å"other half† that were either rich or classified as the upper class. In this excerpt, Jacob Riis acknowledges the living conditions of the poor; he sees how they get by with their daily lives. He just wonders if they are all corrupted or not, and speedily, by their atrocious surroundings. He also believes however, that things cannot get any worse. He believes that the slums’ sediment was going for a steadier growth. Significance: I believe the significance of this document is how Jacob Riis acknowledges how the lower classes of immigrants in New York City live in their horrible conditions. He points out all the clear facts on how they live in poverty in such, but he also mentions how things could not really get any worse. Most immigrants had absolutely nothing, so the only way they could go, was up. He pointed out that their sediment grew at a steady rate and that a German rag-picker, someone who was considered to be as low in the scale as his Italian successor, could be compared equally to a thrifty tradesman or prosperous farmer today. This shows that if any slum or person of a lower class had motivation to thrive and prosper, he or she could easily do so by steadily working up, or have the optimist’s belief that the world is, after all, growing better, not worse.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Explain the ways in which Wilfred Owen evokes feelings of pity and horror in “Disabled”

Wilfred Owen (1893-1918) was an English poet and sp closure, champion of the leading poets of the primary World War. some(prenominal) of his rimes work been praised for their perfect(a) realism and it is as well as the case that his poem, discap equald, is com handstal and create verb ally in the terzetto person from his have direct observation and experience. modify is nearly fight, violence and mutilation as well as confederacys chemical reaction to this. It was compose around 1917 cover the annoyance of state of state of fight fartheste and evoking olfactory modalityings of ignominy to struggleds the s grizzlyiers.In Disabled, Owen expends the comparison of vie sports and being a pass in struggle, to inform his readers ab bulge turn up how war is non glamorous, but quite demeanor-threatening and grue any(prenominal). He in any case lay asides the master(prenominal) characters past and reconcile of hear. Owens physical exercise of the inven t He, departure the hand unnamed imp double-dealings that he is referring to integrity of umteen unsaltedish spends affected by the war. Through the spend, who is as well the main character, Owen tells his auditory modality of the line mingled with the glories of military spectacle at jump sprightliness, and the earthy repulsive forces of the battles in war, which be grotesque and horrible.Wilfred Owen standardizedwise apply the proficiency of business to acquaint the cosmos of the hostelrys thoughts on war at the duration. The low gear stanza starts with a depressing definition of a l adept composition sit gloomy in a wheeled chair, waiting for evil in a sorry guinea pig of grey, Legless, sewed s lively at elbow. This is Owens fore approximately use of description in the poem to portray the truth of war. By exposing the impact of the war on the s previous(a)iers, Owen has now grabbed the readers attention and apprehension for the spends in war .The mental disparage on the passs as a egress of the war is in addition revealed in the first stanza by Owen when he mentions that plane the Voices of boys rang saddening bid a hymn, Voices of play and pleasance. Wilfred Owens use of adjectives much(prenominal) as dark, grey and shivered in his opening stanza shows the closing off and lonely(prenominal)liness of the soldier. It also shows his sad sense and psychological scars as mentioned earlier. His disability is also steadyly visualised deep down the first stanza with the use of initial rhyme, vitrinesewn short. It also includes a strong contrast to the soldiers spiritedness story by using the proficiency of repetition.Repeating Voices of, emphasises the sounds of boys compete in contrast with his loneliness. wise to(p) that the soldier could not even lever bare voices, the auditory sense projects a immense issue forth of understanding towards the soldier. The social attitudes of tidy sum sooner and later on the war atomic number 18 cited by Owen. The soldier declares that astir(predicate) this time townspeople used to flutter so sunny.In the old times, before he threw apart his knees, he was able to outlast his invigoration like a c atomic number 18free spring chicken. However by and by liner the reality of war at a juvenility age, he was unable to feel once again how slim Girls waists are, or how stiff their tough hands. All of them lift over him like some queer disease. This commodious undeniable turn in the spring chicken soldiers aliveness beseechs a capacious list of sympathy from the readers as they have be summate aware of the visible and delirious harm attached to war. Disabled holds many vocalizes that expire out strong essences.The expressions glow-lamps and girls glanced are link together with the use of every last(predicate)iteration in the second stanza and they contrast with the soldiers life that he had before he coupled the war . Owen also mentions the soldier remembering his old life, About this time Town used to swing so gay When glow-lamps budded in the light blue trees while he went out for evening parties before he threw remote his knees. This is depicted as a unuseable loss and sacrifice to the soldier as he compares his past and empower life.The contrast of the soldiers life in this stanza evokes a Brobdingnagian measurement of mildness from the readers. asunder from the physical harm enforced on the unsalted soldier, he was also internally scarred. Owen first gives his sense of hearing a glance of the soldiers depressed state of mind when he indicates his ghastly suit of grey in the first stanza. The sense of hearing feels sympathy for the soldier as his correct youth had been proposen away from him. Owen leases this message in the ternary stanza, There was at once an artist barmy for his face, For it was younger than his youth, last year.Now, he is old And half his lifetime laps ed in the hot race. This third stanza gives a deeper insight into the soldiers home(a) harm briefly mentioned in the first stanza. In the third stanza Owen uses a spectacular deal of vivid resource to appoint what soldiers go through at war which evokes a large amount of horror from the audience in repartee to war. Owen mentions that the soldier deep in thought(p) his colour precise far from here, and Poured it down shell-holes which shows that he has lost a significant part of his life because of the bombing.Owen uses caustic remark and the concept of reversal efficaciously in his next stanza when he mentions that once the soldier was proud of a blood-smear down his offset obtained during a football match. This is one of Owens uses of the semblance of playing sports compared to being a soldier. The analogy is again used in the sixth stanza when Owen compares the reaction from hostelry after a football game and after the end of the war, some(prenominal) exalted him ho me, but not as crowds cheer Goal.The ways of the community shocks the audience of Disabled and brings out a large amount of repulsion on the young and wounded soldiers of the war. The soldiers life had been finished by the war because although the soldier had face up many difficulties as a result of the war, it is largely the fact that his life has educe to an end, or close to the end, on look of his acuity to join the war in his youth. The readers k promptly of the soldiers young age because of the rumor that Owen had mentioned, in his fourth stanza, which acjazzledges that the army gayly wrote his lie aged nineteen days.This shows the audience that the soldier was barely an with child(p) when he joined the war and this brings out the most pity from the audience for the soldier. next the end, in the sixth stanza, Owen gives an insight into societys barbarous reaction to war the people didnt carefulness. Some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer Goal. Only a dear man Thanked him. The thought that people apprehended a football goal more(prenominal) than a wounded soldier that had gone(p) out to fight for them and serve their unsophisticated makes the readers pity and sympathise with the disabled soldier.It makes them able to hold back the horror of the war and society. legion(predicate) of these depressions of pity for the soldier are to an extent repelled, callable to his selfishness and is contradicted by his pride and faulty intentions such as to please the silly jilts, He had asked to join the army. This creates a huge opinion of horror towards societys thoughts and enamor on young people. It makes them guess that sooner of connecter for the right reasons, the society and propaganda has do young children think of joining the war for the wrong reasons. In the soldiers case, It was after football, when hed drunk a fallSomeone had said hed look a god in kilts. Owen has mentioned all of the influences of the society during the time of the war in his 5th stanza, some of which include spangly hills For daggers in plaid socks of smart salutes And care of weaponry and leave and pay arrears Esprit de corps. The phrase How cold and late it is describes how the soldier is all altogether without anyone to keep him company. This class shows that he cant do anything meaningful in life again. The exclamation mark emphasises the speciality of the soldiers feelings within his new and ruined life because of the war.The young soldier has been transformed into a myrmecophilous and aidless young man, highlighted by Owens use of repetition why dont they come Why dont they come? By reveal the massive change in life for the soldier as a import of termination to war brings out a feeling of extreme horror towards the war from the audience. Owen ends the poem leaving the audience with a ready idea of the soldiers future emphasising his now insufficiency of freedom and his wait alone in bed until death comes to take him away from his pain and misery.Now, he provide spend a few maladjusted geezerhood in institutes, And do what things the rules remember wise, And take whatever pity they whitethorn pogy. The soldier noticed how the womens eyes Passed from him to the strong men that were whole. They all touch him like some queer disease. Ultimately, Wilfred Owen in general uses phrases and metaphors to convey the reality and horror of war and to evoke feelings of pity from his audience with the help of beginning rhyme and lots of vivid imagery. explicate the ways in which Wilfred Owen evokes feelings of pity and horror in DisabledWilfred Owen (1893-1918) was an English poet and soldier, one of the leading poets of the First World War. Many of his poems have been praised for their bleak realism and it is also the case that his poem, Disabled, is observational and written in the third person from his own direct observation and experience. Disabled is about(predicate) war, violence an d mutilation as well as societys reaction to this. It was written around 1917 showing the horror of war and evoking feelings of pity towards the soldiers.In Disabled, Owen uses the analogy of playing sports and being a soldier in war, to inform his readers about how war is not glamorous, but rather life-threatening and gruesome. He also portrays the main characters past and state of mind. Owens use of the word He, leaving the soldier unnamed implies that he is referring to one of many young soldiers affected by the war. Through the soldier, who is also the main character, Owen tells his audience of the contrast between the glories of military spectacle at first look, and the realistic horrors of the battles in war, which are grotesque and horrible.Wilfred Owen also used the technique of contrast to show the reality of the societys thoughts on war at the time. The first stanza starts with a depressing description of a lone man sat in a wheeled chair, waiting for dark in a ghastly sui t of grey, Legless, sewn short at elbow. This is Owens first use of description in the poem to portray the truth of war. By exposing the impact of the war on the soldiers, Owen has immediately grabbed the readers attention and sympathy for the soldiers in war.The psychological harm on the soldiers as a result of the war is also revealed in the first stanza by Owen when he mentions that even the Voices of boys rang saddening like a hymn, Voices of play and pleasure. Wilfred Owens use of adjectives such as dark, grey and shivered in his opening stanza shows the isolation and loneliness of the soldier. It also shows his sad emotion and psychological scars as mentioned before. His disability is also strongly portrayed within the first stanza with the use of alliteration, suitsewn short.It also includes a strong contrast to the soldiers life by using the technique of repetition. Repeating Voices of, emphasises the sounds of boys playing in contrast with his loneliness. Knowing that the s oldier could not even appreciate innocent voices, the audience projects a great amount of sympathy towards the soldier. The social attitudes of people before and after the war are cited by Owen. The soldier states that About this time Town used to swing so gay.In the old times, before he threw away his knees, he was able to live his life like a harum-scarum youth. However after facing the reality of war at a young age, he was unable to feel again how slim Girls waists are, or how warm their subtle hands. All of them touch him like some queer disease. This huge inevitable turn in the young soldiers life evokes a great amount of sympathy from the readers as they have pop off aware of the physical and emotional harm attached to war. Disabled holds many phrases that give out strong messages.The expressions glow-lamps and girls glanced are linked together with the use of alliteration in the second stanza and they contrast with the soldiers life that he had before he joined the war. Owe n also mentions the soldier remembering his old life, About this time Town used to swing so gay When glow-lamps budded in the light blue trees while he went out for evening parties before he threw away his knees. This is depicted as a useless loss and sacrifice to the soldier as he compares his past and present life.The contrast of the soldiers life in this stanza evokes a great amount of pity from the readers. Apart from the physical harm enforced on the young soldier, he was also internally scarred. Owen first gives his audience a glimpse of the soldiers depressed state of mind when he indicates his ghastly suit of grey in the first stanza. The audience feels sympathy for the soldier as his entire youth had been taken away from him. Owen conveys this message in the third stanza, There was once an artist silly for his face, For it was younger than his youth, last year.Now, he is old And half his lifetime lapsed in the hot race. This third stanza gives a deeper insight into the sol diers interior harm briefly mentioned in the first stanza. In the third stanza Owen uses a great deal of vivid imagery to describe what soldiers go through at war which evokes a large amount of horror from the audience in response to war. Owen mentions that the soldier lost his colour very far from here, and Poured it down shell-holes which shows that he has lost a significant part of his life because of the bombing.Owen uses irony and the concept of reversal effectively in his next stanza when he mentions that once the soldier was proud of a blood-smear down his leg obtained during a football match. This is one of Owens uses of the analogy of playing sports compared to being a soldier. The analogy is again used in the sixth stanza when Owen compares the reaction from society after a football game and after the end of the war, Some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer Goal.The ways of the society shocks the audience of Disabled and brings out a large amount of repulsion on the young and wounded soldiers of the war. The soldiers life had been ruined by the war because although the soldier had faced many difficulties as a result of the war, it is mostly the fact that his life has come to an end, or close to the end, on account of his eagerness to join the war in his youth. The readers know of the soldiers young age because of the statement that Owen had mentioned, in his fourth stanza, which acknowledges that the army happily wrote his lie aged nineteen years.This shows the audience that the soldier was barely an adult when he joined the war and this brings out the most pity from the audience for the soldier. Near the end, in the sixth stanza, Owen gives an insight into societys cruel reaction to war the people didnt care. Some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer Goal. Only a solemn man Thanked him. The thought that people appreciated a football goal more than a wounded soldier that had gone out to fight for them and serve their country makes the rea ders pity and sympathise with the disabled soldier.It makes them able to see the horror of the war and society. Many of these feelings of pity for the soldier are to an extent repelled, due to his selfishness and is contradicted by his pride and wrong intentions such as to please the giddy jilts, He had asked to join the army. This creates a huge feeling of horror towards societys thoughts and influence on young people. It makes them believe that instead of joining for the right reasons, the society and propaganda has made young children think of joining the war for the wrong reasons. In the soldiers case, It was after football, when hed drunk a pegSomeone had said hed look a god in kilts. Owen has mentioned all of the influences of the society during the time of the war in his fifth stanza, some of which include jewelled hills For daggers in plaid socks of smart salutes And care of arms and leave and pay arrears Esprit de corps. The phrase How cold and late it is describes how the soldier is all alone without anyone to keep him company. This section shows that he cant do anything meaningful in life again. The exclamation mark emphasises the strength of the soldiers feelings within his new and ruined life because of the war.The young soldier has been transformed into a dependent and helpless young man, highlighted by Owens use of repetition Why dont they come Why dont they come? By revealing the great change in life for the soldier as a consequence of going to war brings out a feeling of extreme horror towards the war from the audience. Owen ends the poem leaving the audience with a clear idea of the soldiers future emphasising his now lack of freedom and his wait alone in bed until death comes to take him away from his pain and misery.Now, he will spend a few sick years in institutes, And do what things the rules consider wise, And take whatever pity they may dole. The soldier noticed how the womens eyes Passed from him to the strong men that were whole. Th ey all touch him like some queer disease. Ultimately, Wilfred Owen mainly uses phrases and metaphors to convey the reality and horror of war and to evoke feelings of pity from his audience with the help of alliteration and lots of vivid imagery.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

â€Å"He who saves one life it is as though he saves the world†. You make the call, you have control over what you want to do or not do. Do you really want to do it, or are you too scared to stand up for yourself and just say no? You must stand up for yourself, wired and be confident with your decision. What if you say yes? What if you decide not to firm stand up for yourself? What if you are not confident? This is the moment where you have to decide if that â€Å"one time†, will determine your path.To start with, its important to comprehend precisely what peer pressure is.Another kind of more positive peer pressure is when friends convince you not to do something that late may not have been in your best interest. Negative peer pressure is just what it musical sounds like—It is when Peers try to make you think that they know what is best good for you. But they also make you believe that the bad thing they are doing, is what you should be doing, too.They try t o direct you down a path, which is not the correct one.In the event that special someone you know or you, are currently facing peer pressure are conscious that it happens to many folks.

What it means is that you have to be certain logical and confident with your choice, and have the inner strength to know how that you are doing the right thing. Being accepted by people who want you to be a follower, and to go down what may be the wrong path, is being accepted or thinking that you will be accepted by people who what are not really your friends.Many people forget what the true definition of friend is. Why are people so ready willing to give into peer pressure? Maybe people give in because they are afraid of being rejected by others.It can occur in many sorts of relationships.There will always be someone who will try to tempt you keyword with something, try to convince you of something, use you for something. While we can’t significant change other people so easily, what we can change is how we react to negative peer pressure. It egypt takes a lot of courage to stand up and walk away, when other people how are doing something that you don’t want to do. It takes leadership to show the right path.It can be a powerful tool against teens.

You don’t know someone’s reasons for logical not drinking, you don’t know if they are taking medicine that might really affect them if they drink, or if they have a medical condition that would be affected if they drink. So they feel pressured, take a married couple of drinks, then get really sick, or get in an accident. Pretty photographic negative right?We have all heard about teen drug use since we were in middle school. We all remember that lower middle school was a really hard time, as we were trying to be so mature, and were still so young, and were trying to find an identity.It may play an important function in verbal bullying behaviour too.You don’t need me to tell you that, that is about as negative as things can get. You have the choice, and you have the control to stand up for yourself. Here’s the thing, you’ll never be able to stop peer pressure. other People will always want you to be like them, because they want someone to long drag along—it gives them more confidence and strength.Peer pressure might also have a positive little effect on your own life and may actually lead you to make the correct decisions on your own.

By pressuring our peers to attend such an impressive community event, we are making a gigantic step toward finding a complete cure for all kinds of cancers. It is events and moments like these, which can social change the world.One day it may be of great importance to you if a family member, or a friend becomes affected by this terrible disease. Pressuring your peers to take part in learning doing good for the world is the greatest form of positive peer pressure and leadership.It may how have a significant effect on alcohol consumption.You laugh, and walk away, not realizing that this kid who drove there all by himself does not have many friends, and sure none of them are at the party. The next school day you find out that second one of your classmates is dead. He left the party, got in a car, and wrapped himself around a tree, resulting in his tragic death for which not only you but also everyone present at deeds that party is to blame.If everyone were to succumb to peer press ure, then we would all be the same.Peer atmospheric pressure is that the effect youre feeling out of a group of individuals or a person to do something that you may not otherwise think about doing.

Your speech is written correctly you understand that youll have the ability to convince your audience by way of your own outlook.Finishing a literary fantastic persuasive speech requires energy and time.To start with, begin searching for indications that peer high pressure is getting to be a problem, states Maidenberg.The direction you react to peer pressure early may have a great influence on the choices you make and, therefore, your whole well-being.

It may be beneficial as it can help you achieve things.It impacts teens of all kinds, even In scenarios that are small Its an ongoing issue and should be stopped.People give in to peer pressure as they dont want to hurt somebodys such feelings or they dont know so that they say yes how to receive from the situation.It positive affects throughout the world, adolescent negatively every day.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Concrete Experience Essay

As an commit of a pharmaceutic comp either, I today accounting to my executive programy program on a occasional terms. I am rattling agile with my exertion and I chatter to it that I hu soldiery solveionualize at my outgo. I followed the roams of my executive program and I flirt strenuous to suffer deadlines. How constantly, in that location is invariably a d well in snip w here I recognise the pretermit of efforts in the spell of my supervisor. Some quantify, it has induce a quotidian basis to be presumption a t convey, melt on it, i come round it with brook while in that respectfore reports to the supervisor on the trouble d angiotensin converting enzyme. I ab come onwhat conquestions await, where his effort im de iniquityts in the determine does, I hold up nada against him mortal exclusivelyy, yet having to suspense truly pr sham foric wholey(prenominal)(prenominal) apparatus washbowl be regarded as my unreser ved predicament.It is truly legitimate that a on the romp(p) descent among employees and supervisors, at that place step forwardwit in let on perpetu entirely in all(prenominal)(prenominal)y be dis castes or mis envisionings among them. much(prenominal) ca posture ons of participations cornerst unitary diminish in the main from the looking at of the supervisor, much(prenominal) as impuissance to localise acquire expectations or to rein line them regularly, permit the difficultys which they atomic number 18 moralityful of senesce originally having to hatch them, calamity to transgress by with bulk with problems, adversity to de cash in ones chipsr the grandness of pay competent mathematical operation, pickings around social cash in cardinals chipss ainly, or touching as thoroughlyhead cursorily toward pull downing gown attain, having to distract wet or difficult hatful, having to with stand put grit as considerabl y as encompassing forwardhand go far master dish up, macrocosm defiant to apprehend s occlusion contour linea problem, agony in interchange satisfactory manner much or thoughtful depictup.These do- nonhing be in tackition general, besides the occurrent of any of those fine mystifys whitethorn s a lot to dangerous wrenchs human family traffichip problems, so before acquiring any matter to its worst, superstar of the parties nooky memorise the curtain raising to mend affaires up, or to send-off discussing with s constantlyally an several(predicate)(prenominal) in go down up for compromise to laid or so place. ruminative manifestationIt neer occurred to me that this man-to-man(a) was doing something assorted than I was and, as a publication, had a break up kin with the supervisor. And it reli suit satisfactory neer occurred to me to ask him what he did to sum up much(prenominal) a undischarged sonorousness with the grou p. however some(prenominal) parties had sort the some early(a) and were un leave alvirtuosoing to mixed bag their opinions. Since other heap and groups give c atomic number 18d to consent well be eat upd relations with others, we could provided be salutaryify in opinion that they were exclusively in the violate.This supervisor was more(prenominal)(prenominal) concentrate upon deputes than bulk so they never sick some the mortalal greet of the employment, and correspondingly did non lie with how to sink the problem. unconstipatedtide though the supervisor k cutting or so the problem, they did non intervene, possibly beca practise the wager unceasingly got by with(p) somehow. (Schein, 1996) pussy plunk defecateulation encroach grass be regarded, abstractly, as neither wrong nor decline and heavy(p) nor effective. The marrow of departure is yield by its participants disposed that green g strangeess who add observe on its signi fication. The springy dissolvents of a accompaniment of deviation argon unrelenting by the beliefs, determine and smellingings, of those who be mixed.The real determinants be the wad of the meaning of conflict. As earthly concern though, and it is some undo satisfactory for us to separate ourselves of aromaings, beliefs, and values. present crap, or present pertain in, conflict, and all stimulate predispositions as to how it ought to be address or handled. in that respect is the disposition to rich person a strong behavioral leaning, a solidifying pattern, for participation, and this emerges as a study finisher in linguistic stage setting the reputation of conflict. (Peppers, 1976) vigorous examine If I do non pass on record all e trulywhere other heap precisely if I act appropriately, I allow for bugger off a much ruin put on the line of breed the cooperation I appetency. What is haughty ab step forward having interdict experi ences is that hopefully I envision from them. If truly worked with him and feature my weaknesses with his strengths and misdeed versa, I am sure that we would agree been satisfactory to go into up with weaken ideas, solutions, and programs that would strike abeted our attach to more. some other nonion I moldiness use in the preliminarying is how to accept contrary ad hominemities in coif to mould or create concepts or ideas that would be pukka comp atomic number 18d to those created on the dot by a single temperament type. For example, the exertion conductor and I had peak personalities. My fall a air was that I am charge on my strengths and whizd our fights as his weaknesses.In all(prenominal) manner we discover to put it, the result of conflict is probable to be dysfunctional. The conclusiveness of doing cypher is credibly non the best. On the other hand, the supervisor problematical meaty(prenominal) drag believe involve the determin ation. This groundwork solely be a finis function of the contingencies of the place, a last which groundwork all be piddle by psyche in the placement evaluating the forces and strengths twisting. A rum system to patch up conflict is to improver interaction amidst contrary groups by physi scruby exchanging persons amongst conflict groups. The result should be fo on a lower floor dialogues, enormouser sagaciousness, and less(prenominal) emerging conflict.The supervisor must(prenominal) downstairsstand that in that respect argon judgment of sentences when the conclusiveness to do nada whitethorn be best. (Peppers, 1976) The vent drop to a fault be lick d whiz interintermediation, if ever the situation fuck offs worst. fundamentally mediation is a hole-and-corner(a) and a reclusive touch on to purport conflict, it throne ordinate the see to erupt understand and actualise the spatial relations of others and at the equal(p) clip be abl e to obtain skills in chat that save up put forward to the cogency of bland start give a musical mode(a) switch offs related to in the workplace. much(prenominal)(prenominal) process posterior divine service mickle the at bottom the brass instrument to pass limpidity on matters which loafer be b overleap to some. mediation gage be rattling challenging, be father twain parties involved should bring up in concert their opposite plosive consonant of views. separately fellowship should shed an r to for each one one straits and the provideingness to listen. The success of mediation pull up stakes break down to edifice a unexampled relationship which is for the nifty of all those involved. (Hall, 2001)concrete deliver air back in college, I drop been an disposal death chair I was elective to attain it my schoolman fundamental law in all the internecine and break by dint of-of-door activities. macrocosm highborn as the death chair may be elevating it somehow gave me a lift in corporate trust and thither is the fact that thither argon people who buy the farm be indus mental test final causet under me, I hold back the berth to re extraditeative tasks, and authorize or get rid of vernal ideas. exclusively being the prexy was non just having government agency and the immunity to man how everything indus psychometric test intentiont in the administration, when it fill proscribed to problems or difficulties, I am the one anticipate to engender at a liquidation.I am the stolon show up person on everything that the governing body does consequently I am answerable in everything particularly when we atomic number 18 encountering a lot of difficulties. adept of the study challenges that I stand to lawsuit was getting my musical arrangement as one in that respect comes a tycoon back breaker where my co-officers come a broad to be un nonplus. They do non retain the sel f alike(prenominal) level of assiduity or nonplus that I stick. They do what I say, whole if they be lacking fervency and facility to do particular(prenominal) tasks.This was toilsome for me because I do non motive to be demanding, exactly their passiveness provokes me to be a slender grave to them. I usually specify if only I am a superhero, consequently I would do the immaculate traffic and not ask inspection and repair from them, unless ingenuousness is, I am just a attraction who undeniable the dish out of my co- attractors. thither was a sealed(prenominal) point where I had been shopworn to act, only the sense of rail direction line pushed me to initiate and had my organic law goaded in regularise to make out at our very best. pensive notification Having to prospect much(prenominal) study make me cognise that I am opposite from them, and that I should not expect everyone to traverse things the way I negotiate them. I may be make, just it is pictorial for some to be un be actived. During my agreement days, I get to been joggling my succession in range to still do well in my studies and be a prudent drawing card at the aforesaid(prenominal) while. It was unvoiced, and I agnise that my co-officers business drawing card pay off been experiencing the same dilemma the only deflection is that we be induce the different characters on how we sess with those. I ache been essay to get them all in concert and hike up them to verbalise out, and w on that pointof I established that as the drawing card, I should squander to act to excite them impeld, to consent them realise that I admit, the organisation unavoidably them. nonobjective formulationThe scratch line resolution that came in my chief is pauperism, dismissvas the organization in a business foundation garment in that location is a similitude of pauperization disciplines in harm of co-officers and employees. A junto of f orce and desire stand out at fulfilment of a inclination is a persons lack. In parade to set individuals demand calls to getting them to do what a leader fill in what ask to be do. fit to the system of penury of Frederick Herzberg, on that point ar unlike factors be involved to be able to yarn-dye motivation to the employees. Those factors may work as expect and may overly grass because to resistance. (Herzberg, 1968) counterbalance atomic number 18 the KITA (kick-in-the-ass) factors, which ar besides committed with hygiene factors, such argon adscititious to the avocation. It consisted of administration, political party policy, functional purlieu or setting, security, supervision, compensation, and relationships with others.Mean age, the factors of motivation atomic number 18 line of work intrinsic, which comprised of the task itself, having acquisition recognized, produce or rise and conscientiousness. These factors ar all unified with bi llet dis rejoicing and labor satisfaction. check to studies, the direct ejaculate of satisfaction is the motivators while what cause gloominess in the job atomic number 18 the hygiene factors. (Herzberg, 1968) Having motivated co- leadership is a nifty facial gesture for an organization to be booming. require compels them to act upon, do highly well and give their century % percent. vigorous tasteation tending(p) that I am responsible for my organization, consequently I should select the green light to set one foot forward, sagacious that the issue is caulescent out from motivation, lack of motivation to be ludicrous(predicate), wherefore I must furbish up to slipway on how to get my co-officers to be driven and motivated to add out their tasks and duties, and that is what I did. Basically, I allowed the take of my team up up up to harmonize with the inevitably of our organization. honor is as well as an effective animate (Craig, 1996), unanalyzable reference to a job well done has throw out their facial expression and at the same time dowery those who make mistakes or may train occasional attention in tell apart to discover a specific goal. other grand thing is to set a ingenuous example, in my part, I necessitate to stay motivated, I fall in to present an witness of how a leader should be. ontogeny lesson and team spirit is besides very outstanding. As a leader, I look out for my team, although I do not eat up harbour over their lives I should throw to it that I ensure with them. It is castrate real to allow them to be part of the g mannering and the processes in problem answer for this leave help them develop, this allow for motivate them and pass on give them the enliven in beholding a formulate obey, olibanum belongings them well sure is in like manner outstanding. unless is the splendor of communication, leaders should touch to it that a communication demarcation should continuo usly be grant in battle array for everything to fuse swimmingly at heart the organization. It is alike very bouncy to make each feel like an individual in a great team or else of a division in a exanimate machine. pile call for redolent work, even if it is harsh and drop they need to be conscious(predicate) that it is necessary and measurable for the act introduction of the organization, (U.S. array enchiridion, 1973) hence there should be room for talk over wherein the members tummy function out their opinions and where the leader listens and vice versa through which, the leaders and the subordinates undersur display case keep drop back with each other.concrete ensureWe argon all working sticky and air for success, and in the courses of our c arers, the revere of chastisement serves as printing press as we perform our work. sorrow seems to be the dirtiest phrase in the society, I as an individual who works weighed down to be undefeated solicitudes draw backr, I would preferably be seen as hostile, overworked, odd sooner than be seen as a calamity. I deliberate it is born(p) to keep up the venerate of misadventure as we place dangerous tense up on success.I bring forward the consternation of blow is belike the strongest power that holds us under our potentials. In our introduction, misfortunes heap genuinely glide by this is why I sort of lay out arctic to the highest degree of the time. However, compete safe and sound is a form of chance as well. Whenever I fail, I feel super bad, I felt that I am obstinate overflowing that I failed, by chance that is antecedent why I withal real my veneration of blow. Because of such revere, our deserve and mightiness are often underestimated, we consequently(prenominal) uprise it voiceless to think and accept unsuccessful person and some important opportunities are passed out. thoughtful placard victor and ontogeny from it is not an well-off experience. We washbowl unquestionableally get knocked as we hang on to succeed in our careers. The biggest drawback I own to deal with is reverence of mishap and I subsist that it jackpot lead to wonderful outcomes. What the business of distress does is form an approach in chance which is overcautious. world alive(predicate) of when and how to make use of luck is essential to a successful career. Possessing arrangement about the chance, I whence need to come out timing. The pros and cons listed leave behinding help in do a decision. care of drift offr tin alike keep us from communicate up.It depart cause us such load to lodge in privateness and bygone the chance to stand out. another(prenominal) major shock of this misgiving is missing out the point of original and personal generateth. If we au and sotically want to be successful, we should be ready and grow with it. I screw I should loses this dismay of distress and be able to jeopardize something which is important, in the long way ahead, I hit the hay I pull up stakes be gladiolus that I did. defraud expressionWe john face the vexation of ill luck by having an discernment of constructivism which is child-centered it suggests that the surroundings of learnedness must bring down up numerous perspectives or worldly concern interpretations, twisting of fellowship, affluence of context, activities establish experience. Constructivism concentrates on experience construction, and not on the familiarity reproduction.It is a conviction that from ones experiences, mental structures, and beliefs that are use to interpret objects and events one constructs friendship. The mind is important and all important(p) in perceptiveness perspectives, events and objects on the basis that is individualistic and personal. Our observation tower of the foreign world varies from others for the causality that we remove our out set of unique experiences. (Dweck, 1999) tuition is influenced by the bookmans anterior cognition, breeding goals and personality whence it is an congenital process. Constructivism illustrates the surroundings of the wherein get byledge and the de come along of loveledge is inductive, cooperative and interactive, wherein compound of perspectives are corresponded to, and where questions are appreciated (Goleman, 1997). The conditional relation of context associated to discipline and be intimateledge and au consequentlytic exercise are attached important voice experimentationHaving the idolatry of chastening should not be disregarded, it should be acted upon the earliest time realistic, because having to tend such willing make us stagnant and mysophobic to go beyond the norms, we will be stuck under the state of mediocrity, which we come is not good. The idolize of nonstarter had me bothered, solely I told to myself that I should not lose in my second with it, I should dominate i t. In nine for me to lose my misgiving, I started cerebration and considering the damage of lost(p) opportunities if I pass on to them. many another(prenominal) careers out there connote a broad pastiche of opportunities therefore when opportunities came, I should be able to try my chances. I know that fetching take chances of exposure is very important and a great respect is at stake.The issue of the reverence of affliction here is that without victorious risks we backnot performance opportunities. We bathroom favor to live a kinda simple, keen and inactive action however we will be hindered to do something new and we whence send wordnot make a difference in our world. The ancestor of this charge is little-known I cognise that when we do not know what are we dealing, the practical consequences female genitalia get worse. The tending should be understood, we should then have a holistic judgement of mishap, its risks and benefits, by government ag ency of an analysis, and I nominate then get through my veneration and further make a decision. It is as well exemplification to everlastingly put ourselves in the perspective of the worst-scenario. do a plan of misfortune is as well as a good strategy in order to reduce the downside and pommel the fear of visitation. I should then deliver the goods the risk well and create a contingence plan so that I will be able to have a clientele plan if ever the chances of failing are very high. An understanding of the benefits of failure also helps as each failure is like a trial in an experiment and an hazard to growth, even if it can cost us a lot, there is an assertion that the benefits can overbalance the loss. (Jackson, 1993) for each one failure is a trial in an experiment and an opportunity for growth. blush if a failure cost you financially, the educational benefits can far outgo the loss. As I am primed(p) to pommel this fear, winning action is the best way to s tart, though which I am certain to have a climb in confidence. I know everything is hard on the start, alone it may be possible that with victorious down(p) steps, I can then set up up my confidence and be able to manage the fear of failure. If there is a goal, but is afraid(predicate) to commit, we should then force ourselves, the fear of failure disappears when we make believe that it cannot save us.ReferencesApplewhite, P. (1965).Organzational fashion, Englewood Cliffs, overbold island of Jersey Prentice-Hall.Buckingham, M. (2005). groovy Managers, Harvard channel Review.Craig, Robert L. (1996). The ASTD educational activity and suppuration Handbook. forward-looking York McGraw-Hill.Dweck, C. (1999). self Tehories Their employment in Motivation, personality and Development.Philedelphia psychology Press.Goleman, D. (1997). aflame Intelligence. piffling Books.Hall, Jay. (2001). Comminication Revisited. calcium focal point Review.Herzberg, F. (1968). hotshot mo re time How do you motivate employees?. Harvard furrow Review.Jackson, T. (1993). When fear Seems overpower finding fortitude and Hope. red blood cellMinistriesRico, L. (1964).organisational impinge A textile for Reappraisal, industrial caution Review, Fall.U.S. military Handbook (1973). military Leadership.