Monday, September 30, 2019

Intro to Psychology Essay

I. Describe: Anxiety is something I have been dealing with since I was in my childhood. I never fully understood anxiety until it started getting worse as I got into my adolescent stage. I had talked to my mom and grandma about it a lot of times to make sure I was okay. I have been through several both anxiety and panic attacks. I have been one to worry about everything. Pathological anxiety and fear was very random for me. I never understood what was going on. Growing up whenever I would learn something new an example is, my aunt had a tumor in her armpit and it started as a lump. I one time had a small bump and instantly worried myself that it was a tumor to. Another example is whenever I go to busy places like a restaurant or the mall I start to get a very nervous feeling and start to panic. I used to get real bad panic attacks to different places that whenever I would be on my way there I would freak myself out so much I would throw up. A third example that I didn’t realize was anxiety until I got older was I used to be very nervous about going to middle school. Like I said earlier I worry a lot so I would start to worry about the silliest things like people making fun of me for something I would do or say. Before I would go to school I would start getting a real bad stomachache and sometimes I would just go home and I suddenly felt better. Describing anxiety is very difficult. It took many years until I realized I was actually going through it. II. Explain: My anxiety is very continuum. I can be fine at some places, but other times I can go into a panic attack randomly. I think a lot of this started whenever I was talking to my mom and grandma they were telling me how they both have it, my sisters, my brother, and also my dad has it. So, it’s all in my family. I believe that everyone has a small part of anxiety in them some is just worse than others. I used to have a very high anxiety before I would g o on a date. I would be scared to death and have panic attacks sometimes I wouldn’t even be able to go on a date because I would freak myself out so bad. My mom was really worried about me she thought I had a generalized anxiety disorder so I went to the doctors to get medicine. My dad has anxiety and doesn’t like to be in large crowds or he will start to panic, but he will never admit that to me. He is a very strong-headed person and doesn’t believe anxiety exists. Mine actually just gets bad in certain restaurants, around certain people, and sometimes it comes out of nowhere. The other day at work there was no one in there I just started worrying about small things and next thing I knew I was having a small panic attack. My cognitive bias was just overreacting about small things. The worst thing to ever go through is an anxiety attack. You start to have a heightened physiological arousal, high-strung temperament, and neurochemical imbalance. I literally thought I was dying whenever I was going through one. III. Predict: I thought I was going to go through something more serious then just anxiety if I didn’t do a nything about it. I thought I was going to have depression because I wouldn’t go out and do things because my anxiety would take a toll on me. I thought something even more serious as PTSD. I would stress myself out thinking I was so different and never going to be a normal girl that could go on dates or just go somewhere with friends. The worst part was this all started getting severe in my senior year of high school. So my friends are all going out having fun and I’m just freaking myself out. I worked on a problem-focus coping and realizing what was wrong with me and what I needed to do to not let this bring me down during my senior year. I was adapting to these new changes in my life and starting to realize anxiety is something I have to deal with for the rest of my life. IV Change: I tried to just avoid it all together. I would look up ways on the Internet to avoid getting panic attacks or how to calm my anxiety, but nothing worked. My grandma always told me whenever she would have e ither a panic attack or anxiety attack that she would just remind herself to calm down and tell her self that she is okay. I honestly thought I was the only one in this world that had anxiety and was afraid of everything. I never told anyone except my close friends and family about it cause I didn’t know how other people would take it. When going to restaurants I would counter condition everything and tell myself I was okay and over time anxiety wasn’t as bad. I did a lot of cognitive restructuring as well. I would think of different things I could do to start over coming this anxiety. I started talking to other people about it and hearing that other people have anxiety and deal with the same things I do made me feel like I wasn’t the only one going through it. Dealing with this I knew that systematic desensitization was out of the question. I knew that I didn’t need help from someone hired to help me. I knew I could get through this. I started to just ignore it. Oddly, my anxiety actually went away for a while when I started dating my boyfriend. My mom had told him about my anxiety before we went on our first date and with him knowing and didn’t judge me I felt so much more comfortable. When we went out he did everything he could to make me feel comfortable and I thought it was the sweetest thing. Now that we have been together for a while I don’t get anxiety or panic attacks as frequent as I used to. I still have them sometimes and I just talk myself out of them, or I will talk to him and they will go away cause my mind is distracted. I am starting to completely overcome them although I know deep down I am always going to worry about thing and have a slight sense of anxiety within me. I have a different attitude about things and try not to let my anxiety get the best of me when I go places.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Path of Accounting

The career field I chose is finance. In a career of finance there are a number of different tasks I would potentially have to do. Accountants and other jobs in the field of finance have to keep track of money and records of companies. In finance you mainly provide financial services to businesses. It may require one to give advice to executives of businesses on better ways to operate their business. To have a Career in finance it is a must to be good at math and great at dealing with/analyzing numbers and data. If you are not good at math or with numbers then being is good in this career will be nearly impossible because you won’t be able to analyze the data you are presented with, which will probably make everything seem foreign because you lack understanding.Most importantly, a career in finance requires honesty. Having access to other people’s and other businesses’ money is a serious task to be placed with. That responsibility is not one to be lightly or one t hat allows the chance for mistakes. My career goal is to be a financial accountant. I have wanted to be an accountant as long as I can remember. I’ve always wanted to be an accountant because I am good at math. To be an accountant my career field would have to be finance and I could choose business and management, but I would definitely have to do finance. Finance and accounting is offered at every university, so I wouldn’t really have finding a school. The job requirement of an accountant is all dealing with finance.As an accountant, it is your job to provide financial information to the management you work for. To do this, an accountant researches and analyzes data and has to prepare reports for the company. Keeping track of the financial records on the company is also a part of being an accountant. Another point of emphasize is the importance of interning at a bank or business to gain experience in the field of accounting.I would most likely be an accountant in the states of New York, Ohio, or Wisconsin. I would like to work not too close to Chicago, but not too far away either. According to US the monthly salaries in the states of Wisconsin and Ohio are $4, 052 and $3,812 respectively. In New York the monthly salary is $7,476. The highest salary  for an accountant is in New York at $89,720 followed by New Jersey and San Francisco at $87,120 and $86,230 respectively.Other forms of accountants I am interested in is being a forensic accountant and management accountant. As a forensics accountant it is ones job to analyze and access data to help solve crimes. It also requires you to detect any signs or forms of fraud that could lead to anything. Watching show many crime shows have shed lights on forensic accounting for me, which is why I have become so interested in it. Being a management accountant is much like a financial accountant. I would just work with the managers of businesses or corporations more often and provide them with in formation to help them make the right decision to benefit their company.I would just come up with all the strategies to help improve the company than work with the manager to get the right decision made, so my work space would be different. Instead of being at a desk on a computer I would have to make representation of data in charts on boards, computer, poster, and etc. This would also result in me spending time in the meeting rooms with executives and managers than other accountants would. The semester credits I am requires to earn depends on what the college itself requires, although most colleges will require me to have 150 semester credits from a university according to Accounting Coach â€Å"CPA requirements†.After I gain enough credit myself and anyone else striving to become an accountant is required to take the CPA exam and cannot begin working as an accountant until they pass it. The CPA exam is followed by an Ethic Exam and they both really test on if one’s readiness for a career in accounting. After passing these two test which are both advised to take as soon as one can while all the info is still fresh, you can start your career in accounting. An accountant usually work twelve hour shifts in their place of business at an computer analyzing data, consulting with managers, or studying data that is given to them, which can be boring if you don’t enjoy math.One of the colleges I am interested in attending to become an accountant is The Ohio State University located in Columbus, Ohio. According to Forbes Top the GPA requirement for is a 3.6 and the ACT requirement is about a 26 with that being the average. Another of their requirements is for incoming students have to at least have taken two years of a foreign language class, preferably the same language, so that they be fluent in one language instead of mediocre in many.The cost of tuition and  fees at The Ohio State University is $26,726 and when you include books, room and things it all adds up to $44,215. Being such a big school Ohio State accepts 64% of its applicants and 93% of freshman return for their second year. The four year graduation rate is 51% and the six year graduation rate is 80%. Graduation rate for African American students is 73%. My second school is Stanford University which is located in Stanford, California.In Stanford University pamphlet the average GPA and ACT scores for people accepted into Stanford is a 3.6 and a 31. Tuition is $43,245 and student population is large at 17, 833 with 52% being males and 10% being African Americans. The big fact is Stanford on accepts about 8% of its applicants and of those they accept 98% return after their first year. The four year graduation rate is 80% and the six year graduation rate is 93% which I didn’t know was higher than Ohio State’s because of how tough a school it is. The graduation rate for males is 94% and 92% for African Americans.The last school I selected is the University of Wisconsin-Madison which is located, exactly where the name of the school says, Madison, Wisconsin. The University of Wisconsin and Ohio State is like I said about the job, I would like to attend school not too far from Chicago, but not too close either. Forbes Top shows that the total population is 41,946 with 46% of that being males and 3% being African Americans. The cost for tuition is $40,012. The average GPA is a 3.4 and for my desired major it is 3.5 while the average ACT is a 26. 94 of its students come back for their second year, while the transfer rate is 12%. The four year graduation rate is 52% and the six year graduation rate is 80%. The graduation rate for males at the University of Wisconsin is 82% and the graduation rate for African American students is 78%.My end goal is to become a financial accountant after college. I know attending The Ohio State University will definitely help me achieve this goal because they have one of the bet ter accounting programs in the country. I’ve gotten to visit the school and sit in on an accounting class, so I have first-hand experience of what it’s like. Out of the information and things I learned about all three schools I picked, The Ohio State University is the most appealing to me. Having over 90% graduation rates for males and African Americans is the numbers that really jump out at me, but that doesn’t mean if I go to The Ohio State University that the journey will be easy.It may  be the best fit or my top choice, but there are still obstacles like the size of Ohio State. A school with over 55,000 students will be a big adjustments from anywhere, but I have just have to keep looking ahead to my end goal. The next step I need to take in order to reach my goal is continue to develop my skills not only in math, but also work to improve my ACT score so I can get what I need to be accepted into Ohio State. I already have a lot of skills that I need to pur suit my career like being superb in math, great at analyzing data, and dealing with charts and graphs.I feel I have great self-discipline which I believe everyone must have before they even think of going to college, but I still need to greatly improve in lots of things. I must continue to work on my social skills because being at college with thousands of college can be even more difficult than it already will and I will work to be better at not procrastinating because at times I may wait for the last moment to do things because it seems easy or I get too confident with my ability to do work quick, so I put it off until the last minute. I need to continue to stay focused and take advantage of the many opportunities  I have presented to me. This includes ACT prep, college visits, extra-curricular activities, and any other program offered to me.Though, my most important thing to do to help me achieve my goal right now it to just simply focus on what I need to do right now in high s chool because that is what’s most important right now. I can face my care path and continue to work closer to my end goal when I get to that point, but I still have to get to that step and I must finish high school to do it. While researching for this project I realized all the information I’ve had to research is nothing, but beneficial to me and achieving my goals. I’ve learned things about these colleges I didn’t know and learned of what is required of me to get accepted into the colleges of my choosing and what is required of me to strive in the career of my choosing.The process of doing this paper has helped me to learn of all the things I still need to work on and what I still need to achieve. Before this paper I thought I knew everything of what was required to be an accountant an attend the colleges of my choice, but doing this project has shed light on things I didn’t know and informed me that there are still things I still need to learn mo re about and continue to work on because I’m not where I need to be yet. There are many obstacles in place that I still  must face and overcome before I can reach my end goal of becoming a financial accountant, but doing this project has made the long journey to achieving my goal that I have ahead a lot easier than it would’ve been.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Of mice and men typicallity Comparison Essay

How typical is this passage of the ways in which Steinbeck uses detail to make readers think about events and characters? (27) This passage contains many techniques and figurative details typical of those Steinbeck has used throughout the novel Of Mice And Men. For example the use of light to suggest what is about to occur, reflecting the mood of the writing accompanying it completely. For example â€Å"sun streaks high†¦light†¦soft† has a very deep meaning, and goes along way to suggest what is to occur in the scene; with the height of the sun metaphorically showing the lateness of the hour for someone in the novel. Here it is almost certainly used to show what is to become of Lennie, with the light from the sun, the source of all life on earth fading and growing weak, implying metaphorically that his life is nearing its end; that his time at the ranch is about to be cut short, just as it had in every job that had preceded them. The use of natural imagery to show inevitability is not an unusual occurrence in this novel, with the â€Å"narrow beams of light† that are referred to here as â€Å"sun streaks† used earlier in this scene, during the discussion between Lennie and Curley’s wife used to portray prison bars, suggesting this time that it is impossible for her to escape her fate, that just like so many other times in this novel, death is inevitable. The way that Curley’s wife has been portrayed throughout this novel, as a flirt and trouble maker, is explored here in a very interesting way, with Steinbeck taking advantage of what had taken place to her to offer an element of alternate interpretation on her character; allowing her, through death, to tell her own story; a very different one to the one woven by the ranch hands. One the one hand how she was in life is stated obviously and with no hint of delicacy, the â€Å"meanness and ache†¦attention† that was apparently shown on her face offering a very simple look upon the superficial side of her character, but written in an ironically superficial style, allowing for the first time a hint at her true self to be displayed; a side that had by no means been explored before hand. In death, it seems that Steinbeck wanted to show how she could have been, how she and other women perhaps would be if not for the distraction, if not for the false sense of purpose installed in their heads by men. In death she is alone, alone with no need for the make up, the glamour or the sense that she is inadequate. When she has no one to impress, when there is no one left for her to aspire to or feel a need to impress she is â€Å"pretty and simple†, â€Å"sweet and young†, a far cry from the â€Å"jail bait† that she was referred to earlier in the novel. This viewpoint is one that was not offered by Steinbeck whilst she was alive, and so from that point of view this extract is highly atypical, and is the sole place in the novel that offers a chance to look upon women caught up in such situations as equally unfortunate and suppressed as the men that shared their fate. The briefness of this idea in the novel is deliberate, showing the discrimination women suffered from in the 1930’s – an idea explored consistently throughout this novel. The use of animalistic imagery is also highly typical of the novel, with the use of the â€Å"Shepard bitch† and the â€Å"pigeon† in this scene highly typical of the novel. Steinbeck uses these animals in a way as such to show that they appear to have a degree of intelligence, an ability to feel foreboding where as Lennie, who was also subjected to anthropomorphosis by Steinbeck, and yet had no power to see what was to occur, no power to leave when was necessary â€Å"the pigeon circled then flew out† , † the bitch†¦caught dead scent†¦scampered away†. In short lennie, despite all his characteristics, possesses less ability to asses a situation and its dangers than the simplest of animals. This is a confusing message, as he is presented with many animalistic qualities throughout the novel, however it is justifiable in that he is portrayed, crucially through metaphor as almost animalistic (â€Å"paw like hands†): He retains features and certain characteristics, and yet possesses none of the survival instinct, none of the ability to interpret a situation, no sense of flight and/or fight (shown by his need to be instructed to harm Curley in the barn († go on Lennie, fight back you crazy son of a bitch†)). He is innocent as the purest of animal, the simplest of minds, and yet this seemingly perfect existence has catastrophic effect on the lives of the two men – he is incompatible with human life, with society and as such he is tragically driven from it by the man who gave so much in an attempt to integrate him, his counterpart George. The demise of Lennie, the nature of it and the inevitability of such an occurrence are also highlighted through use of animals, giving more evidence to the typicality of this extract in comparison to the rest of the novel. Candys dog is slain by a third party, and the greatest regret of candy is that he did not take his own dogs life. The similarities between the fates of the dog and lennie are blinding and it is through this that it is made tragically evident what is to occur to lennie, and who it must be to do it: George must be the one to end his suffering, the one to send him to a better place, one where perhaps, he will be compatible. Steinbeck follows the conformations of descriptive writings with his work, and appeals to the senses of the reader in order to create the desired effects. He did so during the scene of the murder, where the minutes running up to, and the time immediately thereafter containing no sound, only a deadly silence with not even an animal present to disturb the deathly silence. He does so here too by manipulating the effects of sound, and the constant of time, deliberately altering their behaviour perhaps with ironic motive; if only there had been people present outside to cause noise at the time of the murder, someone to hear her scream; if only there had been a possibility for time to stand still, for enough time to pass in the barn for George to come and rescue Lennie, as he has done so often before. The need to silence the noise outside, the omission of even a whimper from the puppies who were present in the barn suggests such a motive is possible, and that here, like in so many other places in the novel, the sound, or the lack of it, is highly relevant. Just as the â€Å"heron swooped silently† to catch the wriggling water snake, so here silence prevails, a silence that shows intention on Steinbecks part, tragedy on the part of Lennie and is a perfect reflection of the readers mindset in reading the scene; aware what was to occur there, perfectly capable of deducing from the many escalating signs that it was coming, and yet still silenced by the reality of something so innocent as Lennie committing such an atrocity. The use of sound and time then is not merely a typical feature this passage shares with the rest of the novel; it is an integral feature that naturally they all have in common.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Finding and Evaluating Business Opportunities Case Study

Finding and Evaluating Business Opportunities - Case Study Example Thus, in 1993, both Tim and Brad Larson had the advantages of experience in managing businesses, making investments and securing bank loans using the seller’s assets as collateral. However, as the case study suggests, all their potential target companies are small in size (valued at less than $5-$6 million each). Besides, each candidate business was involved in a specific business segment and was affected by either limited or unseasonal sales. Thus, the Larsons are expected to flourish the most through the focus niche strategy. This strategy is the most applicable as all target firms currently do not enjoy a wide scope in terms of cost leadership or differentiation. By adopting a focus strategy, the Larsons can focus their experience and limited resources on a defined business or market segment. Besides, the focus strategy works best for smaller companies and can be implemented with a focus on either differentiation or cost. Most suitable company for purchase The profile of ea ch of the four companies shall be evaluated to identify the most suitable company for purchase (all discussions are with respect to the year 1993). Landscape Products manufactures a number of products and is operating at full capacity. While the labour costs are cheap, the demand is rather seasonal in nature. The company had been in operation for over 12 years and was managed by experienced owners. However, the company depended on supplies from certain lumber mills and there is no reason given for the unusual closure of some of these mills, which had a direct impact on the production output at Landscape. Hence, there is some uncertainty over when production levels would pick up and whether Landscape would be in a position to reduce its dependence on these mills and seek alternatives. Fairway Outfitters has a huge client list and shows a strong potential for growth in the future. Information from customers also indicated that they are satisfied with the services provided by Fairway. However, the small size of its workforce when compared to its long client list indicates that a strong reason for the company’s growth could be the experience and skill of its founder, who is now interested in managing some private golf courses. The fact that the founder does not have confidence in handing over the management to one of his staff members adds to this doubt. Richmond’s Snacks has performed considerably well within the snacks industry over a long period. These figures were achieved even though the company’s market was limited to the mid west. The company is however affected by a high level of seasonal sales. While there is a huge potential for growth (expansion into new regions, improving production capacity etc) at low investments, the company was being sold due to a struggle between the owner and his sons. It may therefore be advisable to evaluate any litigation that may exist before considering this company for purchase. Although Teletechâ€℠¢s product and operational procedure sound simple and interesting, it is a concept currently in development. The product is yet to be introduced into the market and there is no information or certainty if the product will succeed in evoking any interest among consumers. In fact, the company is in the process of testing the product and the actual product is to be introduced only after 8 months. Besides, the owner of Teletech was asking a steep price although the components involved in producing the product and related components are not very expensive. Based on the above considerations, Richmond’s Snacks is recommended for purchase among the four candidate firms as it produces a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How Coca-Cola Motivate Its Employees Research Paper

How Coca-Cola Motivate Its Employees - Research Paper Example The researcher states that since its inception in 1886, Coca-Cola had been patronized by millions of consumers globally. Now in its 129 years of business existence, Coca-Cola has announced organizational changes to enable sustaining market leadership in a mature market. The ability of the organization to institute strategies that adapt and adjust to changing needs of the times affirm their competencies of its leaders to manage change in an ever-transforming global environment. Previous news items announced Coca-Cola’s strategic changes in terms of reorganization of operating structure, as well as changes in leadership compositions. Other ventures in acquiring beverage companies were also noted; in conjunction with venturing â€Å"into unfamiliar territories, hoping for potential future growth†. The Coca-Cola Company has reported providing its employees with a comprehensive benefits package which includes the following: health and welfare, protection for the unexpected, workplace incentives, adoption assistance and quality-of-life benefits, and finally, financial rewards. Under the health and welfare benefits, the official website of the organization stipulated that the following incentives are provided to the employees: â€Å"Medical, Dental, Accidental Death & Dismemberment, Group Life Insurance, Dependent Life Insurance, Flexible Spending Accounts, Business Travel Accident Insurance, Short-Term Disability, Long-Term Disability, Survivors Benefits Program and an Employee Assistance Program with confidential counseling services†. Moreover, the financial rewards include educational benefits, retirement plans, discounts and conveniences, rewards and recognition, as well as Matching Gifts Program. The current workforce was reported to include as much as 130,600 associates and more than 700,000 system employees worldwide. With diverse plans to expand into other unfamiliar territories, it could be deduced that the workforce would continue to gro w and would adapt to the changing needs of the times. From among the announced changes, the composition of leaders was noteworthy. The North America market was divided into two (2) operating units: Coca-Cola North America and Coca-Cola Refreshments, which were led by newly appointed leaders. Likewise, another operating structure, the Coca-Cola Americas, was reported to cease in existence; where the affected structure, the Latin America group was allegedly transferred under the jurisdiction of Coca-Cola International.

Antient Ages in Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Antient Ages in Anthropology - Essay Example Asian and European people were among the first to use the metal technology. Due to this, and the constant interaction between men, the technology had o spread through other parts of the world even though at a very slow rate. Some of the tools that came with the invention of metals include; spears, swords, arrow heads knife, and farming implements like hoes ploughs etc. These tools were stronger than stone tools and made work much easier to complete. For example when people went to war, spears and arrows were used against the enemies who was some distance off. Knifes were used for cutting meat as well as trimming grass and other thorny areas not to forget that they acted as digging instruments to dig out weeds (Maret, 39).After the metal age, came the METAL BRONZE AGE. This type of technology was mainly used by Asians and Africans around 3rd BC. It was used to make chariots, tablets for writing on as well as housing materials. At this moment of time, copper was invented. Copper later became the most valuable metal due to its ability to conduct electricity.Bronze was used in palaces to make cups, trays, statues of kings, plates, table’s kilns pots, floors and armor for the soldiers who went to battle (Wolf, 89). Anthropology is all about man’s existence all through times to the present day. It describes the technological trends that man has been able to go through to be in his present position. The ages can be described as the STONE AGE 2nd BC from Ethopia to Egypt in Africa .

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Genetics and Cancer Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genetics and Cancer - Assignment Example Fever and headache reveal that the leukemia cells have spread up to the spinal cord. According to McCance & Huether (2014) chemotherapy and drug administration are the most appropriate treatment for this patient (p. 392-401). The commencement of modern cancer treatment revealed that pediatric and adult cancers have a considerable degree of variation. A chief variation is the higher 5-year survival rate for common pediatric cancers, when compared to common adult cancers. Current therapy of pediatric cancer cases, for instance acute lymphoblastic leukemia, have revealed a 5 year survival rate of children; as compared to adults who have the same condition to have a lower than 5 years survival rate. Childhood leukemia was viewed as a fatal condition 50 years ago, but currently approximately 70% of children with this condition have been cured (Agabegi & Ring, 2013 p. 355). Medical improvements have been made in the treatment of childhood cancers; however, little advancement has been made in adult cancer. This explains why adult cancer victims’ survival rate has remained constant during the years. Thus, due to the improvements done on pediatric cancer, there is a survival divergence with adult cancer; m aking adult cancer a public health concern (McCance & Huether, 2014 p. 442- 446). Adult and childhood cancers differ by phenotype and genotype. In addition, the physiologic anatomy and co-morbid medical conditions varies between adults and children. A biological difference between adult and pediatric cancers is via the microscopic observation of the cells. On observation, adult cancers are carcinomas originating from epithelial tissue. This includes breast, lung, ovarian, prostate, colo-rectal, and uterine. Childhood cancers are sarcomas originating from non- ectodermal embryonal tissue; this includes nerve tissue, lymph glands, bone marrow, muscle, and bone. In addition, the dichotomies of adults are mature, and that of children are embryonic (Brashers, 2006 p.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mental Process Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mental Process Paper - Essay Example In this paper, we shall discuss the influence of five forces on the basic development of mental models and mindsets, and a comparative analysis will be conducted to highlight the four styles of creative intelligence. Mental Process: In an organization concern authoritative bodies are responsible to carry out decision making process effectively, for which it is vital that ones thoughts must go through the process of verbalizing and then implementation of designed plan. Such a process is known as a mental process, which does also include five forces such as environmental, hereditary, education, genetic and past experiences (Young, 2011). These are important elements reflect upon the actions, reactions and thinking patterns of an individual. These five elements considerably influence the basic development of mental models and mindsets. Influences of Five Forces: We shall now briefly discuss each element to highlight their effects on the cognitive patterns of individuals working in an or ganization and responsible to contribute in the decision making processes of the company. Environment: Environment plays a key role in altering cognition and perceptions of employees towards particular format or decision. Scholars have noticed that environment has much intense impact on mindsets than any other force of mental process. It is mainly because the environment in which a child is brought greatly reflects his/her personality. Similarly the work environment highly contributes to encourage or de-motivate employees for their dedication towards the assigned task in the office (Wadsworth Media, 2009). Hereditary: Heredity is considered to set limitations for enhancement of characteristics. It is believed that individuals get personality traits from their parents, which influence each aspect of their life. Sometimes, intelligence and other extraordinary qualities are inherited to the individuals that help them in understanding situations and requirements in more efficient manner and as a result, such workers contribute proficiently at the work place and help generate innovative thoughts for work processes (Wadsworth Media, 2009). Education: Education is another very important element of model process as some researchers believe that education dominates all other factors. Education provides a sense of development and understanding things from wider-spectrum (Wadsworth Media, 2009). It strengthens and widens the vision of individuals, and helps them make decisions efficiently with a complete understanding of the complex situation and proficient plan required for company's sustainability. Genetics: Personalities of the individuals are genetically determined, which include mental and physical characteristics that make mindset of people different from each other. The genetic uniqueness of different employees in an organization sometime creates perplexing conditions to cooperate with each other during chaotic time (Wadsworth Media, 2009). Past Experience: As eve ry individual is brought up in different environment with diverse experiences and events so, when these individuals work for an organization. They tend to understand the situation and solve issues with their own experiences, which are definitely different from others'. Past experiences also reshape personalities of individuals and their cognitive development that directly reflect upon their organizational

Monday, September 23, 2019

British Colonialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

British Colonialism - Essay Example The British colonial enterprise was one of the largest and most successful making the British Empire one of the largest known empires in human history. Stretching from the Western North American shores, down to the Caribbean, through the Middle East and into Asia, British colonialism was unmatched at its height in sheer global supremacy. The period of 1914 to 1941 is a fascinating period of analysis to study the British colonial empire because it includes the end of the First World War, the interbellum years and the first two years of the Second World War. This time frame captures some dramatic periods in global history and this essay seeks to address how British colonialism changed during this period. From 1914 to 1941, the British Empire had to compete with the emergence of budding nationalism in its colonies and increasing levels of anti-colonial resistance as time progressed. Seeking to explore the impact of the colonial enterprise on the countries of the Middle East and Africa, this paper will discuss European colonialism in Iraq, a country artificially created in the wake of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire following World War I. This analysis will address the impetus for colonialism and the dramatic changes which took place in Iraq during our established time frame.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Tobacco Use Essay Example for Free

Tobacco Use Essay â€Å"ED sees critical capacities† Emergency Department (ED) crowding is a public health crisis associated with negative patient outcomes including increased mortality and complication rates. Decreased quality in delivery of care is affected by lack of resources to support the increased use of emergency services and is a factor that leads to delays in treatment and untimely interventions. According to the article, Dr. Gordon, an emergency medicine physician and director of the Neighborhood Hospital ED states one of issues within the community is a lack of resources including â€Å"adequate medical facilities, especially for low-income individuals or indigents† (â€Å"ED sees critical capacities†, The Neighborhood). This problem is widespread throughout the United States and is not limited to the indigent population. Although it is difficult for patients with Medicaid to find providers willing to accept their insurance, the lack of primary care physicians causes limited access to health care for those who do possess private insurance, and patients are often referred to the ED by their primary doctor who may be unable to see them as appointments are usually unavailable for weeks at a time. With limited access to care, hospital emergency rooms become saturated due to non-urgent visits, inadequate staffing, and hospital bed shortages. When the hospital reaches maximum capacity and can no longer admit patients to appropriate units, the ED is forced to board these patients in the department, which leads to ambulance diversion, increased wait times, and the creation of makeshift treatment areas. The culmination of these factors contribute to delays in transport and time sensitive emergent care, patient elopement where care is not received at all and delayed even further which can lead to worsening health requiring hospital admission, and lower quality of care, which negatively affects patient safety and outcomes (Hoot Aronsky, 2008). This article increases public awareness to the problem of crowding in the emergency department and encourages the use of community-based resources for non-urgent medical conditions and the need for education on the appropriate utilization of emergency medical services. â€Å"Smoking breaks a thing of the past?† According to Tobacco Use (2013), â€Å"Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the United States† (Why Is Preventing Tobacco Use Important?). This article highlights the advocacy of large companies to reduce tobacco use for the improved health of their employees and to eliminate exposure to unwanted secondhand smoke. Environmental tobacco smoke is just as detrimental to non-smokers as it contains harmful substances that expose those who don’t smoke to the health risks of cigarette smoking and increases their risk of developing a smoking-related illness. Promotion of a smoke-free work environment not only benefits the employees, but also the public whom they serve by reducing exposure to environmental smoke that causes heart disease, lung cancer, respiratory illness, and has other adverse effects to vulnerable populations including pregnant women and children. These companies are increasing community awareness to the detrimental affects o f smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke by paving the way to eliminate exposure to environmental smoke and reduce tobacco use in an effort to reduce illness and health care costs related to smoking, and increase productivity of employees and the overall health of their communities. The public benefit to this is that many states are enacting smoke-free laws in the workplaces and public buildings to reduce the number of deaths and disability caused from involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke. Reference Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Health effects of secondhand smoke. Retrieved from ke/health_effects/ Hoot, N.R., Aronsky, D. (2008). Systematic review of emergency department crowding: Causes, effects, and solutions . Annals of Emergency Medicine, 52(2), 126-136. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2008.03.014 McClelland, M.S., Lazar, D., Sears, V., Wilson, M., Siegel, B., Pines, J.M. (2011). The past, present, and future of Urgent Matters: Lessons learned from a decade of emergency department flow improvement. Academic Emergency Medicine, 18(12), 1392-1399. doi:10.1111/j.1553- 2712.2011.01229.x The Neighborhood Pearson Health Science (Version 1.0) Retrieved from UOPX NUR408 Course Materials Tobacco use. (2013). Retrieved from opicId=41

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Guidebook on Seizures: Causes and What To Do

Guidebook on Seizures: Causes and What To Do Self instructional module is one of the educational material that helps individualized learning. It is important to go through the module in schematic way. Take your own to read this material slowly and carefully in the place/room provide for you in the hospital premises. In case if you have any doubt regarding the content make a note and clarify with the investigator. Try to answer the question given at the end when you find any leisure time. Compare your answer with the key answer provided. SELF INSTRUCTIONAL MODULE ON PROMOTION OF SAFETY MEASURES ON MANAGEMENT OF SEIZURE INTRODUCTION: This is a self explanatory booklet on promotion of safety measures for patients with seizure and primary care givers of the patients. Some of the valuable information is given in this Self Instructional Module (SIM) for you; which will be very useful and informative for you in your practical life. CHAPTER 1 NEURONS AND FUNCTIONS OF BRAIN NEURONS: We are amazingly efficient and blessed with the nervous system in our body. Nervous System consists of vast number of cells called Neurons. Neurons transfer messages from one to another to take information in form of our senses and control our thoughts and activities. To send a message, the neurons want a messenger. We called that messenger as Chemical Messenger. The chemical messenger travels to the next neuron and transfer the information. If the amount of chemical messenger is enough, the neurons will receive the message in the form of Electrical charges. Changes that takes place in these electrical charges producing a electrical wave which is called Firing. Once a neuron fires ; it sends the information along to all the other neurons it is in contact with. During transmission of messages; there are some chemical transmitters which will freeze the neuron to prevent the brain from having much more activity to handle. There are also some unfreeze messengers which will help to pass the messages to all other neurons. So the passing of message from one neuron to another is a combined action of freeze and unfreeze messengers of the nervous system. HOW SEIZURE HAPPENS If there is not enough freeze messengers a seizure can happen. A seizure happens when too many informations are going around the brain at once, all at the same time. BRAIN Brain is one of the most important part of our body. Without brain there is no meaning for our life. The brain cells (neurons) helps us to carry out many actions and thoughts throughout our life. Any alteration in the brain happens means, the whole body function will be altered. Important parts of a Brain The important parts of a brain are a) Cerebrum b) Midbrain c) Pons d) Medulla Oblongata e) Cerebellum Functions of brain Brain helps in the mental activities which involve memory, intelligence, sense of responsibility , thinking, reasoning , moral sense and learning. Sensory perception of pain, temperature , touch , sight , hearing , taste and smell. Helps in fine control of skeletal muscle movements and function. Helps in fine control of complex movements and learned co-ordinated activities. Helps to sense appetite, thirst, pleasure, fear, sleeping and waking cycles. Controls the rate and rhythm of heart. Controls the blood pressure. Helps in initiating respiration and it also controls the rate and depth of respiration. Helps in maintaining posture and balance. Helps in language process. SUMMARY This chapter deals with Neurons in nervous system, its functions, how seizure happens, Brain and its function. The co-ordinated function and balance between the neurons and the brain helps us to live in this beautiful world. Exercise no. 1 A vast number of cells present in nervous system is called ______ The messenger that passes message from one neuron to another is____ Neurons receiving the message in the form of____ Too many messages going around the brain at the same time will leads to __ _____ helps in mental activities like memory, intelligence, thinking, reasoning and learning. CHAPTER- II SEIZURE Introduction Seizure is a disorder that affects the nervous system of our body. When too many information are going to the brain at once all at the same time, seizure will occur. Can seizure be cured? Seizure cannot be cured in the real sense of the term. Seizure is a disease like diabetes mellitus, hypertension and asthma. But seizure can be completely controlled by following some of the safety measures. Facts and Myths about seizure. Facts. Seizure can occur at any time in life and for any people. The leading cause of seizure in adults is head injury caused by auto mobile accidents. The leading cause of seizure for those above 65 years is stroke. People with seizure are not violent or crazy. People with seizure are not mentally ill. Seizure is not a curse. Seizure is not be a barrier to success in life. Myths A person with seizure cant be go for Education. A person with Seizure cant get Job. A person with seizure cant get marry. Seizures are thought to be caused by possession by demons. Seizure is a curse. Meaning of seizure: A seizure is a sudden disruption of nerve cells of brains normal electrical activity, that can cause a loss of consciousness and make the body to jerk. It cause a change in behaviour characterized by changes in sensory perception (sense of feeling) or motor activity. Causes of seizure: High fever Brain infections (Meningitis, tetanus, malaria) The triggering factors like Lack of sleep and stress. High level of sugar and sodium in blood. Low level of sugar, calcium and magnesium. Kidney or Liver failure. Alcohol abuse. Insufficient oxygen supply to brain Cigarette smoking. Congenital abnormalities Increased blood pressure. Reaction to some medication. How Seizure Occur We have seen in chapter 1, that there are clusters of nerve cells in the brain called neurons. A persons thoughts, feelings and actions are produced by electro chemical impulses that the neurons generate. When too many information are going to the brain ,the information are getting mixed up. Thus during a seizure, the neurons send mixed up information to our body, so the body does things that you dont want it to. Anything the brain or body can do it can do due to seizure. Usually the neurons send signals around 80 times a second. During seizure, neurons may fire as many as 500 times a second. Types of seizure: Seizures are mainly classified into Generalized seizure Partial seizure Generalized seizure start in the whole brain at a time, it includes; Absence seizure Tonic- clonic seizure Atonic seizure Partial seizures start in a small portion of the brain and stay there. They are of two types Complex partial seizure in which conscious is changed or lost. Simple partial where the person is conscious for the whole thing. Aural stage of seizure: Partial seizures can have the capacity to spread to whole brain, causing generalized seizure. In this case, Partial seizure is then called an aure, because it is a warning that a bigger seizure is coming. It is characterized by odd smell, taste, simple convulsions and visual disturbances. Signs and Symptoms of Seizure: The symptoms of a seizure depend upon the area of the brain affected. If small areas are affected aural stage symptoms will be there and if large portions of brain are affected, then the person will have Jerk and muscle spasm Altered or loss of consciousness Loss of bowel or bladder control Confusion Speech arrest Motionless stare Exessive salivation Anxiety, weakness, irritability, dizziness, changes in appetite. Light-headedness Tongue or cheek biting Cyanosis Unexpected falls with physical injury Complications Severe injury Status epileptics : It is a state of continuous seizure activity or a condition in which seizures reoccur in rapid succession without return to consciousness between seizures. Diagnosis of seizure Taking an Encephalogram Magnetic Resonance Imaging Computed Tomography Blood analysis These are the main methods to diagnose a seizure. These tests will reveal the abnormality which leads to seizure. These will give clear cut images of your brain and its nerve cells. Summary This chapter deals with the Facts and Myths about seizure, Meaning of Seizure, Causes, How seizure occurs, types, Signs and symptoms, Complications and Diagnosis of a Seizure. Seizures are caused mainly due to abnormal electrical activity of the brain nerve cells. EXERCISE NO: 2 Try to answer the following questions. _____ gives as information (warning) that a bigger seizure is coming. ____is the result of abnormal electrical activity of brain nerve cells. ____is a complication of seizure , which causes repeated reoccurrence of seizures without consciousness between seizures. ____type of seizure affects a small portion of brain ___is the leading cause of seizure in people above 65 years old. CHAPTER III SAFETY MEASURES ON MANAGEMENT OF SEIZURE This section is going to deal with the safety measures that the safety measures that the patient and the primary care giver have to follow before, during and after a seizure attack. Section- 1 Promotion of safety measures on management of seizure- To the Patients with Seizures. The main areas that section -1 deals with Instruction regarding drug treatment of seizure Instruction regarding Employment and Driving Instruction regarding marriage and pregnancy Instruction regarding recreational activities Instruction regarding relaxation techniques Instruction regarding dietary pattern 1) Instruction regarding drug treatment of seizure Things to be kept in mind while taking anti-epileptic drugs The aim of taking antiepileptic drugs is to obtain adequate control of fits Your brain need a constant maintenance of antiepileptic drugs to control seizures, so you have to take medications regularly Dont withdrawal the medication until prescription of the doctor If you have no fits for 4 to 5 years after withdrawal of drug, reoccurrence of seizure will become extremely small. Dont stop antiepileptic drugs when you are taking other medications for other diseases. If you vomit within an hour after taking anti-epileptic drug, take an extra dose of same medication after some time. If you forget to take a dose of drug taken an extra tablet within same 24hours period. Dont drink alcohol when you are under anti epileptic drug treatment. Mothers having seizure can safely breast feed their babies while taking anti-epileptic drugs, if any problem arises, they should consult their treating doctor. Some anti-epileptic drug have a side effect of causing gingivitis in mouth, so you should keep the mouth clean and tidy. 2) Instruction regarding Employment and Driving. If you are well and completely controlled without any disabilities from seizure, then you can work in any job which is not disturbing. The jobs not recommended for a persons with seizure are defence services, working with unguarded machinery, fire services, Railway engine driver. Persons whose fits are not controlled should not drive any vehicle. Persons with seizure should wear helmet and seat belt while travelling. Persons with seizure should wear Medical alert Tag which should contain your name, age, diagnosis, address and phone number of nearest relative. 3) Instruction regarding Marriage and Pregnancy. Persons with seizure can marry, if seizure is in good control. The spouse of the person should be aware of the situation. Poor controlled seizure patients cant marry, as it will cause problems. The anti-epileptic drugs must be continued in the same dosage during entire pregnancy. Treatment with one drug is preferred during pregnancy. Antenatal Mothers on seizure treatment should attend regular antenatal visits. 4) Instruction regarding recreational activities If you are in good seizure control, you can participate in non strenuous activities. Avoid athletic activities like fast running jumping etc. Swimming can do under supervision. Remember to carry sufficient medicine while travelling and take them at scheduled time. Flying in aeroplane is also safe ,but you should inform to the staffs in advance. While watching T.V and working in computer Sit or stand as far from screen as possible. Do not watch T.V if you are tired or need sleep. Watch T.V in a well lighted room. Avoid excessive play and work in computer, it will weakened the brain function. If you continues to have any discomfort (tingling, numbness, stiffness etc..) see a doctor immediately. Instruction regarding relaxation techniques to reduce stress Relaxation allows the body to heal from within. Sit in a comfortable position: Place your hands in a resting state on your lap Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Relieve the breath slowly. Do this for 10 to 30 mintues in a day. Instruction regarding dietary pattern Drink plenty of water. Flesh foods like chicken and mutton are good. Rice, Nuts, Eggs, can also eat. Diet should not ignored in any circumstances. SECTION 2 Promotion of safety measures on management of seizure among primary care givers of patients with seizure. The main areas this section deals with: Care of patients during seizure. Care of patient after seizure. Prevention of seizure related injury. Instruction regarding care of patients during seizure Dont try to restrain the person Remove objects that could cause injury. Loosen tight clothing. Turn the head or whole body to the side to drain saliva from mouth. Nothing to be inserted between the mouth during seizure. Do not attempt to give CPR during seizure. If the person turns blue or stop breathing CPR can be performed after seizure. If the seizure continues for more than 5 minutes or if not responding, seek medical help. Stay near to the patient and speak kindly. Instruction regarding care of patient after seizure Treat if there is any injury. Record all details like When seizure started How long it lasted. What body parts were affected Any specific symptoms like confusion, head ache, fever, vomiting. How the person behave before and after the seizure. Allow the patient for a sound sleep. Do not offer anything (food or water) until the patient is fully alert and awake. Do not disturb while the patient is sleeping. After waking, check whether the patient is oriented or not. When to seek emergency help When the patient have, Inability to walk or stand Fever Guidelines for primary care givers of a seizure patient Be conscious about the signs symptoms of aural stage of seizure Place the patient on a flat surface during seizure Provide a clam environment Stay near the patient Remove the all the materials which harm the patient Never try to move the patient during seizure If the patient is having high fever take necessary action immediately A medical alert card should always with the patient when he goes out which should have the following information name, address, phone number, diagnosis Check whether patient get adequate sleep Check whether patient takes drugs regularly Avoid the social stigma Stressful events with seizure patients has to do it in a careful manner. Prepare the patient psychologically both for success and failure in any attempt. Summary This chapter deals with the promotion of safety measures on management of seizure. This chapter includes 2 sections. Section -I deals with the safety measures for patients with seizure and section II deals with the safety measures for the primary care giver to undertaken during a seizure. Exercise III Try to answer the following questions Restrain the patient during seizure True b) False Put any hard object in to the mouth during seizure to avoid tongue biting. True b) False Relaxation techniques can reduce stress True b) False If the patient loss breathing during seizure, start CPR True b) False Keep the patient in supine position during seizure. True b) False KEY ANSWERS Exercise No -1 Neurons Chemical messenger Electrical charges Seizures Brain Exercise No-2 Aural stage Seizure Status Epilepticus Partial seizure Stroke Exercise No-3 False False True False False CONCLUSION From this booklet (SIM),it is clearly understood that on the whole, the future of persons with seizure is definitely bright and those affected can certainly look forward to a much better quality of life. In order to attain this, you should promote the safety measure that you have read and follow it with out fail.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Heavy Metal in the 1980s Essay -- essays research papers

Heavy metal in the 1980’s is hard to describe. Its static style did not change much from the 1970’s, but the lyrics, image, and theatrics took a step forward. Heavy metal had a huge impact in the 1980’s and there were many successful bands. Van Halen took heavy metal to new heights. After more than two decades of playing sold-out concert halls, selling millions of albums and enduring various lineup changes and solo projects, Van Halen is recognized as one of the most resilient and successful rock bands to emerge from the 1970s and continue into the 1980’s. Eddie and Alex Van Halen were raised in Pasadena, the children of Dutch immigrants who immigrated to California in 1967. The Van Halen brothers grew up taking classical piano lessons. Eddie played guitar and Alex played the drums as teenagers. In 1974, they hooked up with David Lee Roth (vocals) and Michael Anthony (bass), while gigging around town in their band Mammoth. Within a few years, they had become one of the most popular bands on the Los Angeles scene. Fans packed L.A.'s smoky rock clubs to check out Eddie's unconventional guitar riffs and Roth's over-the-top showmanship. In 1976, Gene Simmons noticed the group at a local club and gave them a recording session, and soon after Van Halen was signed to Waner Bros. Their debut album, Van Halen, was released in 1978 and included the hit singles "Runnin' With the Devil" and a cover of the Kinks' "You Really Got Me." Eddie Van Halen took electric guitar technique to new heights with his patented two-handed tapping and pull-off effects, while Roth's tongue-in-cheek histrionics proved to be a refreshing alternative in an industry chock full of self-important rock stars. Within six months of its release, Van Halen was certified platinum. The album not only launched Van Halen's career, but it came to influence countless American rock bands during the next decade. During the next few years, Van Halen became one of the hardest working and most profitable bands in the recording industry, releasing a string of multi-platinum albums in quick succession; 1979's Van Halen II, 1980's Women and Children First, 1981's Fair Warning and 1982's Diver Down. But it was the album 1984, released on New Year's Day of that year that solidified the band's superstar status. The album contained the mega-hits "Jump," "Panama" and "H... ...rive for debut US tours to open for, respectively, Pat Travers, Judas Priest, Ted Nugent and AC/DC. In August, Def Leppard returns to the UK to play at the Reading Festival. The crowd, convinced that the band have sold out to the Yankee Dollar and turned their backs on their home country, greet them with a rain of tomatoes and beer cans. Def Leppard released many albums such as, Pyromania with the single â€Å"Photograph,† and Hysteria with singles such as "Women", "Animal", "Pour Some Sugar On Me", "Love Bites", "Armageddon It", "Hysteria" and "Rocket". Def Leppard was an English band that showed the other bands how it was done. Their career started in 1977 and continued through 2002 with the â€Å"X† tour. Heavy metal is an amazing thing that took its unique and amazing sounds to new heights. Unfortunately due to highly commercialized excess driven hair bands the genre was sent in to another decline where the music would be reabsorbed into new genres. By around 1990 most heavy metal had evolved into other rock genres like hard rock, grunge, gothic rock, gothic metal, thrash metal, speed metal, doom metal, and nu metal.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Examine The Ways In Which Lang :: essays research papers

Examine the ways in which language and identity are treated in ‘Translations’   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ‘Translations’ is set in 1833, in County Donegal, which was soon after the time when Britain had claimed Ireland as part of its empire. The British and the Irish therefore had differing languages, so the British decided to go through the process of naming or renaming Ireland’s geographical features. In ‘Translations’ language and identity are used more as a plot device and plot feature rather than as part of stylistic technique, which is their most common role.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the play was first performed by Friel’s own theatre company it was performed in the Irish language, and at the start of the play, all the characters speak Irish as their first language, the English language comes into the script a lot later, which reflects the course of events in Ireland over the past two centuries. All these characters have been brought up speaking the language and it is a fundamental part of their life, culture and identity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  English is the second main language in the play. It represents the future to Maire and Owen, and ‘a mistake’ to Hugh and Manus. The two English speakers come as part of the same assignment, to make a map of the country and to ‘see that the place names are ... correct.’, but they have greatly differing attitudes towards Ireland and its identity. Captain Lancey sees the Irish as inferior to the English, which is evident when he is willing to evict a whole village of them, over the disappearance and probable death of one Englishman. Yolland however falls in love with Ireland, its language and culture and he feels that ‘something is being eroded’ by his task of renaming the geographical features of Ireland. Yolland is not the stereotypical English male of the time, because he ‘missed the boat’ to India and that stereotypical way of life, which would be following his father’s wishes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The other two languages used in the play are Greek and Latin, which are spoken only by Hugh and Jimmy. These two classical languages create an identity of intellectualism in their users and it is significant that it is the Irish rather than the English characters who can speak them contradicting Lancey’s view of them being inferior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Friel shows us the use of language in several different forms. The first scene where Manus is teaching Sarah to speak shows us that language is used to create communication.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Conjectures and Refutations by Sir Karl Popper :: Science Sir Karl Popper Scientists Essays

Conjectures and Refutations by Sir Karl Popper In a broad sense science is a systematic quest for knowledge. With this working definition in mind one can see that many areas of human endeavors could qualify as science. Therefore, Popper attempts to find a point of demarcation between science and psuedo-science. "Is there a criterion for the scientific character or status of theory."(1) The most widely accepted answer to this problem Popper says is induction and empirical method. At this point I find it necessary to define these two terms. One, the idea of induction as it is used in this context is the process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances.(2) Two, the empirical method is basing an idea on observation or experiment or an idea guided by practical experience and not by theory.(3) The most notable contributor to modern thinking about these two concepts was John Stuart Mill. Mill formulated proofs that he believed to characterize empirical science in his System of Logic (1843).(4) Popper believes that these two things alone cannot differentiate between science and psuedo-science. He emphasized the hypothetico-deductive character of science.(5) Whereby scientific theories are hypothesized and statements from them can be tested. If experimentation falsifies these statements then they are refuted. However, if the statements survive experimentation then and only then can they be tentatively accepted. No theory, however well tested can be conclusively established. Popper further goes on to say that every attempt to test a theory is an attempt to falsify it. Testability is Falsifiability. At a convention of the Aristotelian Society at Oxford in 1936; Popper gave his hypothesis which was to become world famous -- "what we call scientific knowledge is hypothetical, and often not true, let alone certainly or probably true".(7) Theories are never really confirmed by experiment, they can only survive from one test to another, remaining hostage to possible disproof tomorrow. For the first part of Poppers argument I must adamantly agree. Science is a continual process through which induction and empirical method play a major part, Nonetheless, if a theory is to be scientific it must be able to be tested. It must have this component of Falsifiability! If we do not continually test ourselves and strive for reaffirmation we risk falling in to a pit of conjecture and; I would further say that any theory that cannot be falsified by either present means or by proposed means cannot be a scientific one.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Marketing Relationship in the Organisation Essay

Relationship marketing is a form of marketing developed from direct response marketing campaigns conducted in the 1970s and 1980s which emphasizes customer retention and satisfaction, rather than a dominant focus on point-of-sale transactions. Relationship marketing differs from other forms of marketing in that it recognizes the long term value to the firm of keeping customers, as opposed to direct marketing or â€Å"Intrusion† marketing, which focuses upon acquisition of new clients by targeting majority demographics based upon prospective client lists. Development of Relationship Marketing Relationship marketing refers to a long-term and mutually beneficial arrangement wherein both the buyer and seller focus on value enhancement with the goal of providing a more satisfying exchange. This approach attempts to transcend the simple purchase-exchange process with customer to make more meaningful and richer contact by providing a more holistic, personalized purchase, and use the consumption experience to create stronger ties. According to Liam Alvey, relationship marketing can be applied when there are competitive product alternatives for customers to choose from; and when there is an ongoing and periodic desire for the product or service. Fornell and Birger Wernerfelt used the term â€Å"defensive marketing† to describe attempts to reduce customer turnover and increase customer loyalty. This customer-retention approach was contrasted with â€Å"offensive marketing† which involved obtaining new customers and increasing customers’ purchase frequency. Defensive marketing focused on reducing or managing the dissatisfaction of your customers, while offensive marketing focused on â€Å"liberating† dissatisfied customers from your competition and generating new customers. There are two components to defensive marketing: increasing customer satisfaction and increasing switching barriers. Modern consumer marketing originated in the 1950s and 1960s as companies found it more profitable to sell relatively low-value products to masses of customers. Over the decades, attempts have been made to broaden the scope of marketing, relationship marketing being one of these attempts. Arguably, customer value has been greatly enriched by these contributions. The practice of relationship marketing has been facilitated by several generations of customer relationship management software that allow tracking and analyzing of each customer’s preferences, activities, tastes, likes, dislikes, and complaints. For example, an automobile manufacturer maintaining a database of when and how repeat customers buy their products, the options they choose, the way they finance the purchase etc., is in a powerful position to develop one-to-one marketing offers and product benefits. In web applications, the consumer shopping profile is built as the person shops on the website. This information is then used to compute what can be his or her likely preferences in other categories. These predicted offerings can then be shown to the customer through cross-sell, email recommendation and other channels. Relationship marketing has also migrated back into direct mail, allowing marketers to take advantage of the technological capabilities of digital, toner-based printing presses to produce unique, personalized pieces for each recipient. Marketers can personalize documents by any information contained in their databases, including name, address, demographics, purchase history, and dozens (or even hundreds) of other variables. The result is a printed piece that (ideally) reflects the individual needs and preferences of each recipient, increasing the relevance of the piece and increasing the response rate. Scope Relationship marketing has also been strongly influenced by reengineering. According to (process) reengineering theory, organizations should be structured according to complete tasks and processes rather than functions. That is, cross-functional teams should be responsible for a whole process, from beginning to end, rather than having the work go from one functional department to another. Traditional marketing is said to use the functional (or ‘silo’) department approach. The legacy of this can still be seen in the traditional four P’s of the marketing mix. Pricing, product management, promotion, and placement. According to Gordon (1999), the marketing mix approach is too limited to provide a usable framework for assessing and developing customer relationships in many industries and should be replaced by the relationship marketing alternative model where the focus is on customers, relationships and interaction over time, rather than markets and products. In contrast, relationship marketing is cross-functional marketing. It is organized around processes that involve all aspects of the organization. In fact, some commentators prefer to call relationship marketing â€Å"relationship management† in recognition of the fact that it involves much more than that which is normally included in marketing. Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne, and David Ballantyne at the Cranfield School of Management claim that relationship marketing has the potential to forge a new synthesis between quality management, customer service management, and marketing. They see marketing and customer service as inseparable. Relationship marketing involves the application of the marketing philosophy to all parts of the organization. Every employee is said to be a â€Å"part-time marketer†. The way Regis McKenna (1991) puts it: â€Å"Marketing is not a function; it is a way of doing business . . . marketing has to be all pervasive, part of everyone’s job description, from the receptionist to the board of directors. Approaches Satisfaction Relationship marketing relies upon the communication and acquisition of consumer requirements solely from existing customers in a mutually beneficial exchange usually involving permission for contact by the customer through an â€Å"opt-in† system. With particular relevance to customer satisfaction the relative price and quality of goods and services produced or sold through a company alongside customer service generally determine the amount of sales relative to that of competing companies. Although groups targeted through relationship marketing may be large, accuracy of communication and overall relevancy to the customer remains higher than that of direct marketing, but has less potential for generating new leads than direct marketing and is limited to Viral marketing for the acquisition of further customers. Retention A key principle of relationship marketing is the retention of customers through varying means and practices to ensure repeated trade from preexisting customers by satisfying requirements above those of competing companies through a mutually beneficial relationship. This technique is now used as a means of counterbalancing new customers and opportunities with current and existing customers as a means of maximizing profit and counteracting the â€Å"leaky bucket theory of business† in which new customers gained in older direct marketing oriented businesses were at the expense of or coincided with the loss of older customers. This process of â€Å"churning† is less economically viable than retaining all or the majority of customers using both direct and relationship management as lead generation via new customers requires more investment. Many companies in competing markets will redirect or allocate large amounts of resources or attention towards customer retention as in markets with increasing competition it may cost 5 times more to attract new customers than it would to retain current customers, as direct or â€Å"offensive† marketing requires much more extensive resources to cause defection from competitors. However, it is suggested that because of the extensive classic marketing theories center on means of attracting customers and creating transactions rather than maintaining them, the majority usage of direct marketing used in the past is now gradually being used more alongside relationship marketing as its importance becomes more recognizable. It is claimed by Reichheld and Sasser that a 5% improvement in customer retention can cause an increase in profitability of between 25 and 85 percent (in terms of net present value) depending on the industry. However Carrol, and Reichheld dispute these calculations, claiming they result from faulty cross-sectional analysis. According to Buchanan and Gilles, the increased profitability associated with customer retention efforts occurs because of several factors that occur once a relationship has been established with a customer. †¢ The cost of acquisition occurs only at the beginning of a relationship, so the longer the relationship, the lower the amortized cost. †¢ Account maintenance costs decline as a percentage of total costs (or as a percentage of revenue). †¢ Long-term customers tend to be less inclined to switch, and also tend to be less price sensitive. This can result in stable unit sales volume and increases in dollar-sales volume. †¢ Long-term customers may initiate free word of mouth promotions and referrals. †¢ Long-term customers are more likely to purchase ancillary products and high margin supplemental products. †¢ Customers that stay with you tend to be satisfied with the relationship and are less likely to switch to competitors, making it difficult for competitors to enter the market or gain market share. †¢ Regular customers tend to be less expensive to service because they are familiar with the process, require less â€Å"education†, and are consistent in their order placement. †¢ Increased customer retention and loyalty makes the employees’ jobs easier and more satisfying. In turn, happy employees feed back into better customer satisfaction in a virtuous circle. Relationship marketers speak of the â€Å"relationship ladder of customer loyalty†. It groups types of customers according to their level of loyalty. The ladder’s first rung consists of â€Å"prospects†, that is, people that have not purchased yet but are likely to in the future. This is followed by the successive rungs of â€Å"customer†, â€Å"client†, â€Å"supporter†, â€Å"advocate†, and â€Å"partner†. The relationship marketer’s objective is to â€Å"help† customers get as high up the ladder as possible. This usually involves providing more personalized service and providing service quality that exceeds expectations at each step. Customer retention efforts involve considerations such as the following: 1. Customer valuation – Gordon (1999) describes how to value customers and categorize them according to their financial and strategic value so that companies can decide where to invest for deeper relationships and which relationships need to be served differently or even terminated. 2. Customer retention measurement – Dawkins and Reichheld (1990) calculated a company’s â€Å"customer retention rate†. This is simply the percentage of customers at the beginning of the year that are still customers by the end of the year. In accordance with this statistic, an increase in retention rate from 80% to 90% is associated with a doubling of the average life of a customer relationship from 5 to 10 years. This ratio can be used to make comparisons between products, between market segments, and over time. 3. Determine reasons for defection – Look for the root causes, not mere symptoms. This involves probing for details when talking to former customers. Other techniques include the analysis of customers’ complaints and competitive benchmarking (see competitor analysis). 4. Develop and implement a corrective plan – This could involve actions to improve employee practices, using benchmarking to determine best corrective practices, visible endorsement of top management, adjustments to the company’s reward and recognition systems, and the use of â€Å"recovery teams† to eliminate the causes of defections. A technique to calculate the value to a firm of a sustained customer relationship has been developed. This calculation is typically called customer lifetime value. Retention strategies also build barriers to customer switching. This can be done by product bundling (combining several products or services into one â€Å"package† and offering them at a single price), cross selling (selling related products to current customers), cross promotions (giving discounts or other promotional incentives to purchasers of related products), loyalty programs (giving incentives for frequent purchases), increasing switching costs (adding termination costs, such as mortgage termination fees), and integrating computer systems of multiple organizations (primarily in industrial marketing). Many relationship marketers use a team-based approach. The rationale is that the more points of contact between the organization and customer, the stronger will be the bond, and the more secure the relationship. Application Relationship marketing and traditional (or transactional) marketing are not mutually exclusive and there is no need for a conflict between them. A relationship oriented marketer still has choices at the level of practice, according to the situation variables. Most firms blend the two approaches to match their portfolio of products and services. Virtually all products have a service component to them and this service component has been getting larger in recent decades. (See service economy and experience economy.) Internal marketing Relationship marketing also stresses what it calls internal marketing. This refers to using a marketing orientation within the organization itself. It is claimed that many of the relationship marketing attributes like collaboration, loyalty and trust determine what â€Å"internal customers† say and do. According to this theory, every employee, team, or department in the company is simultaneously a supplier and a customer of services and products. An employee obtains a service at a point in the value chain and then provides a service to another employee further along the value chain. If internal marketing is effective, every employee will both provide and receive exceptional service from and to other employees. It also helps employees understand the significance of their roles and how their roles relate to others’. If implemented well, it can also encourage every employee to see the process in terms of the customer’s perception of value added, and the organization’s strategic mission. Further it is claimed that an effective internal marketing program is a prerequisite for effective external marketing efforts. (George, W. 1990) The six markets model Adrian Payne (1991) from Cranfield University goes further. He identifies six markets which he claims are central to relationship marketing. They are: internal markets, supplier markets, recruitment markets, referral markets, influence markets, and customer markets. Referral marketing is developing and implementing a marketing plan to stimulate referrals. Although it may take months before you see the effect of referral marketing, this is often the most effective part of an overall marketing plan and the best use of resources. Marketing to suppliers is aimed at ensuring a long-term conflict-free relationship in which all parties understand each others’ needs and exceed each others’ expectations. Such a strategy can reduce costs and improve quality. Influence markets involve a wide range of sub-markets including: government regulators, standards bodies, lobbyists, stockholders, bankers, venture capitalists, financial analysts, stockbrokers, consumer associations, environmental associations, and labor associations. These activities are typically carried out by the public relations department, but relationship marketers feel that marketing to all six markets is the responsibility of everyone in the organization. Each market may require its own explicit strategies and a separate marketing mixes for each.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Problem Behavior Syndrome Essay

Problem Behavior Syndrome (PBS) are a number of antisocial behaviors that cluster together which may include family dysfunction, substance abuse, smoking, educational underachievement, suicidal thoughts/attempts, unemployment and even crime. (Siegel, 2011) There is one person that comes to mind that has a criminal record and also possesses numerous antisocial behaviors listed in the text. That person, sadly, is my ex boyfriend/ baby’s father, Jonathon. He is only 27 years old and already has two strikes against him. The antisocial behaviors that pertain to him are: family dysfunction, smoking, substance abuse, unemployment, and educational underachievement. I personally believe his mother is to blame for that. She’s a lazy, unemployed alcoholic and possibly bipolar. She picks fights with him whenever possible and has even gotten him arrested once or twice. She is and most likely never was a positive role model for Jon. Maybe it has to do with his father never being around. Who knows? He had gotten a chick pregnant while he was only 15 or so. I have met that kid and the mother; I feel she is already heading down the road he went. That is exactly why I will not let him be in my daughter’s life. I don’t want her to be like him in any way. I am not sure how or who introduced him to drugs but that is his biggest downfall. Drugs (crystal meth) are why he’s been arrested. That fact that he smoked it as well didn’t make things better. He has never harmed anyone or robbed anything either so thank god for that. Since he has a record, it’s very hard for him to find a decent job. But the fact that he is trying to turn his life around and make something of himself, is what makes me know for a fact that he won’t become another PBS statistic.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Thomas Becket

Describe the state of the church in Chaucer's middle ages. The king's immediate successors paid little attention to the issue of division of power between church and state. Richard the Lion-Hearted spent his reign in France and on the Third Crusade to recover Jerusalem, and John was a tyrant who spent much of his time overtaxing and angering his subjects. But from time to time, the issue of who would control the judicial system of England resurfaced and other differences between church and state arose. It was not until the rule of Henry VIII that the struggles between king and pope were resolved.Henry VIII settled the issue by separating England from the Catholic Church altogether. â€Å"Thomas Becket. † IJXL Biographies. Detroit: 2003. Student Resources in Context. Web. 21 Nov. 2013. 16. What is the Magana Carta? What historical impact did it have? The Magna Carta (a Latin phrase meaning â€Å"Great Paper† or â€Å"Great Charter†) was originally an English docum ent issued in 1215. An army led by English barons forced King John (1167-1216) to sign it. The purpose of he document was to clarify the king's power over the barons, the church, clergymen, and the free people of certain towns.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Structural Compartmentaion of Mammalian Cells

The structural compartmentation of mammalian cells and the differing functions of these compartments. All mammals are eukaryotes and therefore have eukaryotic cells. These cells contain several organelles suited to a specific function they carry out within the cell. These eukaryotic cells contain a Nucleus, Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Rough and Smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and various other organelles. Most of the organelles are separated from each other by a membrane, these membranes are based on lipid bilayers that are similar to each other.The organelles membrane is there to keep the contents of each organelle separate from the rest of this cell. The membrane consists of a lipid bilayer that may have channels in order to allow the transport of specific molecules which are needed somewhere else in the cell. An example of this is proteins produced by the ribosomes are then moved to the Golgi apparatus in which they are processed and then sent to the correct part of the cell. | Fig 1 – Diagram of a nucleusSource: http://cdn. nursingcrib. om| The nucleus is a large organelle surrounded by a double membrane nuclear envelope; the nuclear envelope contains many pores to allow substances such as tRNA and mRNA to move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The nucleus contains most of the cells genetic material in the form of DNA. The DNA and proteins that make up the contents of the nucleus is known as the chromatin. DNA stored in the nucleus codes for different amino acids and proteins to be produced, depending on which genes are being expressed decides what proteins are produced and ultimately the function of the cell.At the centre of the nucleus is a nucleolus which is where ribosomes are manufactured. A diagram of a nucleus can be seen in figure 1. The double membrane keeps the nucleus separate from all the other organelles and serves as a barrier to prevent molecules diffusing freely into and out of the nucleus. The outer membrane has a str ucture similar to the rough endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes scattered across it which are used to make proteins in a process known as translation. The mitochondria are the site in a cell that generates most of the cells energy in the form of ATP.Oxygen is used in a process called aerobic respiration to produce lots of ATP. The mitochondrion consists of an outer and inner membrane composed of phospholipid bilayers. The inner membrane contains several folding’s forming a structure known as cristae. The cristae increase the surface area of the mitochondria allowing more ATP to be produced. The part enclosed by the inner membrane is the matrix. This matrix contains most of the mitochondria’s proteins. The matrix contains several enzymes needed to synthesise ATP. The ATP produced in the mitochondria is transported to other parts of the cell that require energy.The ribosome is an important organelle for protein synthesis, it is the site at which the genetic code is conv erted into protein molecules. It is responsible for a process called translation which converts mRNA into an amino acid chain. The mRNA determine the order of the tRNA molecules that bind to the codons. The order of these tRNA molecule ultimately decide the amino acid chain that will be produced and hence the protein being produced. The proteins produced detatch themselves from the ribosome and move to other parts of the cell where they are needed.The ribosome is very large composed of many molecules including RNA and proteins. The ribosome is composed of two sub-units, a larger one and a smaller one, each of which have distinct shapes. As protein synthesis is very important to cells there are usually large numbers of ribosomes found throughout a cell. Ribosomes are usually found floating freely around the cell however they are sometimes found bound to the endoplasmic reticulum. The endoplasmic reticulum is the transport network for molecules. It is made up of several tubes and sacs .The space inside of the endoplasmic reticulum is the lumen. The function of the endoplasmic reticulum depends on the cell type. It is comprised of a rough endoplasmic reticulum and a smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The Rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes attached to its surface which is what causes it to be rough. â€Å"The membrane of the rough endoplasmic reticulum forms large double membrane sheets that are located near, and continuous with the outer layer of the  nuclear envelope†[1]. Proteins are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is responsible for synthesizing lipids, metabolizing carbohydrates and regulating calcium levels. Lysosomes are also found in most eukaryotic cells. They contain several digestive enzymes used to break down worn out cellular components and bacteria. Lysosomes are highly packed spherical vacuoles but have a large variation in size depending on the materials they have taken up for digestion. The lysosome removes any unwanted material inside the cell by secreting these digestive enzymes onto them. Lysosomes protect the cell from foreign bacteria which could be harmful.They operate in a low PH which is maintained by a membrane around the lysosome, this reduces the risk of the enzymes digesting their own cell. The Golgi apparatus packages proteins inside the cell and are then sent to their destination. The Golgi apparatus is found within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It is composed of stacks known as cisternae. â€Å"The Golgi apparatus is integral in modifying, sorting and packaging these macromolecules for cell secretion†[2]. Proteins synthesized by the rough endoplasmic reticulum are modified in the Golgi apparatus.The Golgi apparatus is also responsible for transporting lipids around the cells and also producing lysosomes. All of these organelles have different functions and structures but work together to determine the overall function of the cell. The amount of each organelle greatly depends on its function, for example muscle cells will contain lots of mitochondria to produce more ATP as muscles require large amounts of energy. Bibliography [1] Shibata, Yoko; Voeltz, Gia K. ; Rapoport, Tom A. (2006). â€Å"Rough Sheets and Smooth Tubules†. Cell  126(3): 435–439. [2] â€Å"Regulated Secretion (Golgi): The Movie†. North Dakota State University.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Crown Cork & Seal in 1989 Business strategy Case Study

Crown Cork & Seal in 1989 Business strategy - Case Study Example The economic analysis deals with the opportunity costs of resources being used along with attempting to measure the social and private costs as well as benefits in monetary terms of a project to the economy. The Crown Cork and Seal attempted to locate its business towards the areas that were closer to the customers. For the purpose of forecasting of the transportation costs of the company, the distance of about 150 to 300 miles was considered to be economical between the location of customers and the placement of plant. In addition to this, the company managed to decrease its transportation cost that was roughly estimated to be 7.5%. In addition to this, the company changed its ingredient of making cans from the use of steel to aluminium. This resulted in decreasing the weight of the cans along with reduction in the shipment cost of these cans relative to the cans produced before by the company. Furthermore, due to the shipment of steel cans in the international markets, the company suffered uneconomical circumstances due to the increase in shipment costs. For this reason, the company attempted to make joint ventures in terms of affiliation with US can manufacturers, foreign subsidiaries as well as local foreign firms in order to cater the foreign markets (Bradley S., 2005). Political: Political environment can be referred to as an immediate impact of the political parties possessing authority, representing the popular perceptions given by the citizens of the area (Export Help). It has been seen that the developments of legislations were unfavorable for metal can industry in USA (Bradley S., 2005). Social Cultural Environment: In this case, the chief executive officer attempted to bring together two companies possessing distinctive cultural and social backgrounds irrespective of the fact that the past mergers were undoubtedly unsuccessful. This impossible challenge was accepted by Avery in order to capture the markets of Canada and to expand its operations furt her. Moreover, there were numerous

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Student as a Product Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Student as a Product - Assignment Example There are also a number of responsibilities attached to it. These include among others, target marketing to augment the company’s sales function and management and delivery of market research. The job also requires its holder to investigate and regularly distribute competitor intelligence and research. The basic pay attached to this position is $60,000 - $80,000 per year on a full-time employment basis (BAE Systems Detica, p.1). According to the government, defense and security companies are a formidable avenue of personal and national growth. As a certified security provider, BAE Systems Detica is at the forefront of intelligence security. National security has been of major concern since 9/11, making the intelligence security industry a thriving and integrated sector of the economy. Regulatory and demographic trends within the industry entail among others government streamlining of the intelligence security sector through regulations (Farese, Kimbrell, and Woloszyk, p. 497). Furthermore, the current demographics show the incident of national insecurity as lower than previous years; this means that more attention can be paid to augmenting the current intelligence systems to offer robust services in the future. Competitors for this job have a great understanding of the financial services regulatory environment, as well as experience of working alongside third party suppliers who are predominant in the industry. The industry is not very competitive as few companies offer such comprehensive intelligence solutions. With regard to my SWOT analysis, my major strengths are proficiency in written and verbal English, as well as fluent communication of French. In addition, I am a self starter and innately motivated person always willing to further my knowledge scope. Major weakness is my inability to adjust to new environments quickly. I can enhance my strengths by enrolling in training programs to augment my knowledge of the intelligence industry. Minimizing my weaknesses will entail forming cordial relations with those in my new environment. The biggest competitive advantage I have is my adeptness in computer systems and knowledge of advanced computer programming. The external environment offers immense opportunities such as training programs on financial, regulatory systems of the world, in addition to other languages, for example, German and Spanish, which are essential in the intelligence industry. The environment also poses the threat of competition. It is highly probable that there are other job applicants better qualified than me (Karnes and Stephens, p. 178). Upon graduation, my personal objectives shall include improving my skills through continuous training to horn my knowledge of pertinent matters, as well as augmenting my interrelation skills and team spirit, which are essential in everyday life and the work environment, by engaging in community service such as peer education. Professionally, I endeavor to employ my competencie s and capabilities effectively, while at the same time coordinating my efforts with other team members. As a product, in order to meet the needs of the employer, I need to be adept in both written and verbal communication and have good presentation skills. Correspondingly, I have immense