Wednesday, January 29, 2020
How Ethnic Groups Can Be Unified Essay Example for Free
How Ethnic Groups Can Be Unified Essay I would like to believe that I grew up very diversely. I attend an all foreign language program that was housed in my elementary / middle school and my mom allowed me to attend the Japanese classes up until the three grade when the program received funding for their own school. However, while I was in the program I was able to interact with a many different ethnic groups and because of my age and the fact that my mother raised me to be open-minded and well rounded I didn’t see a difference between myself and the other children in the class, in fact at the time I remember having a Mexican boyfriend and an Asian best friend. Because of my past I believe all ethnic groups can be unified if everyone can accept the fact that everyone is different and embrace everyone for their difference. The act of not liking someone because they are different is a learned behavior and children typical are learning this behavior from the adults around them and society views on that group of people. A simple and easy to understand example of how people are taught now to like each other is showed in most movies that make any reference to slavery. There is always a part of the movie where two little children, one being white and the other black, start out great friends but as time goes on they learn that they can’t be friends or date because one person is black and the other is white. I’d be naive to think that in my generation ethnic group unity will happen. 9-11 the US unified as a nation but we still had a negative view on one ethnic group for the actions of a individuals of that group. To this day I still know people who don’t care for Muslims as a whole because of 9-11. I do believe that things have gotten better over the year but only in some regions of the world. All I can do is raise my children the way that I was raised and hope that they treat everyone with respect no matter their ethnic background.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
fidel castro Essay -- essays research papers
The United States of America is a country that believes in democracy and has unfavorable ties with communist countries. The United States has tried for decades to improve relations with the countries that don’t practice democracy. History shows disagreements between the United States and dictators of these irreverent countries, disagreements that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. The most recent of these confrontations involved three countries. United States of America, Cuba and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). Fidel Castro is a Cuban revolutionary, who took control of Cuba in 1959 and established a Communist dictatorship. Castro, who was born in Mayari, became the leader of an underground, anti-government faction. In 1956, he led a rebellion that won increasing popular support. Eventually Castro forced Batista y Zaldivar, who was the premier of Cuba to flee the country. Once in power Castro executed and imprisoned thousands of political opponents, nationalized industry, collectivized agriculture, and established a one-party socialist state. In the early 1960’s Castro openly embraced Communism and formed close ties with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), relying on Soviet economic and military aid approving limited economic reforms that legalized some free enterprise. In Cuba, an estimated $1 billion in U.S.-owned properties were seized in 1960. The Castro government seized oil refineries, sugar mills, and electric utilities owned by th...
Monday, January 13, 2020
Capital Market Essay
~ Capital market is the market for leading and borrowing of medium and long term funds. ~ The demand for long-term funds comes from industry, trade, agriculture and government (central and state). ~ The supply for funds comes from individual savers, corporate savings, banks, insurance companies, specialized financial institutions and government. *SIGNIFICANCE: ~ A sound and efficient capital market is extremely vital for the economic development of a nation. ~ So, the significance of capital market has increased. ~ The following points clearly bring out the role and significance of capital market in India. i)CAPITAL FORMATION: ~ Capital market encourages capital formation as it ensures speedy economic development. The process of capital formation includes collection of saving effective mobilisation of these savings for productive investment. ~ Thus three distinctive inter-related activities i.e. collection of savings, mobilisation of savings and investment lead to capital formation in the country. ~ The volume of capital formation depend s on the efficiency and intensity with which these activities are carried on. ii) ECONOMIC GROWTH: ~ Capital market plays a vital role in the growth and development of an economy by channelising funds in developmental and productive investments. ~ The financial intermediaries channel funds into those investments that are more important for economic development. iii) INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: ~ Capital market promotes industrial development and motivates industrial entrepreneurship. ~ It provides cheap, adequate and diversified funds for industrial purposes such as expansion, modernisation, technological upgradation, establishment of new units, etc. ~ It also provides services like provision of underwriting facilities, participation in equity capital, credit-rating, consultancy services, etc. vi) MODERNISATION AND REHABILITATION OF INDUSTRIES: ~ Capital markets also contribute towards modernisation and rehabilitation of industries. ~ Developmental financial institutions like IDBI, IFCI, ICICI, etc provide finance to industries to adopt modern techniques and new upgraded machinery. ~ They also participate in the equity capital of industries. v) RIVIVAL OF SICK UNITS: ~ Commercial and financial institutions provide adequate funds to viable sick unit to overcome their industrial sickness. ~ Bank and FIs may also write off a part of the loan or re-schedule the loan to offer payment flexibility to weak units. vi) TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: ~ The financial intermediaries in the capital market stimulate industrial entrepreneurship by providing technical and advisory services like preparation of feasibility reports, identifying growth potential, and training entrepreneurs in project management. ~ This promotes industrial investment and leads to economic development. vii) DEVELOPMENT OF BACKWARD AREAS: ~ Capital markets provide funds for projects in backward area and facilitate their economic development. ~ Long-term funds are also provided for development projects in backward / rural areas. viii) EMPLOYMENT GENERATION: ~ Capital markets provide Direct Employment in capital market related activities like stock markets, banks and financial institutions. ~ Indirect Employment is provided in all the sectors of the economy through various funds disbursed for developmental projects. ix) FOREIGN CAPITAL: ~ Capital markets make it possible to generate foreign capital by enabling Indian firms to raise capital from overseas market through bonds and other securities. ~ Such foreign exchange funds have a great impact on the economic development of the nation. ~ Moreover, foreign direct investments (FDIs) also bring in foreign capital as well as foreign technology that leads to greater economic development. x) DEVELOPMENT OF STOCK MARKETS: ~ Capital markets lead to development of stock markets by encouraging investors to invest in shares and debentures and to trade in stocks. ~ FIIs are also allowed to deal in Indian stock exchange. xi) FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: ~ Financial institutions play a major role in capital markets. ~ They provide medium / long term loan to industrial and other sectors and also undertake project feasibility studies and surveys. ~ They refinance commercial banks and rediscount their bills of exchange. ~ They provide merchant banking services. ~ They subscribe to equity capital of the firms. xii) INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY: ~ Capital markets provide various alternative sources of investment to the people. ~ People can invest in shares and debentures of public companies and earn good returns. xiii) INVESTMENT IN INDUSTRIAL SECURITIES: ~ Secondary market in securities encourage investors to invest in industrial securities by providing facilities for continuous, regular and ready buying and selling of these securities. ~ This facilitates industries to raise substantial funds from various sectors of the economy. xiv) RELIABLE GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE: ~ Capital market serves as a reliable guide to the performance of corporate institutions. ~ It values companies accurately and thus promotes efficiency. ~ This leads to efficient resource allocation and economic development. *CONCLUSION: ~ Thus we can say that capital markets play a crucial role in the economic development of a nation. ~ A sound and efficient capital market is one of the most instrumental factors in the development of a nation.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Boston Massacre Event - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 379 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Boston Massacre Essay Did you like this example? The Boston Massacre        The Boston Massacre took place in 1770 outside the Boston Customs House. More than one hundred Bostonians confronted a band of nine British soldiers near a sentry box outside the Boston Customs House (Gale, 1999). Tensions between the Bostonians and the British soldiers rose, and the British ended up fatally wounding five civilians. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Boston Massacre Event" essay for you Create order The five civilians were, Crispus Attucks, a former slave turned sailor; James Caldwell, another sailor; Patrick Carr, an immigrant Irishman who made leather trousers; Samuel Gray, a rope maker; and Samuel Maverick, the brother-in-law of mob leader Ebenezer Mackintosh (Gale, 1999). Additionally six other innocent bostonians were wounded. The Boston Massacre was a very important event because it had a major impact on the relations between the American and British colonists.        The seven years war left the British in financial distress which lead to taxing the colonies. The acts caused a fierce debate over whether the British Parliament had the right to tax American colonies only for raising revenue. Colonists protested that the British cannot tax as they didnt have representation in the government. The Stamp Act taxed stamps, cards, legal documents, and newspapers. Many protests took place in opposition to the stamp act. Another Act was the Townshend Act where the British put a tax on colonial imports and stationed troops at major colonial ports. To enforce the Acts, the British sent naval and military forces to Boston, which lead to the Boston Massacre. Later in 1765, delegates from American colonies came together in New York City and made petitions to British Parliament to repeal the Acts. It provided the British a taste of what would happen soon (Khan Academy).        As a result of the Boston Massacre, the colonial leaders used the deaths as propaganda. A few weeks after the massacre, Paul Revere created an engraving known as the Bloody Massacre. Online Soures Credible Sources (Other) ¤tPosition=1docId=GALE%7CEJ1667500078docType=Topic+overviewsort=RelevancecontentSegment=prodId=UHICcontentSet=GALE%7CEJ1667500078searchId=R1userGroupName=viva2_nvccinPS=true
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