Monday, August 12, 2019

An Attack against the Iraqi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

An Attack against the Iraqi - Essay Example He possesses the weapons of mass murder. He agrees -- he agreed to disarm Iraq of these weapons as a condition for ending the Gulf War over a decade ago. The United Nations Security Council, in Resolution 1441, has declared Iraq in material breach of its longstanding obligations, demanding once again Iraq's full and immediate disarmament, and promised serious consequences if the regime refused to comply. That resolution was passed unanimously and its logic is inescapable; the Iraqi regime will disarm itself, or the Iraqi regime will be disarmed by force. And the regime has not disarmed itself. Following these assertions, the Iraq war falls between the difficult and easier to justify preemptive strike categories. President Bush cites instances when Iraq refused to comply with disarmament as determined by the UN Security Council. However, he does not give concrete evidence that such weapons have been discovered in Iraq. In hindsight, weapons of mass destruction were not uncovered on Iraqi soil, therefore nullifying the Bush Administration’s claims to a legitimate preemptive strike. The preemptive strike of 1967 completed by Israel falls into the easier to justify category. According to, in 1965 Palestinian groups had begun a series of attacks that were backed by Egypt and Syria. In the following years, a buildup of Arab troops began to surround Israel. The build-up of troops and attacks two years earlier on the border demonstrate an intention for further military action against Israel. Troop movement and hostile rhetoric from the Egyptian President Abdel Nasser also fueled the perceived need for a preemptive strike by Israel. Moral issues also played a role in this strike. Jews were consistently persecuted in the region and this strike demonstrated their unwillingness to be taunted by their neighbors.  

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