Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ethics Chapter 1 Quiz

Appendix 2 Instructions: Click on the box in front of your selected answer. When completed, save and post as an attachment. 1. Which term is used to refer to a subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than the members of a dominant group have over theirs? a. minority group b. majority group c. stratified group d. social group 2. In sociological terms, a majority is the same as a a. numerical minority. b. numerical majority. c. dominant group. d. subordinate group. 3. Members of a minority or subordinate group . generally marry outside their group. b. become a part of the group voluntarily. c. are political equals of the majority group. d. share physical or cultural characteristics that differ from the majority group. 4. All of the following are processes that may create subordinate groups except: a. immigration b. extermination c. annexation d. colonialism 5. Which term is used by sociologists to describe a group that is set apart from others because of obvious physical differences? a. social group b. ethnic group c. racial group d. formal group 6. Which of the following is considered a racial group? a. Puerto Ricans b. Jews c. African Americans d. all of these 7. The U. S. has used skin color as the standard for race designation with a. two categories: Black and White. b. an elaborate system describing various combinations of skin color, facial features, and hair texture. c. a continuum of most Black to most White. d. a focus on cultural differences. 8. Which term is used to describe a group that is set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns? a. ocial group b. ethnic group c. racial group d. formal group 9. Ethnicity refers to a. racial differences. b. differences in physical and mental characteristics. c. cultural differences. d. citizenship. 10. Which of the following is considered an ethnic group? a. Puerto Ricans b. Irish Americans c. Mexican Americans d. all of these 11. Which of the following is NOT considered an ethnic group? a. Puerto Ricans. b. Italian Americans. c. Muslims. d. Polish Americans. 12. African American sociologist W. E. B. DuBois said in 1900 that the century’s major problem would be . class differences. b. the color-line. c. wars. d. poverty and disease. 13. Subordinate groups include a. Roman Catholics. b. women. c. deaf people. d. all of these 14. The concept of race is a. determined by blood type. b. predicated by skin shade increments. c. biologically based on genetically isolated groups. d. socially constructed. 15. Races can be clearly distinguished on the basis of a. skin color. b. blood type. c. genetic resistance to malaria. d. none of these 16. Traditional IQ tests tend to be biased against a. lower-class people. b. rural residents. . racial minorities. d. all of these 17. The hierarchical system for possession of wealth, prestige, or power is called a. ethnic groups. b. stratification. c. age. d. functionalism. 18. Which of the following theoretical perspectives tends to emphasize how the multiple parts of soci ety are structured to maintain its stability? a. conflict theory b. functionalist theory c. macrosociological theory d. labeling theory 19. Which of the following perspectives on race and ethnicity tends to emphasize group tensions between the privileged and the exploited? a. onflict b. macrosociology c. microsociology d. functionalist 20. The conflict perspective emphasizes a. social change. b. the redistribution of resources. c. the exploitation of minorities by dominant groups. d. all of these 21. Exaggerated generalizations about the characteristics of members of a group that do not recognize individual differences within the group are known as a. stereotypes. b. pluralities. c. scapegoats. d. self-fulfilling prophecies. 22. Stereotypes are applied to a. gamblers. b. lesbians. c. people with disabilities. d. all of these 23. In certain situations, we may respond to stereotypes and act on them, with the result that false definitions become accurate. This is known as the a. functionalist theory. b. exploitation theory. c. self-fulfilling prophecy. d. authoritarian personality 24. The formation of a subordinate-group-dominant-group relationship emerges through a. annexation. b. colonialism. c. migration. d. all of these 25. Which term refers to the physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence, workplace, and social functions? a. assimilation b. amalgamation c. segregation d. pluralism

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