Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Self Evaluation and Management

Self Evaluation and Management Self evaluation and personal management have become some of the important components that assist to develop self esteem, identify performance abilities and establish better relationship with other people. Studies indicate that self evaluation goes beyond the view an individual has himself or herself to a continuous and constant determination of progress and personal growth.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Self Evaluation and Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cals and Smircich (1999, p.650) argue that self evaluation can be lowered or enhanced by the behaviour of an individual who is psychologically close. Their argument advances the view that that happiness and self actualization are found in feeling being loved by others and by experiencing the sense of approval from the people around us. As this paper analyses, self evaluation and personal management are vital for building personal relationship with other s and for coexisting with others in the society. It is on this front that this paper succinctly analyses the concepts of self evaluation and management, and how they impact on relationships and the society. This paper takes a critical analysis on self examination in order for an individual to best understand her/himself with regard to relating and managing other people around us. The paper thus outlines critical self reflexivity, its importance, and the held assumptions between an individual and those around. It also looks into the organizational values and the presumed values and personality traits that develop between an individual and an organization. It asserts the importance of an organization and person fit as well as slightly looking at the relationship between and individual and the environment. The managers of organizations should demonstrate more ethical traits and humanity as they go about managing others since the interest of the led is equally very important. This paper employs the approach of self reflexivity which makes it possible foe an individual to develop sensitivity and pay attention to the views of others. A self reflective person listens to an inner voice from the people who speak through his mind and he / she critically puts self into the shoes of others thus being able to feel for their needs and act appropriately. Abraham Tesser advances in his self-evaluation maintenance theory that relationship with other people plays a pivotal role of influencing individual to carry out self-evaluation (Caproni Arias 1997, p. 294). He posits that many individuals feel are more careful when relating with friends than with people they do not know.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Personal relationship with others of blood relation, members of our communities or friends involves sharing different values, principles, beliefs, practice s, aspirations and actions. These impacts on personal behaviour and the perceptions, opinions and views individuals hold on other people. There must be peaceful coexistence in order for one to relate well with others and even assume a position of control over others in the society. Therefore this matter requires full knowledge of self image and understanding of the needs of the people around us, and how our decisions and actions. herefore an individual should develop knowledge on critical reflexivity which is an objective humanistic multidisciplinary understanding of actions, decisions and thoughts with regard to those around us. To be critically reflective means that one is able to posses objective understanding of reality as a basis of thinking more critically about the impact of our assumptions, values and actions on others (Gergen 1994, p. 237). However, it is possible to have self reflexivity in order to be able to manage the people around us and our organizations because as we think critically on our values and behaviour, we are able to understand the effects of these behaviours on others therefore we can develop more ethical attributes for handling others (Caproni Arias 1997, p. 294). The major aim of self reflexivity is not just to enable the managers develop good and effective managerial skills but it is also to help them become moral practitioners and critical thinkers. Management Managers are role models in the society and therefore influence people in the societies through their actions positively or negatively. Studies indicate that managers face a lot of myriad issues and quite often locked in the quagmires of accelerating controversies such as politicised working environments (Cunliffe 2001, p. 356). Therefore it is only imperative that the managers be able to develop the critical self reflexivity which provides a remedy and cushioning mechanism. In addition, it is important to note that decisions made by managers only count on condition that t he needs of others are considered and efficiency is prioritised in order to maximise on the gains and achievements of the organizations (Cunliffe, 2004, p.410). Moreover, one most important and rational way of management is to retain the present management traditions and be able to discover the shortcomings of the mentalities and assumptions. This will ensure that managers become less vulnerable in being complacent in the decision making steps they take, and develop bigger perception of the various views and possible opportunities with a view to developing new methods of transforming unnecessary old ways of management (Jurecic 2011, p. 17).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Self Evaluation and Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, when exhibiting critical self reflexivity, a manager is able to understand self image of existential with aim to become better, acquire the relational understanding of the people around and posses the paraxial consciousness of self such that one is able to draw acceptable norms based on the past and future situations and opportunities (Cunliffe 2001, p. 356). This is a philosophy of motivated practice where all managers and leaders take responsibility of their own organizational achievements and realities. In an attempt to achieve the goals of an organization by any manager or administrator, it is always very important for the manager to fully understand the goals, values, principles, policies and regulations that define the particular organization to its true identity. Thereis need for managers to know which kind of employees they should hire into their organizations as workers, partners or even associates (Morley 2007, p. 3). For instance, a student may not be admitted to a given college or university if she or he is not qualified to join such a learning institution. Furthermore, a student may as well not be admitted to read a course in a faculty w here she or he does not have the prerequisite studies for the entry. This is important because both the organization and the individual should profess certain degree of values and understandings based on a common purpose in order to create and achieve a smoothly running system and avoid unnecessary challenges while maximising on achievements (Morely, 2007, p.112). To sum up, the discussion has shown that people should relate closely and coexist with each other calmly since they share values, behaviour and inspirations developed from mutual interaction. This plays an important role in self evaluation and personal management. Besides, managers should not only look at a person and his or her past in terms of environment and experience but should also look at the extra role and interest of the person they would wish to recruit into their organization. References Cals, M., Smircich, L. 1999. Past postmodernism? Reflections and tentative directions. Academy of Management Review, 24(4), 6 49-671. Caproni, P. J., Arias, M. E. 1997. Managerial skills training from a critical perspective. Journal of Management Education, 21(3), 292-309.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Cunliffe, A. L. 2001. Managers as practical authors: Reconstructing our understanding of management practice. Journal of Management Studies, 38(3), 351-371. Cunliffe, A. L. 2004. On Becoming a Critically Reflexive Practitioner. Journal of Management Education. 28(4):407-426. Gergen, K. J. 1994. Realities and relationships. Boston: Harvard University Press. Morely, M.J. 2007. Person Organisation Fit, Journal of Managerial  Psychology 22(2): 109-117.

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