Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Human Resources Management In Savola - Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about theHuman Resources Management In Savola Company. Answer: The Savola Company should review their business goals for them to understand how many people they will require in accomplishing their task. The business goals will help them determine the labour they require to accomplish the tasks. As the human resources manager in Savola, Kamal should identify the internal and external factors that affect the company from achieving its objectives. The companys objectives are to increase food distributions channels and to expand their market share in Jeddah. The expected employees should have skills and experience in selling and marketing and hence as the human resources manager should look for the skills when recruiting (Price, 2011). The human resource manager should identify the gaps in the organisation. The skills shortage in the each department and the type of skills needed to handle the task. The human resources manager should recruit people who will work toward achieving the goals of the organisation (Greenberger Henman, 2009). This should guide the human resources in choosing the best team with the available resources. Kamal should report the progress of human resources department and continue with monitoring, measuring and analysing on how they should implement their analysis to help the company achieve their objectives (Baker Doran, 2007). To ensure success in the department for the next three years, the company should monitor their budget and the economic environment. The budget should help the company work efficiently without any strain and the economic environment should help the company to study the economic conditions and how to succeed in those economic challenges like skills labour and inflation (Dransfield, 2008). References Price, A. (2011). Human resource management. Andover: Cengage Learning EMEA Baker, J. R., Doran, M. S. (2007). Human resource management: A problem-solving approach linked to ISLLC standards. Lanham, Md: Rowman Littlefield Education. Dransfield, R. (2008). Human resource management. Oxford: Heinemann. Greenberger, D. B., Heneman, R. L. (2009). Human resource management in virtual organisations. Greenwich, Conn: IAP, Information Age Publ.

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