Saturday, December 28, 2019

Dtmf Remote Appliance Control System Using Mobile Phone

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This project â€Å"DTMF REMOTE APPLIANCE CONTROL SYSTEM USING MOBILE PHONE† is used to control appliances which are far away from the user using mobile phone. The aim of the proposed system is to develop a cost effective solution that will provide controlling of home appliances remotely and enable home security against intrusion in the absence of homeowner. The devices connected as home and office appliances consume electrical power and they should be controlled as well as turn on /off if required. Most of the time, it was done manually. Now it is a necessity to control devices more effectively and efficiently at anytime from anywhere. Take an instant when we are going to office and suddenly remembered that to†¦show more content†¦Relays allow a small current flow circuit to control a high current circuit. 1.2.8 Devices: The devices can be micro-wave oven, bulbs, fans, air cooler, etc which are far away from the user. The micro-controller plays the intelligent part in controlling these devices. 1.3 Working: This project is used to control the appliances present at a distance using a mobile phone. The first step is the user should make a call to the mobile phone, which is in auto answer mode and thus call gets connected. The user presses the digits present over the keypad of his phone for controlling the appliances present at home or office. Whenever a button is pressed a tone is generated and it is transferred to the mobile phone present in the home or office, which is interfaced with the DTMF transceiver. The DTMF receiver decodes the tone generated and it activates the controller accordingly. The controller operates the devices according to the coding set by the user. The status of the devices whether they are ON/OFF is indicated in the LCD. CHAPTER 2 MT8888 DTMF TRANSCEIVER Introduction: The MT8888C is a monolithic DTMF transceiver with call progress filter. It is fabricated using CMOS technology and it offers low power consumption and high reliability. The receiver section is based upon the industry standard MT8870Show MoreRelatedA Review On Smart Home2037 Words   |  9 PagesAbstract—The home automation is rapidly advancing area with the help of different technologies. The smart home is basically developed with the intelligent system to assist the people and provide support to fulfill the need of disabled and elderly in home. This paper describes the overview of research and associated technologies that are used in smart home system .This include the basic building block of smart home and their inter-relationships. The different sensors, communication protocols, devices and algorithmsRead MoreLight Fidelity (Li-Fi)3985 Words   |  16 PagesINTRODUCTION For years, infrared LED has been merely a system for piping light around corners and into the inaccessible places to allow the hidden to be lighted. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Identity, Identity And Identity - 855 Words

Identity What is an identity? Some people claim you’re born with it, other says that your identity is molded throughout your lifetime. An identity is what makes you the person that you are. When someone describes you to someone else, they are describing your identity. The morals that you live by, and the way you live your life is your identity. Many different factors make your identity different from everyone else’s. I think this because everyone goes through different events in their life and that’s what alters a person’s identity. â€Å"In ordinary language, at least, one can use â€Å"identity† to refer to personal characteristics or attributes that cannot naturally be expressed in terms of a social category, and in some contexts certain categories can be described as â€Å"identities† even though no one sees them as central to their personal identity.† (Fearon, James D) In â€Å"The Sorrowful Woman† the wife goes through a v ery traumatic experience which changes her forever. During the story she goes insane because of her living conditions and the way her husband treats her. He gives her some kind of poison that makes her act differently. This causes her to seclude herself from the family and she becomes a completely different person than what she was before. From context clues you can tell she used to be a loving mother and used to care about her family. She died as someone she wasn’t. I study has been done to prove that health can cause an identity change. â€Å"Identity conflict, or theShow MoreRelatedIdentity And Identity Of Identity Essay950 Words   |  4 Pagesreact to times the way that they do? Identities, everybody has an alternate identity. Identity advancement are the examples of considerations, emotions and practices that set you apart from another person. A large number of the hypotheses spin around that identity is something that starts when you are a newborn child. 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On the other hand, others criticize that identity productionRead MoreIdentities Essay662 Words   |  3 PagesThere are many things that shape our identities from society, and family to things we learn on our own like experiences. Many struggle to find their identity and struggle between two (or more) identities. Some are very secure with their identities whether it’s their own, a combination of society and theirs, or society’s alone. The question is which one plays a bigger role? I think when we’re young authority figures and society plays a bigger role in life, but as you grow older, and become a teenager

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Human Resources Management In Savola - Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about theHuman Resources Management In Savola Company. Answer: The Savola Company should review their business goals for them to understand how many people they will require in accomplishing their task. The business goals will help them determine the labour they require to accomplish the tasks. As the human resources manager in Savola, Kamal should identify the internal and external factors that affect the company from achieving its objectives. The companys objectives are to increase food distributions channels and to expand their market share in Jeddah. The expected employees should have skills and experience in selling and marketing and hence as the human resources manager should look for the skills when recruiting (Price, 2011). The human resource manager should identify the gaps in the organisation. The skills shortage in the each department and the type of skills needed to handle the task. The human resources manager should recruit people who will work toward achieving the goals of the organisation (Greenberger Henman, 2009). This should guide the human resources in choosing the best team with the available resources. Kamal should report the progress of human resources department and continue with monitoring, measuring and analysing on how they should implement their analysis to help the company achieve their objectives (Baker Doran, 2007). To ensure success in the department for the next three years, the company should monitor their budget and the economic environment. The budget should help the company work efficiently without any strain and the economic environment should help the company to study the economic conditions and how to succeed in those economic challenges like skills labour and inflation (Dransfield, 2008). References Price, A. (2011). Human resource management. Andover: Cengage Learning EMEA Baker, J. R., Doran, M. S. (2007). Human resource management: A problem-solving approach linked to ISLLC standards. Lanham, Md: Rowman Littlefield Education. Dransfield, R. (2008). Human resource management. Oxford: Heinemann. Greenberger, D. B., Heneman, R. L. (2009). Human resource management in virtual organisations. Greenwich, Conn: IAP, Information Age Publ.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Happy Valley Case free essay sample

Camp Happy Valley is a summer day camp which is located in London, Ontario. It formed in 1965, and as a not-for-profit organization. Camp Happy Valley engages in create a positive and safe atmosphere for children to increase their experience. Sue Johnson is the director of this camp and work for hiring the super staff team. Adam Cameron is the programmer for Happy Valley. The process of hiring and training staff was low efficiency, and the camp’s morale was depressed. Camp Happy Valley needs to make some decisions as soon as possible to improve this situation. There are three problem areas faced by the Happy Valley. First of all, the process of hiring staff for Happy Valley is ineffective. Another problem area is that the process of training staff is too tedious and no organization. Lastly, ineffective management is also a problem category. Firstly, the procedure of checking reference new candidates was too complex. We will write a custom essay sample on Happy Valley Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is a lack of fit between organizational process and people. Meanwhile, many employees felt the process of training was so boring. There is a lack of fit between organization process and people. Finally, the span of management is out of control. This is a lack of fit between organization structure and tasks. The Happy Valley was required to achieve three goals to promote efficiency. First, Happy Valley needs to improve the procedure of hiring staff. Second, Happy Valley needs to create a positive and interesting process of training. Third, the Happy Valley needs to change the unreasonable structure of staff assignments. There are three alternatives suggested to address the problems. The first alternative is that Happy Valley needs to make a complete plan to use an organized process to hire staff. Another alternative is to simplify the administrative tasks, and change the procedure of training to let it becomes more interesting and useful. The third alternative is to optimize the management structure of Happy Valley. Improving the efficiency of staff training would be the most appropriate alternative. A successful training process will allow employees to have a better understanding of the work and the environment of the Happy Valley. The quality of the training is more significant for employees who have never done kind of job before. If the implementation fails and the team spirit of the staff is still very weak. Johnson give out a moving speech at the end of training, and hold a staff party to improve the relationship among the team members, and let them work with a team spirit. Overview Camp Happy Valley is a summer day camp which is located in London, Ontario. It formed in 1965, and as a not-for-profit organization, it become an accredited member of Ontario Camping Association. Camp Happy Valley engages in create a positive and safe atmosphere for children to increase their experience. Sue Johnson is the director of this camp and work for hiring the super staff team, while Adam Cameron, who is a first-year student at The University of Western Ontario, is the programmer for Happy Valley. Happy Valley recruited many staff because of the high staff turnover and the competitive environment. However, the process of recruiting and training staff was low efficiency, and the camp’s morale was depressed. Camp Happy Valley needs to make some decisions as soon as possible to improve this situation. Problem There are three problem areas faced by the Happy Valley. Ineffective process of hiring staff is a main problem category for Happy Valley. Employees are a very important part of the Happy Valley, but there are a lot of loopholes in both processes of recruiting new staff and returning staff. On one hand, many potential employees were not checked by the super staff member timely, at the same time, a lot of them found new jobs in other places; they lost many outstanding staff members. On the other hand, the super staff team did not make a clear decision to arrange who would interview whom during rehiring return staff. It wasted huge amount of time. The process of training staff is too tedious, and no organization is another issue for Happy Valley. The result of training would directly impact the motivation of staff and the morale of the camp. Nevertheless, the procedure of training employees has many flaws. Firstly, the Happy Valley wasted a lot of time during the super staff training, and it let the process of administering the workshops became very hasty and inefficient. Meanwhile, staff felt bored during the training. They were too tired to throw themselves into the training. There was no doubt that some employees had no team feeling. They did not think of the collective sense of honor. Parents complaint to head office about the poor attitude of the camp staff. In addition, ineffective management is also a problem category. To begin with, the span of management is out of control. In order to maximize the efficiency, the managers need to think about how many staff that they are able to supervise directly. Johnson, the director of the camp, was directly responsible for managing the whole super staff. The efficiency of management would decline. Moreover, Cameron was the only employee in program director part of the super staff team, and it was difficult for only one person to develop the entire program. Cause There is a lack of fit between organizational process and people because of the procedure of checking reference new candidates was too complex. Reference checks need be a clear division of work. Super staff did not know the exact numbers of references that they need to check. It became the responsibility of whoever has a chance to do the reference checks, so the process became disorganized. A lot of time was wasted. Many candidates found the jobs in other places while they were not checked by the Happy Valley. Meanwhile, because of Happy Valley did not have a formal process during hiring returning employees, the procedure was very chaotic. As a result, a lot of defects came out during the procedure of selecting staff. There is a lack of fit between organization process and people because the process of training was boring. It was so monotonous that the supervisor always speaking. A large number of employees felt tired after they went through the process of training. They thought the training was useless, so they lacked a positive attitude and staff spirit for their jobs. Moreover, the administrative tasks were tedious, and it also wasted the time. Therefore, the quality of training was unsatisfactory. There is a lack of fit between organization structure and tasks. Due to the lack of proper arrangement and the profound understanding of the organizational structure, there was only one director to supervise all super staff. There were nineteen people in the super staff team, and they were divided by four sections of camp. It is extremely difficult for Johnson to manage all of these super staff and sections. In addition, it was also irrational that there was only Cameron in the program section. These four different sections had their own function, and they involved in different parts. Although he had accumulated a wealth of experience during working in the Happy Valley in the past four summers, he only worked at the swim department in the past four years. Cameron was only a first-year student of the university, and there were a lot of things he needed to learn with his enthusiasm. Goals The Happy Valley was required to achieve three goals to promote efficiency. First, Happy Valley needs to improve the procedure of hiring staff. Second, a positive and interesting process of training will let the staff work with more enthusiasm and team spirit. Third, the Happy Valley needs to change the unreasonable structure of staff assignments to make the management become more effective. Action Alternatives The first alternative is that Happy Valley makes a complete plan to use an organized process to hire staff. The plan will let each super staff member know what they are responsible for, making them do their own job. Every member should know clearly about the numbers of candidates that they need to interview, and the number of references they need to check. Consequently, the efficiency of hiring process will get a great improvement. Another alternative is to simplify the administrative tasks, and change the procedure of training to let it becomes more interesting and useful. Instead of only let the same person speaking, Happy Valley can create some activities that relate to the training like simulating the environment of camp, and let all staff involved in it. As a result, employees will get lots of practical experience and also enjoy the process. The morale of the camp will also be boosted. The third alternative is to optimize the management structure of Happy Valley. For the top management part, Happy Valley should select another director like Johnson from the 19 people of the super staff team. This new director and Johnson can manage two departments of the super staff separately. For the super staff part, Happy Valley should select another programmer from the normal staff that who has the rich experience of this area. Thus, the efficiency of management will improve with the change of the structure. Recommendation/Implementation Improving the efficiency of staff training would be the most appropriate alternative to choose because the process of training is very important for developing the ability to work. The quality of the training is more significant for employees who have never done kind of job before. Meanwhile, a successful training process will allow employees to have a better understanding of the work and the environment of the Happy Valley. It will also increase the group cohesiveness at the same time. Therefore, this alternative will help Happy Valley to boost the camp’s morale, which is the most important goal that managers want to achieve. To implement this alternative is not difficult. There are some steps that need to do as following: Step 1: Johnson needs to hold a meeting with the super staff team to discuss the ways to simplify the administrative tasks and the activities they will do for training of super staff on June 1st. Step 2: After a one-week training of super staff, they need to hold a meeting for making a plan of the process of training all employees on June 7. Step 3: Dividing all staff into different groups after a simple process of talking about the manual. The employees will be trained in their own group, and achieve the goal, which is given by the super staff with their members. The time of training is from June 20th to 26th. Step 4: Finding 30 children as volunteers to participate in a three-day free simulative camp, and the staff will involve in this activity. The time of the activity id from June 28th to 30th Contingency If the implementation fails, and the motivation and team spirit of the staff is still very weak. They could let Johnson give out a moving speech at the end of training. After the speech, they could hold a staff party. The relationship among the team members will be improved. After that, all staff will be working with a motivation and team spirit.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Planarian Lab Report Sample

Planarian Lab Report Paper There are efferent species which come in white, gray, black, brown and sometimes transparent. Planarians are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both female and male organs. They reproduce sexually but they cannot reproduce by fertilizing their own eggs with their sperm. Planarians can also reproduce asexually by regeneration. Planarians have become a vital model system for studying tissue regeneration and stem cell characteristics because of their quick ability to regenerate. Studying planarians will build on our current knowledge in the fields of regenerative medicine and stem cell biology. Flatworms themselves are preyed upon by a variety of predators and are intermediate levels of the food chain, so they are important because they feed other animals. Hypothesis All three worms were cut in half. We had expected all the planarians to regenerate. The prediction made was the planarian that was the longest, would regenerate the quickest and begin to behave normally first. Listed materials Seven clear Petri dishes Colored utensil to label Purified water Boiled eggs Tooth picks Flashlight Measuring tape Paintbrush Knife Procedure 1. Obtain six Petri dishes 2. Put enough water into the Petri dishes to cover the bottom of all six 3. Label the three dishes with the colored utensil with three names of choice (We choose Chubs, Delia, and Carol) 4. Use a flashlight to test the response of the planarians and measure them 5. Feed the planarians with boiled eggs by using a toothpick to gather a very tiny amount of food 6. Record the data for day one 7. Label the other three dishes with the names you choose but add a one to their name (Chubs 1, Delia 1, and Carol 1) 8. We will write a custom essay sample on Planarian Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Planarian Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Planarian Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Place one planarian in each of the three dishes labeled with the original name with a paintbrush 9. Carefully slice the planarians in half with a knife 10. Use a paintbrush to move one half of the planarian into the matching named Petri dish 11. Clean the water of the original dishes and refill with clean water 12. All planarians should be in clean water 13. Feed all planarians with a tiny bit of boiled eggs 14. Measure the length of all half planarians and record 15. Test the reaction of the flashlight test on the planarians and record 16. Wash hands 17. Repeat steps 12-16 each day the planarians are observed and record Data and Observations Length of the Planarians in millimeters Chubs Chubs 1 Carol Carol 1 Delia Delia 1 Starting(whole) 14 17. 5 5 Day 1 7 8 10 3 2 Day 2 (split in 2) Chubs 1. 5 4 13 Died Day 3 12 Day 4 6 Day 5 Day 6 0 Reaction to the flashlight stimulation Starting Moved toward the light Day 1-6 No reaction Based on our results, the planarians all died after our sixth day of observing them. Chubs split in two after the first day but Chubs 1 died so we moved the second half of Chubs into a Petri dish and labeled him Chubs 1. . The longest over all (Carol) was actually the first worm to die completely by day four, including both parts. The worms that were mm long lasted the longest (Delia and Chubs 1. 5). On day five Delia was actually transparent on the half that she was growing back. It was interesting that Chubs split in half on day two, while the other part of him had died. Delia was the last survivor and almost th e shortest worm, living till day six. All the planarians reacted to the light the first day by moving closer to it, but after they were cut, none of the worms reacted at all. Conclusion It is important that we study such animals because more than half of planarian genes have parallels in people, and some of their basic physiological systems operate like ours. This could lead scientist into understanding how to regenerate human tissues or cells. If scientist learn how to achieve this than many different lath issues could be solved, for instances diabetes. This could also help scientist discover how to mutate the cells in other animals so they regenerate when they lose body ligaments in the wild. This could result in less deaths of animals and a lower extinction rate. Scientist do not study on humans because of their inability to grow back but one day hope to achieve this goal. The soft- bodied planarians move in a similar fashion as a slug. They use their foot to slither through a trail of slime, leaving most of the slime behind. The planarian extends a tube-like pharynx from its mouth to reach for food. Through this tube it secretes digestive juice onto its prey. The food is partially digested externally before it is sucked into the Castro vascular cavity where it is digested the rest of the way, and then diffused to the rest of the body. Without the pharynx, the digestive juice would not reach the food and it would not be able to ingest anything, which would lead to starvation. The pharynx is a specialized organ that allows the planarian to find and take in food. Our worms were all cut the same way, but gave very different results. The longest planarian parts died a lot quicker than the shorter pieces of worm. Concluding that our hypothesis had not turned out how we had expected based on our data results. A probable reason for the death of some of our worms could have been overfeeding them. Sometimes the chunks of egg was hard to get off, so we added more but then it all came out. Chubs 1 was over whelmed with food the first day, so he could have over eaten and died. Through performing this experiment, learned many things about how regeneration works. I was amazed to see the planarians moving after they had been cut into two pieces. I also enjoyed seeing how quickly the worms grew and regeneration does not take very long. I enjoyed his lab because it was very fascinating to see understand how a scientist could use regeneration to fix problems in the human.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Will Essays

Free Will Essays Free Will Essay Free Will Essay The power to make your own decisions and not have your choices determined by your genes and your past shows that the philosophy of free will is the most compelling philosophy. Naturalism is the philosophy that we, as humans, are influenced completely by our genes. The genes we were created and born with do not control the choices we make. If genes were the only things that influenced a person’s decisions, then scientists would be able to invent a machine that could make its own decisions and have all the thoughts a regular person has. So far, to the general public’s knowledge, there has not been a robot or machine invented that can think completely on it’s own. There have been machines that show some signs of higher level thinking, but nothing near that of a human’s. Free will allows us to think on our own. It lets us choose what we want to do. Our genes do not put thoughts into our head’s, they don’t force us to do good or evil. We have the free will to make those choices and to do what we want to do. Social determinism is the philosophy the all the decisions we make in the present and future are determined by everything that happened to you in your past. : Your upbringing does not completely influence all of your decisions. Many people who grow up in the same families can end up turning out to be completely different people. If a child was brought up in an abusive and addicted family, many times they can go against all odds and end up becoming remarkable and moral people. You are often influenced by what your are told and shown growing up, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t have the chance and free will to go against those influences and make our own decisions. Many people may try to use their upbringing as an excuse as to why they do the things they do, but that’s all it is, an excuse. You have the power to carry out any decision you want to do, your past has little to do with the present. Overall, everyone has a different opinion on free will and whether or not we, humans, have it. But I think the fact that our decisions are not limited to what our genes and upbringing tell us to do shows that we have free will. Our behaviour is determined by our own choices, and any argument as to whether social determinism or naturalism is more convincing always falls short in some way.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Review of Pollock (2000) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review of Pollock (2000) - Essay Example While Ed Harris has explored the personal life of Pollock, he has also satisfied the visual appetite of the viewer by choreographing scenes where Pollock stands in the midst of paints as colors drip down from paintings. These scenes often work as a contrast to the rest of the film since it is here that the movie picks up the pace and often gives the feel of an action film. In this way, the movie satisfies that viewers' preconceived notions of artists and their dedication towards art. Even though most of the movie is quite tragic but it does not damper the spirit of the viewers towards art. Rather the movie shows art as something that is able to break boundaries despite obvious shortcomings. As a biography, the film has perhaps not been able to fully cover the major events of Pollock's life. Even though the movie introduces characters like Clement Greenberg, it is often not accurate. For instance, the movie makes a reference to Pollock's drip painting technique. The movie shows that the technique of drip painting was accidentally discovered by Pollock when he dripped paint on the floor. However, none of the biographies written on Pollock give reference to just an incident. Overall the movie is a good watch. For viewers who want to gain insight on the life of an artist like Pollock, the movie is greatly recommended. The movie is also recommended for those who wish to understand life from the perspective of an artist. It is not an authentic source of information but offers a visual treat to the viewers.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Brand Positioning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Brand Positioning - Essay Example The Asian chocolate market is the driving sale and likely to hold about 20% of the market share of the global chocolate market in 2016 and sales of chocolate in the Asian market is likely to boost up share from $15billion to $19.7billion in 2016. US leads the chocolate market with a market share of 86.3% in North America, Japan has a market share of 39.7%, Europe with a market share of 16.4% and Germany accounts for 15.9% (Markets and Markets,† Markets and Markets: Global Chocolate Market worth $ 98.3 billion by 2016†). Five major brands chosen for the project in the chocolate industry includes Cadbury/Kraft, Mars, Nestle, Ferrero and Hershey. Cadbury/Kraft food generated total sales of $19,965 in 2011 and accounts for 15% of the market share in global chocolate industry; Mars generates sales of $16,200 and has a market share of 15% in 2011; Nestle sales stood at $12,808 with a marker share of 13%; Ferrero Group accounted for $9612 and market share of 7% and finally Hersh ey foods generated sales of $6112 with market share of 7% (ICCO, â€Å"The Chocolate Industry†). Selection of characteristics Brand positioning is based on certain characteristic depending on the product or the brands. The product chosen is chocolate and therefore four major characteristics of the product chosen are quality, taste, price and image of the brand. Quality forms an integral part and chocolate and quality goes hand in hand. In the chocolate industry ingredients like cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar, fats, flavorings and emulsifier plays an essential role in the quality of the product. Quality of chocolate is dependent on the quality of raw materials (Chocolate Source, â€Å"What Makes a Good Quality Chocolate?†). Taste is another important factor in the positioning of the brand. Consumers tend to consume chocolate for taste. Dark chocolates are consumed only for its taste and all the brands take effective measure in order to produce and manufacture chocolates wit h good taste. Price although is not that important when it comes to brand and brand name but cannot be ruled out completely. The top chocolate brands prices their products almost at par which implies stiff competition in the chocolate industry. Therefore the four characteristic will help to determine the positioning of each of the brands in the chocolate industry. Group selection justification In order to analyze the positioning of the chocolate brands two set of groups are taken into considerations, the female consumers and the male consumers. The sample size of male and female consumers taken into consideration is above the age group of 18 years. The female consumers group usually loves chocolates and loves to consumer variety of chocolates. The other set which are the male group will help to determine the reason behind the consumption of chocolate and the most preferred brand by the consumers. The female group of consumers will help to provide feedback regarding innovation, packa ging, taste and other added feature required by a brand. Both the groups play an essential role in developing the brand name and image of the product and are core of any product. The males are taken into consideration to overrule the existing believe that chocolates are consumed and loved by females to a very high extend. The male segment of the society also prefers chocolate and to determine

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Physical wellness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physical wellness - Essay Example Proposed fitness plan: Diversify cardio activities if possible through different activities - running on treadmill, swimming, spinning, step aerobics, kick boxing. Increase cardio activity to 40 minutes at least 3 days a week. Intensify by using weights - ankles, waist, or specially designed weight jacket. Goals: Maintain weight through cardio and strength training. Proper and regular eating habits will be instituted. 4 - 5 small meals each day will be used to maintain energy. Fruits and vegetables can be eaten for healthy snacks between meals. Avoidance of high sodium, high carbohydrate, and high fat foods. Consistent water intake of at least 64 ounces a day for optimum body functioning will be needed. Avoidance of energy drinks and caffeine. Drinks containing electrolytes should be careful consumed, assisting in the body maintaining homeostasis. Proposed plan: Alternate upper body and lower body work-outs in minimize fatigue of larger muscle groups in each area. For each exercise, a total of 12 -15 reps, and a total of 3 sets of reps should be followed. Work major muscle groups and smaller muscle groups to maximize the workout. Circuits can provide cardio during strength training - this entails moving from one exercise to the next with little to no rest in between. Free weights and exercise bands can be used for resistance training. Less weight more reps for lean muscle and less reps higher weight for creating heavier muscle mass should be taken into consideration. Exercises to be used: To work large muscle groups within the legs, squats and lunges should be used, with or without weight. Arms: bar bell bicep curls - allows for heavier weight usage and is easiest in technique; alternate dumb bell bicep curls, allows for one arm to rest while another arm works; use of bands with these exercises - use one foot or both feet to hold the band in place while pulling the band in the same motions used with free weights. Abs: standing abdominal work will reduce the stress that is placed on the back while doing crunches in a lying position - the basic standing tuck position works the abs by having the person tuck their hips while maintaining a straight back. Bending from side to side will work the obliques in concert with the abdominals. Goals: Increase muscle tone through gradual weight increments and usage. Increase the amount of weight that can be used during workouts before exhaustion sets in. Use of strength training equipment at Planet Fitness Gym and/or exercise instructional videos for wide variety of exercises. Stress Management Plan: Part 3 Current stressors: Full time college student, living at home with parents, working 3 -4 days a week as a secretary. Inable to sit for long periods of time. Constant stress and high anxiety levels present. Current stress relief activities: Use of sports/exercise; playing piano. Proposed plan: Using time effectively, both exercise and relaxation techniques could be employed. Yoga, pilates, and the newest combination called piyo can be used for stretching, strengthening, as well as for meditative purposes. Receiving a full body massage monthly will help reduce muscle fatigue and lower stress levels by fully relaxing the entire body. A hot bath will also relax the body and help reduce muscl

Friday, November 15, 2019

Developing Leadership and a Team

Developing Leadership and a Team What is Team? According to Dee Hock (1999), Founder and CEO Emeritus of Visa International says, Control is not leadership; management is not leadership; leadership is leadership. If you seek to lead, invest at least 50% of your time leading yourself for your own purpose, ethics, principles, motivation, and conduct. Invest at least 20% leading those with authority over you and 15% leading your friends. If you do not understand you work for your mislabelled â€Å"subordinates,† then you know nothing of leadership. You know only tyranny (an absolute power). Team Development Participating in or observing the development of a team is absolutely interesting, sometimes it is disturbing, often both. So many factors influence the process, whether the team is to work face to face or electronically or in some combination of contexts. Developing by Stages It is traditional to talk about phases of team development, if each group or team followed a nice linear growth sequence. Most teams however, are not that predictable. Each develops through its own process but each also manage issues that brings its members together, drive them apart, push them to accomplish goals, hold them back, move them forward. These issues arise in different sequences for different teams, being aware of them can help to share leadership as we recognise the development issues in your team. Consider the following â€Å"phases† not as specific periods but as development issues that vary from team to team. Phases as Development Issues Researcher has noticed that short-term groups not teams proceed through orientation through groups, conflict, emergence of a proposed decision and mutual reinforcement as well as commitment of the group to a decision (Fisher, 1970). Other observations have similarly classified stages as forming (orienting to one another), storming (conflicting), norming (becoming a team with processes for managing strife), performing (getting the job done), and adjourning (saying good bye). (Tuckman and Jenson, 1977). Source: Self-Copied from Developmental Issues for Specific Team The developmental patterns just discussed to understand the processes a group might experience, but the most useful information is that how your team develops depends in part on its type and its purpose or purposes. Gersick (1988) observed real world project teams, fund raising committees, corporate and health care teams and university teams. All had specific projects and tasks, used shared leadership and met for an extended period of time. Gersicks observations directly relate to the kinds of teams most people experience, He found a general pattern: 1. At their first meetings, teams activities varied with their respective tasks 2. Several meetings dealt with conflicts, getting information, and working through issues 3. The mid point crisis meeting was focused according to the teams purpose. Various teams dealt with decisions about goals, revising drafts of reports, outlining programs or managing conflicts. 4. After this transition, teams went through another series of meetings to wo rk out details of their tasks. 5. This led to the final completion meeting, in which each team finalised its work according to the type and purpose of the team. Leadership skills, approaches and strategies Most recently, two theories of leadership has emerged. Bass (1990) first distinguished between two of them: transactional leadership, which exchanges rewards for performance and transformational leadership, which elevates, motivates, inspires and develops the team. Transactional leaders set goals, clarify desired outcomes, provide feedback and give subordinates rewards for good work. On the other hand, transformational leaders motivate their followers through more subtle- but very effective means and these strategies tend to result in high worker satisfaction (Sparks and Schenk, 2001). The key achieving sustainable business success is to have excellence in leadership at all three levels. Strategic, operational and team leaders need to work harmoniously together as the organisations leadership team. The most common and most expensive error that organisations are making at present is to focus leadership development on their more senior managers, so that become their entire ‘strategy. In doing, they are completely ignoring their team leaders. Yet it is the team leader who is closest to the customer. Make sure that the strategy embraces all three levels. There is useful distinction to be made between strategic thinking and strategic planning. Leadership strategy should evolve and guided by a small steering group as a part of overall business strategy. It should be longer term, for a strategy worth the name should be three dimensional: †¢ Importance-it really has to matter †¢ long term- it takes time to grow trees †¢ multi factored-it takes more than one element or approach to make strategy Different Leadership styles This style works just fine for a team of real experts who want to share leadership and charge ahead. For other teams, however, productivity, quality, involvement and satisfaction suffer. Authoritarian (or autocratic) leadership is just what it sounds like. The authoritarian leader keep tight control, runs meetings by the book, sets schedules, and may use coercive or reward power. Authoritarian leadership often increases productivity in the short term, but it also increases aggression and turnover rates among members. Some people equate authoritarianism with leadership, however and their expectations are met by an authoritarian leader. Democratic leadership fits the western ideal. The democratic leader ensures that everyone is heard, guides and facilitates discussion and decision making, and shares power. Democratic leaders do three important things. First, they make sure everyone in the group feels responsible for outcomes. Second, they enhance the groups feelings of empowerment. Finally, they create processes through which the team can make effective decisions. Overtime, each member in the group develops the expertise (and, hopefully, the desire) to perform these ro les as well; ultimately everyone can take turns serving as both leaders and followers. According to Likert, R. in 1961 distinguished between four key styles or systems of leadership. System 1: Exploitative autocratic- which is the essence of authoritarian style System 2: Benevolent authoritative- is basically paternalistic style. There is a limited element of reward, but communication is restricted. Policy is made at the top but there is some restricted delegation with in strictly defined procedures. System 3: Participative-The leaser has some incomplete confidence in subordinates, listens to them but controls decision making, motivates by reward and a level of involvement and will use the ideas and suggestions of subordinates constructively. System 4: Democratic- Management gives economic rewards, rather than pats on the head, utilises full group participation and involves teams in goal setting and improving work methods and communication flows up and down. There is a close psychol ogical relationship between superiors and subordinates. Decision making is permitted at all levels and is integrated into the formal structure with reference to the organisational chart. He recognised that each style is relevant in some situations; for example in a crisis, a system 1 approach is usually required. Alternatively when introducing a new system of work, system 4 would be more effective. It shows that effective managers are those who adopt either a system 3 or a system 4 leadership style. Both are seen as being based on trust and paying attention to the needs of both the organisation and employees. Developing Leadership skills It is very easy to explain leadership, but it is hard to practise it. Action comes first in leadership and then skills. People always like to follow the good leaders because they trust and respect them, rather than following the leadership skills they have. Leadership depends on the skills of Management but it is quite different from Management. Management really depends on the planning, company and communication skills. Leadership should have such type of qualities like integration, honesty, and commitment; also have knowledge to share the ideas with his team members and mutual understanding, sincerity, passion. New and experienced leader alike, decision making has gown more complicated then ever. Leaders must make choices quickly often with the small information at hand. If we want to develop a greater tolerance for ambiguity and be willing to constantly reinvent the way your teams operate. Also want to gather more input on key decisions from people at every level of your organisation, as well as learn how to assess the reasons behind a decision before taking the force and implementing it. In 1999, for example, management thinkers and executives from the private and non profit sectors gathered at a conference summon by the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), a think tank in Greensboro, NC. The goal was to examine current leadership practices and needs. Participants focused on the fact that changing conditions in many organisations require leaders to develop new skills and perspectives. References: Harvard Business School, (2005). Becoming an effective leader, Publish in USA ISBN: 1-59139-780-9 The Role of Communication in Leadership Strategic communication has never been more important than it is today. Employees expect to know about their companys plans, and they assume that they will participate in their companys growth. That means that leaders must take communication a personal priority and drive its value throughout the organisation. Mai and Akerson argue that leadership communication is not simply a technical skill, but â€Å"the critical leadership competency for guiding organisations through conditions of heightened transition and turmoil.† Any competitive company they said has three critical goals: †¢ To attract and retain talent †¢ To maintain a steady course through transitions †¢ To stay at the leading edge of its industry through constant innovation and renewal To accomplish these goals, leaders must do three key things: 1- Create a Community First leaders must be community developers, fostering trust and creating meaningful work environment. A direct approach often works well. Saturn, where plant or unit managers take the time to welcome each new hire and explains the companys philosophy. Employees coming from organisations where they had never spoken one-on-one with a senior manager are pleasantly surprised by this. Such personalised face-to-face communication with employees conveys honesty and sincerity. Transparent, honest communication is essential: when leaders communicate candidly, employees are likely to reciprocate, extending confidence back to the company. 2- Steer a Steady Course Leaders should act as navigators, setting direction and instigating action, particularly during times of transition. At the annual meeting, the companys leaders met in groups to discuss the organisations future, stimulated by worksheets that provided them with information about deregulation across other industries, statistics and possible new company configurations. After the meeting leaders took the work sheets and held similar meetings of their own with in their individual divisions. 3- Commit to continual renewal Case Study of Tesco Tesco uses critical success factors as a basis for its management and leadership competencies. According to Helen Cecil, head of HR, the emphasis at senior management level is on developing leaders rather than managers. This aim, she says is based on the companys recognition that â€Å"the difference we deliver to our customers is through our people. Management levels in stores have been reduced from seven or eight down to three and She also said that Staff now expects much more from managers. Managers have to be able to inspire, initiate change and motivate staff to deliver results. The company also recognises that the potential benefits of new technology, new management systems and new organisational structures cannot realise without effective leadership. Tesco is developing global leaders as the business becomes more international. The company uses business schools and external consultants, with in company assessment panels that identify future leaders whose development is focused on strategy, operations and human resource management.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Privacy Invasion of Consumers Through the Internet and Bluetooth De

The Privacy Invasion of Consumers Through the Internet and Bluetooth Devices ABSTRACT Faster, easier, and cheaper access to a plethora of information, products and people is a primary stimulus for the growing number of online consumers who use the Internet to fulfill information foraging, communication and commerce needs. Oddly enough, these conveniences appear to override users concerns of privacy invasion. As the mechanisms behind information technologies become increasingly transparent, users must trust the companies producing the products to protect them from privacy invasion and refrain from deceitful consumer information practices. Should consumers continue to put faith in companies who may be more concerned about financial gains than consumer privacy rights? Since congress has refused to regulate industry information practices, consumers need to realize that the responsibility of protecting their personal information lies in their own hands. It is the consumer’s responsibility to research company backgrounds, investigate privacy policies, becom e aware of privacy invasion techniques, and learn security safeguards to ultimately make informed decisions and remain in control of how and with whom their personal information is used and shared. INTRODUCTION Do corporations respect consumers’ rights to privacy? In 1999, a Sun Microsystems chief executive riled consumer privacy advocates when he brazenly declared, â€Å"You [as a consumer] have zero privacy anyway. Get over it† (as qtd. in Turow 8). Privacy advocate groups such as the Federal Trade Commission and the American Civil Liberties Union question the ethics of inconspicuous collection of personal information and urge legislative action against privac... ...FTC ‘Tough Love’." USA Today: Cyberspeak. 05 May 2004. 01 Dec 2004 <>. Sullivan, Bob. "Online Privacy Fears are Real." MSNBC News. 6 Dec 25 Nov 2004 <> Turow, Joseph. "Americans and Online Privacy: The System is Broken." A Report from the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. June 2003. 24 Oct 2004.<> "What is Spyware?" Spy Checker. 01 Dec 2004 <>. "Yahoo! Privacy." 28 Mar. 2002. Yahoo!. 02 Dec. 2004 <>. Zetter, Kim. "Security Cavities Ail Bluetooth." Wired News. 06 Aug 2004. 27 Oct 2004 <,1848,64463,00.html>.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Crime and Punishment

The mall character, Rationalism, committed the murder of a pawn broker and her sister which he became ill with guilt. He is accused as the murderer but denied It until the end where he eventually confessed and was sent to Siberia. In the novel, Irrationals had an unbearable amount of guilt, faced punishment by Imprisonment, and gave his heart to God for forgiveness.Conflicts he was put through helped Illuminate the meaning of the novel: For all crimes, there will be punishment. Throughout Crime and Punishment, Rakishness's guilt got the worst of him. After the murder, he was called to the police where he overheard conversations about the murder which caused him to faint. When he recovered, he blamed falling on the paint and hurried home because his guilt made him think â€Å"there will be a search at once. † (pig 109) Rowdy fell ill which was because he had to face a great deal of tormenting guilt.The amount of guilt he had in his heart sparked the meaning of the novel which w as a form of punishment for his crime. At the end of Crime and Punishment, Rationalism confessed to the murder and was imprisoned in Siberia for eight years. Sonic followed him as â€Å"link† between the family. Rowdy felt that the conditions of his life in prison were not bad although the other prisoners didn't like him. He also felt that he had to â€Å"submit to the idiocy of a sentence† because he saw his crime as a â€Å"blunder† because it could happen to anyone. pig 535) His imprisonment in Siberia was the real punishment he had to face for his crime. Because of the guilt and punishment Rationalism put him self through, he confessed his crime and became a â€Å"good Christian† by doing his time. Sonic had given him the book of the old testament which he kept under his pillow at prison but had not opened once in a year. He still did not open it then but felt that he had a new life coming but it would take great suffering. (pig 542) Sonic gave him a cross which e saw as a path of recognition of his sins.The meaning is illuminated through this by showing that even through punishment, there is still good. In Conclusion to Rakishness's conflicts In Crime and Punishment, he helped spark the meaning. His guilt was a greater punishment than real punishment. Imprisonment was a form of punishment for the crimes he committed. Finally, by submitting to God and recognizing his sins, the theme Is Illuminated by showing that even though punishment Is faced, good can still come from crimes.As Frederica Garcia Loran once said, â€Å"to burn with desire and keep quiet about It Is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves. † Crime and Punishment By bawdiness main character, Rationalism, committed the murder of a pawn broker and her sister which he became ill with guilt. He is accused as the murderer but denied it until the end where he eventually confessed and was sent to Siberia. In the novel, Rationalism had an unbearable amoun t of guilt, faced punishment by imprisonment, and gave his heart to God for forgiveness.Conflicts he was put through helped illuminate the Throughout Crime and Punishment, Rakishness's guilt got the worst of him. After murder which caused him to faint. When he recovered, he blamed fainting on the In Conclusion to Rakishness's conflicts in Crime and Punishment, he helped spark submitting to God and recognizing his sins, the theme is illuminated by showing that even though punishment is faced, good can still come from crimes. As Frederica Garcia Loran once said, â€Å"to burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest

Friday, November 8, 2019

Hohokam essays

Hohokam essays As a member of the Hohokam nation there are many things that we need to do daily in order to keep the nation successful. Every member in the nation has a job and specific duties the main part of the nation that keeps it successful is the irrigation system that we use. This system transports water through out the land that belongs the to the tribe. The irrigation system helps transport the water to the crops throughout the land and help the Hohokam become prosperous. Great agriculture leads to trades with other Indian nations, especially trading with the Anazasi nation our main trading partner for the esensials that we need. This is the way the Hohokam nation worked together to become prosperous. The disappearance of the Hohokams is a mystery today. The theory that I believe that led to the disappearance of the Hohokams is that there was a drought that led to many problems. First the lack of water itself killed many people. Second, the drought killed off most of the agriculture and led to a lack of food. Due to the loss of agriculture the nation could not trade with other nations and could not feed its people. During this drought there was some internal problems because of the lack of food causing some members moving to other nations or forming there own nations. This theory has many stages but I believe without the drought the other problems would not occur. Ruth, Gail, "Hohokam Indians", Wilshire Publishing, 1965 ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Self Evaluation and Management

Self Evaluation and Management Self evaluation and personal management have become some of the important components that assist to develop self esteem, identify performance abilities and establish better relationship with other people. Studies indicate that self evaluation goes beyond the view an individual has himself or herself to a continuous and constant determination of progress and personal growth.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Self Evaluation and Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cals and Smircich (1999, p.650) argue that self evaluation can be lowered or enhanced by the behaviour of an individual who is psychologically close. Their argument advances the view that that happiness and self actualization are found in feeling being loved by others and by experiencing the sense of approval from the people around us. As this paper analyses, self evaluation and personal management are vital for building personal relationship with other s and for coexisting with others in the society. It is on this front that this paper succinctly analyses the concepts of self evaluation and management, and how they impact on relationships and the society. This paper takes a critical analysis on self examination in order for an individual to best understand her/himself with regard to relating and managing other people around us. The paper thus outlines critical self reflexivity, its importance, and the held assumptions between an individual and those around. It also looks into the organizational values and the presumed values and personality traits that develop between an individual and an organization. It asserts the importance of an organization and person fit as well as slightly looking at the relationship between and individual and the environment. The managers of organizations should demonstrate more ethical traits and humanity as they go about managing others since the interest of the led is equally very important. This paper employs the approach of self reflexivity which makes it possible foe an individual to develop sensitivity and pay attention to the views of others. A self reflective person listens to an inner voice from the people who speak through his mind and he / she critically puts self into the shoes of others thus being able to feel for their needs and act appropriately. Abraham Tesser advances in his self-evaluation maintenance theory that relationship with other people plays a pivotal role of influencing individual to carry out self-evaluation (Caproni Arias 1997, p. 294). He posits that many individuals feel are more careful when relating with friends than with people they do not know.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Personal relationship with others of blood relation, members of our communities or friends involves sharing different values, principles, beliefs, practice s, aspirations and actions. These impacts on personal behaviour and the perceptions, opinions and views individuals hold on other people. There must be peaceful coexistence in order for one to relate well with others and even assume a position of control over others in the society. Therefore this matter requires full knowledge of self image and understanding of the needs of the people around us, and how our decisions and actions. herefore an individual should develop knowledge on critical reflexivity which is an objective humanistic multidisciplinary understanding of actions, decisions and thoughts with regard to those around us. To be critically reflective means that one is able to posses objective understanding of reality as a basis of thinking more critically about the impact of our assumptions, values and actions on others (Gergen 1994, p. 237). However, it is possible to have self reflexivity in order to be able to manage the people around us and our organizations because as we think critically on our values and behaviour, we are able to understand the effects of these behaviours on others therefore we can develop more ethical attributes for handling others (Caproni Arias 1997, p. 294). The major aim of self reflexivity is not just to enable the managers develop good and effective managerial skills but it is also to help them become moral practitioners and critical thinkers. Management Managers are role models in the society and therefore influence people in the societies through their actions positively or negatively. Studies indicate that managers face a lot of myriad issues and quite often locked in the quagmires of accelerating controversies such as politicised working environments (Cunliffe 2001, p. 356). Therefore it is only imperative that the managers be able to develop the critical self reflexivity which provides a remedy and cushioning mechanism. In addition, it is important to note that decisions made by managers only count on condition that t he needs of others are considered and efficiency is prioritised in order to maximise on the gains and achievements of the organizations (Cunliffe, 2004, p.410). Moreover, one most important and rational way of management is to retain the present management traditions and be able to discover the shortcomings of the mentalities and assumptions. This will ensure that managers become less vulnerable in being complacent in the decision making steps they take, and develop bigger perception of the various views and possible opportunities with a view to developing new methods of transforming unnecessary old ways of management (Jurecic 2011, p. 17).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Self Evaluation and Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, when exhibiting critical self reflexivity, a manager is able to understand self image of existential with aim to become better, acquire the relational understanding of the people around and posses the paraxial consciousness of self such that one is able to draw acceptable norms based on the past and future situations and opportunities (Cunliffe 2001, p. 356). This is a philosophy of motivated practice where all managers and leaders take responsibility of their own organizational achievements and realities. In an attempt to achieve the goals of an organization by any manager or administrator, it is always very important for the manager to fully understand the goals, values, principles, policies and regulations that define the particular organization to its true identity. Thereis need for managers to know which kind of employees they should hire into their organizations as workers, partners or even associates (Morley 2007, p. 3). For instance, a student may not be admitted to a given college or university if she or he is not qualified to join such a learning institution. Furthermore, a student may as well not be admitted to read a course in a faculty w here she or he does not have the prerequisite studies for the entry. This is important because both the organization and the individual should profess certain degree of values and understandings based on a common purpose in order to create and achieve a smoothly running system and avoid unnecessary challenges while maximising on achievements (Morely, 2007, p.112). To sum up, the discussion has shown that people should relate closely and coexist with each other calmly since they share values, behaviour and inspirations developed from mutual interaction. This plays an important role in self evaluation and personal management. Besides, managers should not only look at a person and his or her past in terms of environment and experience but should also look at the extra role and interest of the person they would wish to recruit into their organization. References Cals, M., Smircich, L. 1999. Past postmodernism? Reflections and tentative directions. Academy of Management Review, 24(4), 6 49-671. Caproni, P. J., Arias, M. E. 1997. Managerial skills training from a critical perspective. Journal of Management Education, 21(3), 292-309.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Cunliffe, A. L. 2001. Managers as practical authors: Reconstructing our understanding of management practice. Journal of Management Studies, 38(3), 351-371. Cunliffe, A. L. 2004. On Becoming a Critically Reflexive Practitioner. Journal of Management Education. 28(4):407-426. Gergen, K. J. 1994. Realities and relationships. Boston: Harvard University Press. Morely, M.J. 2007. Person Organisation Fit, Journal of Managerial  Psychology 22(2): 109-117.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Marketing Plan for Al Jazzira Poultry Case Study

Marketing Plan for Al Jazzira Poultry - Case Study Example The main reason behind this is to control the production chain and be less affected by the external factors (suppliers) and to ensure quality. The success and profitability of the poultry farm depends on the selection of good genetic stock and their sound and efficient management. Selection of right type of chicken considering the prevalent the local conditions and the demand for poultry products in the market decide the performance of any poultry farm. The performance of layers with respect to important productivity factors like egg production, feed conversion and bird mortality also influence the profitability of the poultry farming business. Any poultry farming business enterprise should consider the starting up the business in a location from different view points like biological aspect which takes into account the needs of the poultry farming of a clean, dry, quite and comfortable place and business aspect that takes into account good transportation and communication facilities. With this background this paper presents a detailed marketing plan for the poultry firm 'Al Jazzira Poultry' in the country of Jordan. The production of the poultry meat has become the largest facet of the popular industry in Jordan - reports the World Poultry Journal. The total investments in the industry were estimated at US $ 430 million in the year 2003. The number of broiler farms has increased at a remarkable rate during the period from 1981 through the 2000s. There has been tremendous improvement in the production capacity of the firms that were engaged in the farming business. The increase in the production capacity was the result of more number of new business firms entering the business. There are a number of factors which influenced the people to enter into this business. Some important factors that contributed to the development of the poultry farming business in Jordan are: "The limited area of land needed to run poultry farms compared to other agricultural enterprises. Poultry businesses often require small amounts of water, a very important aspect in Jordan, being dependent mainly on rainfall and frequently encountering water supply problems. The short production cycles in poultry allowing a more frequent cash flow compared to other agricultural activities." Apart from the inherent advantages the support from the government also has helped the industry grow to great proportions. The government adopted a floatation

Friday, November 1, 2019

Financial Advisor Career Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Financial Advisor Career Plan - Assignment Example For purposes of this career plan, I have used these two occupations interchangeably because these are two closely related entry-level occupations available in the financial services industry (Murdoch, 2005, p. 8). A financial analyst and a financial advisor can work at a commercial or investment bank, a stock brokerage, or for a private financial services company, analyse financial reports for the purpose of providing investment advice, and open up similar career opportunities within the diverse financial services sector. Both occupations also require similar personal and professional qualities such as good interpersonal, analytical, and decision-making skills. This section provides a thorough analysis of the labour market conditions of personal financial advisors, based on the situation in the U.K. where I plan to pursue the first ten years of my professional career. The main reason I chose U.K., more specifically London, is that this place is the generally acknowledged financial centre of the world. A recent article (Economist, 2006) confirmed this and cited geography as one of the main reasons for its success: it is between Tokyo and New York, the financial capitals of Japan and the United States, two of the world's economic superpowers. London's location means that it can trade with both cities every day, starting the day trading with Tokyo and, just as the workday is ending in London it can also start trading with New York. Throughout the day, it can also trade with other countries in Asia (China and Singapore), the Middle East, Europe, and Latin America. It is the ability of London to trade any time with any other country in the world during a normal working day that makes it attractive for financial companies to have a branch in the City, as it is called. This gives us another reason why London has become the financial capital of the world: the number of finance companies based in London is growing. This means that there are more opportunities to find employment and to gain experience because of the high demand for workers and the high supply of jobs available. This is confirmed by a recent study (Murdoch, 2005) of career prospects in the financial services sector. As the Economist (2006, p. 76) article points out, London is an economic cluster in the fast growing field of global financing. Globalisation Another reason why London provides more job opportunities is globalisation. Micklethwait and Wooldridge (2000, p. xvi) called globalisation "the most important economic, political, and cultural phenomenon of our time" characterised by the "integration of the world economy, reshaping business and reordering the lives of individuals, creating social classes, different jobs, unimaginable wealth and, occasionally, wretched poverty." The globalisation phenomenon is exerting pressure on companies and governments to adopt a global strategy, which Stiglitz (2002, p. 9) defined as "the way firms cope with globalisation, the integration of countries and peoples of the world brought about by the enormous

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

How One Takes Life for Granted Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How One Takes Life for Granted - Essay Example Both however, exposed an understanding of the truth and what lies beneath the surface. 'Richard Cory' had a universal speaker, using "we" throughout. This helped to set him apart from "we", the ordinary people who looked at him as "a gentleman from head to crown" (l. 3). The tone contains irony, awe and envy: "we thought that he was everything/To make us wish that we were in his place." (l. 11-12). The metaphor and visual imagery in "and he glittered when he walked" (l. 8) create pictures of somebody bedecked in gold and precious jewels, symbols of wealth. The envious tone changed later to bitterness with the words: "So on we worked.And went without the meat and cursed the bread." (l. 13-14), as if this was all life could be for them, the difference between rich and poor. The last line exposed how taking life for granted was a big mistake. This untouchable, aristocratic man who seemed to have it all, "Went home and put a bullet through his head." (l. 16). The poem had a lilting, easy, almost ballad type style, up until the shocking final line that was in stark contras t to how Richard Cory was perceived. The clear message was that people and life should never to be judged by outward appearances, or apparent circumstances. Though similarly like a song, in contrast, 'My Papa's Wa

Monday, October 28, 2019

Organizational Planning Verizon Wireless Essay Example for Free

Organizational Planning Verizon Wireless Essay Organizational Planning: SWOT Analysis for Verizon Wireless Before planning can begin, a framework should be built to guide the decision making process by identifying what the overall goal is to be. At Verizon Wireless, the mission statement, or credo, is broken into 5 sections that are the pathway for leadership within the company, as well as for internal stakeholders, to ensure the success of the company. Verizon Wireless identifies strengths as being a high quality provider of communications services, being committed to customers through teamwork, and acknowledging that just being the biggest is not the same as being the best. By identifying weaknesses such as being reactive to competitor offerings, pricing structure of plans, and the perceived lack of a global presence, reviewing the credo can initiate change to address these weaknesses and create opportunities from them. Identifying the opportunities of network infrastructure growth, simplification of pricing plans for both businesses and consumers, and providing varied equipment pricing options allow the company to address some of the weaknesses. Threats are identified as competition from other providers, market penetration for services, and proposed regulations from the F.C.C. with regard to net neutrality. As a whole, these identified areas provide the roadmap to achieve success for both the internal and external stakeholders. When setting a long term goal, or strategic plan, the credo is consulted to ensure that the areas identified in the SWOT are being addressed. With a strategic plan in place, Verizon Wireless can set long term goals on how they plan to broaden their strengths, lessen their weaknesses, capitalize on their opportunities and minimize the threats. One of these strategic plans in place is to grow market share by gaining additional customers. Long term growth of customers is fundamental to the longevity of the company. Without new customers the company becomes stale and profits may fall. Both the internal and external stakeholders would be unhappy if Verizon Wireless did not provide a value to them either  monetarily or through the service itself. Review and confirmation of programs being offered to customers is constantly being revised as changes within the marketplace dictate. This long term strategic planning will be fluid as the needs of the customer change. An operational plan has a shorter time line to achieve the goal. The target of initiating new growth through new products and service can be accomplished through the Verizon Wireless Partner Program. The adoption of new technology and integration of devices ensure Verizon Wireless to achieves this goal going forward by partnering with companies to provide equipment and services. According to Partnerships Verizon (n.d.), Verizon’s award-winning Partner Program focuses on better serving the needs of customers by enabling them to simplify how they consume communications and IT services in a way that best meets their needs, while giving them access to the full Verizon portfolio. Whether teaming with Verizon directly, indirectly through program members, or as a hybrid, customers can take advantage of Verizon’s next-generation services portfolio.† (2). These types of partnerships build from the commitment that Verizon Wireless has stated, â€Å"We hold ourselves to a very high standard of performance. We prize innovative ideas and the teamwork it takes to make them happen. We never stop asking ourselves how we can make the customer experience better, and every day we find new answers.† (Commitment Values, n.d.) In this operational plan, the internal stakeholder is satisfied because the company is initiating new growth, and the external stakeholder is satisfied because the new products and services are providing additional revenue. With both strategic and operational plans in place, Verizon Wireless is poised to achieve success in both the near term as well as far into the future. Reference Verizon Wireless. (n.d.). Commitment Values. Retrieved 2/28/15 from Verizon Wireless. (n.d.). Partnerships Verizon. Retrieved 2/28/15, from (2)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Capital Punishment is Not the Answer Essay -- social issues

Capital Punishment is Not the Answer Capital punishment is a difficult issue and there are as many different opinions as many people. Public support for the death penalty has decreased only a little in the last years. Meanwhile, many countries have outlawed the practice - capital punishment doesn't exist in the European Union countries - and strict laws about who may be executed are becoming more common. Despite of all this capital punishment is racially, socially and economically biased and allows the possibility of the execution of innocent persons, too. Furthermore, there is no benefit to society that would make it necessary to continue it. For these reasons, the death penalty doesn't support what the ideal criminal justice system tries to achieve and therefore must be abolished. Capital punishment cannot be a collective act of revenge. It must never be allowed to become a release for collective anger. Bud Welch lost his twenty-three year old daughter, Julie, in the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. "I'm opposed to the death penalty. It's vengeance that doesn't do my heart any good..."-said Mr. Welch. Capital punishment is no answer to the major challenges we face as a society. Moreover, it has not proven to be a deterrent to violent crime, and it has mainly occurred to the poor, and more to minority poor. This is not surprising, since a well-paid, high-powered defense team can make all the difference. In the United States there lives a conception of justice: a figure of a blindfolded woman holding scales in one hand and a sword in the other. The scales symbolize the careful investigation of evidence, the sword represents the speed with which justice is dealt with, and the blindfold symbolizes the unprejudiced reach of decision. This has the message that the poor, uneducated defendant has the same opportunity for a quality defense, and has the same chance for justice as the wealthy one. Yet, this could be questioned. Wealthy defendants are able to pay for false witnesses and expensive tests that are not available to poor defendants. The ill-paid Counsel of Defense may not really pay attention at the trial missing important evidence, so they result in their client being sentenced to death. Capital punishment is biased not only this way but also racially. The color of the skin of the accused and victim alike decides whether the death penalty wi... ...n for no reason must also be handled equivalently. There is a problem with a society that allows such a corrupt institution. In the year of 2000, 3058 people were sentenced to death in 65 countries from which 88% took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and in the USA. These numbers are terrifying! No longer should it be believed that executing a person is the only way to ensure that they do not get released from prison and kill again. It would be more necessary to increase the prison sentences of murderers. Imprisonment without the possibility of parole could be the sentence of those who would be sentenced to death under the current system. Such a move would help to calm down the fears of recidivism and would send a strong message to lawbreakers. The abolition of the death penalty would mean the end of executions and that the government wouldn't put any more prisoners to death. It should be recognized that murder is wrong in and of itself. Beyond that, it is wrong even as a secret plan within the heart. It is as old a human problem as Abel's death by his own brother, Cain. We should really keep ourselves away from the spiral of violence because violence begets violence. Capital Punishment is Not the Answer Essay -- social issues Capital Punishment is Not the Answer Capital punishment is a difficult issue and there are as many different opinions as many people. Public support for the death penalty has decreased only a little in the last years. Meanwhile, many countries have outlawed the practice - capital punishment doesn't exist in the European Union countries - and strict laws about who may be executed are becoming more common. Despite of all this capital punishment is racially, socially and economically biased and allows the possibility of the execution of innocent persons, too. Furthermore, there is no benefit to society that would make it necessary to continue it. For these reasons, the death penalty doesn't support what the ideal criminal justice system tries to achieve and therefore must be abolished. Capital punishment cannot be a collective act of revenge. It must never be allowed to become a release for collective anger. Bud Welch lost his twenty-three year old daughter, Julie, in the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. "I'm opposed to the death penalty. It's vengeance that doesn't do my heart any good..."-said Mr. Welch. Capital punishment is no answer to the major challenges we face as a society. Moreover, it has not proven to be a deterrent to violent crime, and it has mainly occurred to the poor, and more to minority poor. This is not surprising, since a well-paid, high-powered defense team can make all the difference. In the United States there lives a conception of justice: a figure of a blindfolded woman holding scales in one hand and a sword in the other. The scales symbolize the careful investigation of evidence, the sword represents the speed with which justice is dealt with, and the blindfold symbolizes the unprejudiced reach of decision. This has the message that the poor, uneducated defendant has the same opportunity for a quality defense, and has the same chance for justice as the wealthy one. Yet, this could be questioned. Wealthy defendants are able to pay for false witnesses and expensive tests that are not available to poor defendants. The ill-paid Counsel of Defense may not really pay attention at the trial missing important evidence, so they result in their client being sentenced to death. Capital punishment is biased not only this way but also racially. The color of the skin of the accused and victim alike decides whether the death penalty wi... ...n for no reason must also be handled equivalently. There is a problem with a society that allows such a corrupt institution. In the year of 2000, 3058 people were sentenced to death in 65 countries from which 88% took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and in the USA. These numbers are terrifying! No longer should it be believed that executing a person is the only way to ensure that they do not get released from prison and kill again. It would be more necessary to increase the prison sentences of murderers. Imprisonment without the possibility of parole could be the sentence of those who would be sentenced to death under the current system. Such a move would help to calm down the fears of recidivism and would send a strong message to lawbreakers. The abolition of the death penalty would mean the end of executions and that the government wouldn't put any more prisoners to death. It should be recognized that murder is wrong in and of itself. Beyond that, it is wrong even as a secret plan within the heart. It is as old a human problem as Abel's death by his own brother, Cain. We should really keep ourselves away from the spiral of violence because violence begets violence.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Realism in 21st Century

Realism in 21st Century The world, in view of the fact that it was created is changing. With the changing desires and demands of today’s standard of living, individual needs to be in sync with the demands and trends of modern day living. Not too long ago, people were seen doing stuffs that have turned out to be more of a routine in today’s humankind. Every single day a new type of technology is been introduced in today's world. So, the question arises that is theses changes necessary in today's world? If yes, does it have a good or a bad impact to the human society in today's world? We need to talk about in which approach hi-tech advancements that pace into our daily lives have altered our lifestyles in the very last few centuries. In today’s world each and every single people rely on new and advance technologies. Everyone loves new technologies and gadgets that promise innovative and better ways of living. A pace of life is frequently increasing with the increase in new technologies. Nowadays somewhat more a quarter of the earth’s population can be found in the industrialized societies. And half of the population still lives on past agriculture, but they are also relying on machines. The remaining of the world’s population, however, is no longer of either the past or the present. They live in the future, within the most important centers of cultural and technological change, in New York, California, Cambridge, London and Tokyo (Toffler, p. 38). A new part of technology is like a new relationship to an individual, it will be cool and thrilling at the first, but sooner or later it gets addictive to the people. I doubt technology’s give your word to improve the quality of life, makes our life easier and simpler, but it gets more addictive and makes one lethargic. People have turn out to be physically and psychologically dependent on many behaviors and substances for centuries. The compulsive and frequently use of these technologies have negative impact on our daily lives. The key life areas that appear to be impacted are relationships, health, employment, and financial status. In the present day people find their reality have changed because they have to get used to the new culture and behavior according to the pace of technology. Presently people like to live in this current industrialized era but some of them are overwhelmed by the change of new technologies and inventions. Changes in the life are important, but the acceleration of changes leads to the victim of overchoice and impacts on our personal and psychological, as well as sociological, consequences (Toffler, p. 2). Philip Morris now it is Altria Group, for example, when it was introduced in USA in 1954, it only sold a single major brand of cigarettes i. e. Marlboro specifically to men. By now Altria Group has introduced additional 16 new brands with so many options with respect to size and flavors (Toffler, p. 265). Not only in cigarettes there are many overchoices in food, clothing, gasoline, and many more. There is a huge diversity in education industry too, students have a huge selection on what field they want to study and nowadays students can even get their degree online. More often than not society does not leave freedom for avoidance and as a result one need to adjust and learn about the new technologies that become part of our lifestyles. These days when people are faced with having to decide one option out of many popular choices, they will start on to think about imaginary trade-offs. The people do make their best choice out of the variable products, but afterwards it affects their level of satisfaction they had from the one before. The people now can’t escape this situation of freedom because they are not committed to the choice they make. People don’t know that the current loads of choice over and over again lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. The creation of the Internet has been the main source of innovative information, connectivity, and possibilities to create new private freedom. There are presently more than a billion web pages of information on the Internet about every topic that you can think of. The Internet users around the world have been increased by 444% since the starting of the 21st century (Internet Usage Statistics). In this era, computers and Internet are an important part of everyday life. Computers are used everywhere. Today Internet and computers can exactly take us to the different worlds and different realms of reality by a thought referred to as virtual reality. Inception is the latest â€Å"virtual reality† movie of this time. In this movie Leonardo DiCaprio plays an unlawful with the technology to plan himself into the dreams and ideas of others. The characters spend an important amount of time entirely powerless with beeping tools nearby. In the meantime their minds are busy occupied navigating avatars in a virtual world of Inception. In this movie, a machine would let you to connect to a virtual atmosphere by getting into someone’s dream. Even in the movies â€Å"The Matrix† and â€Å"Avatar† was computer generated and were in the different world of imagination. In â€Å"Plowing the Dark† by Richard Powers, on one side of a story a band of researchers in Seattle working on a 3D reality on how an empty white room that can become a jungle, a painting, or a Byzantine cathedral. And the other follows an individual kidnapped and held hostage by terrorists in Lebanon in an empty white room, equipped only with his imagination and memory. In the novel, the two stories overlap, but the people in the different stories do not know one another and never communicate. But at the end, the imaginative experience of Adie and Taimur intersect, with Taimur’s control leading to an unexpected change in Adie’s life and Adie inspiring Taimur at a serious moment. In this novel, the author addresses this issue of creating an inspiring character of life in an unreal environment that becomes frightening real to us (Powers). The novel â€Å"Plowing the Dark,† alludes to several poems including â€Å"Sailing to Byzantium† by W. B. Yeats. In this poem, Yeats highlights the aspect of world he lives in, is scared of becoming older and complains about the world he lives in, so he decides to escape to the city i. e. Byzantium where the poet can achieve immortality. In all the movies (â€Å"Inception,† â€Å"The Matrix,† and â€Å"Avatar†), the novel â€Å"Plowing the Dark,† and the poem â€Å"Sailing to Byzantium† the people wants to escape the real world and wants live in their own virtual mind and places they created. Virtual reality is becoming more prominent and dangerous as the days passes. One can assume a second identity in their imaginary world through the Internet. In 2003, a game called â€Å"Second Life† appeared on the Internet, is an online virtual world mainly targeted to the children who are aged thirteen and over, and as of 2011 â€Å"Second Life† has more than 20 million egistered user accounts (Secondlife). They can get married, have children, rob banks, and shoot people all in the name of fun. Virtual reality makes it a good tool for education because it allows children to learn in a more interactive environment where they are m ore likely to retain information. But it also has some negatively psychological and social effects. These days many students are showing a decrease in usual emotion and affection due to their stable communication with lifeless cyber friends. Cyberspace can be a help out, but when used in the wrong behavior it can be very damaging to our physical and mental well-being. Virtual reality in fact minimizes the significance of our physical bodies and encourages people to misuse their time. It causes people to get lost from exact relations by focusing on the mind freezing effects of video games and online cyber world. In this generation, the Internet is so ingrained into our lives that life without the access of Internet is completely unimaginable. The use of the Internet offers a variety of benefits to every person in today’s world. Internet has a giant amount of information added on it every day and it’s developing as the most powerful source of information. Also, use of the Internet makes easier to find jobs in a minute. One can also buy and sell things on the Internet. Last, the Internet is one of the most important tools in educations seeing as it provides a massive amount of information and is the greatest source of reference for teachers and students. The Internet has influenced, and is still influencing the way culture communicates in a lot of different ways. The rise of the Internet has caused people to communicate differently in areas never dreamed of before the Internet came into existence. In the book, â€Å"The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains,† by Nicholas Carr argues that surfing the World Wide Web is causing the damage to your brain. This book has been expanded from the article, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid,† by the same writer Nicholas Carr. In this book, Carr describes how human thought has been changed through the centuries by â€Å"tools of the mind† – from the alphabet to maps, to the printing press, the clock, and the computer (Carr). This all tools are very useful in this 21st Century in getting directions, determining time and finding information on the computer through the Internet which is very faster and saves a lot of time. This all tools are easy and convenient in today’s life, but the effect of all this tools is that it is breaking the focus and the creativity of the human brain. Carr in the article, â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid,† stated that one he was a scuba diver in the sea of words, but now he zips along the surface like a guy on a jet ski. This is nothing but the Internet, which, with its search engines, blogs, social network such as Twitter and Facebook, pornography and online games has chipped away the capacity for concentration and contemplation. I totally agree with Carr, that when we use the Internet, we totally enter into a different environment; we enter into the world which is not real, that leads us to quick reading and diverts our thinking and distracts our brain. Right now, you can take example of me, as I am writing this paper or whenever I find myself assigned with a research paper for class I get simply unfocused from looking up references online and manage to find myself on completely unrelated websites. The pop-ups and the advertisement usually get our mind diverted. Then after half an hour of researching I find myself on checking the emails, uploading status or new photos on Facebook or either playing games on the computer. Then I realize that I have wasted almost an hour doing nothing instead using the time sensibly. Yes, Internet is the main source of information, but is actually affecting our brains. Not only Internet, the smart phones, TVs, online video games and many other digital technologies also damage our brain. According to a survey published by Forrester Research, Americans are now spending a large amount of their time using the Internet than watching television, and the amount of time people spend on the Internet has increased 121 percent in excess of the last five years (Joshua). The amount of time spent on the Internet not only has been increased by the teenagers or adults, but also have been increased by up to six to eight hours a day among the people over 66 years. But the rapidly increase in the use of Internet has not affect a drop in television consumption for the reason that the Internet, and mostly the mobile Internet, cleanly creates additional facilities and opportunities for the nation to consume media. In today’s world, TV is still important, but the content where the people are getting from is changing. Nowadays, most of the people are getting the content from the use of the mobile Internet. Smartphone and tablets are a life changing to many users since it is so personal, in terms of how and how frequently the device is carried and how it is used to connect and to expand relationships. Smart phones went from being a luxury and became an everyday tool for students, employees and the businessmen. For a lot of us, communicating with friends and family used to mean writing letters and cards via mail and have to wait for weeks for the response. But now we communicate with each other through emails and text messages in a fraction of seconds. Now younger generations have forgotten how to write and spell a complete sentence due to rapid increase in text messaging. Teenagers are totally reliant on simple tenses and a limited use of vocabulary, and that to with the help of spell check. At the same time there is also a reduction in a personal face to face communication. Nowadays, people just text message their friends, chat online, do discussion on the blogs, and they even date online. Due to these changes; the people have mentally changed their communication skills. People don’t know that more and more use of the technologies gets addictive to them and changes the mental and physical shapes of the brain, and can lead to a decrease in the sense of self and human identity. Our neurological systems are actually being spoiled, and we are less able to process and remember information, even if we are continually reading, or surfing, online. The person who spends more of their time playing games and reading web pages are experiencing visual problems. Most people are clueless that how the cell phones affects their brain by the radiation. In J. D. Salinger's â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye†, the main character of Holden Caulfield views the humankind as a place where the most human behaviors such as love, sympathy and kindness are all been overridden by the power of money and technology. Holden Caulfield is desperately holding to the concept that necessary human kindness is far more vital to a joyful way of life than material wealth and technology. Holden in the novel feels similar to a loner or a rebel in an environment where the people are dishonest and corrupted, and he is badly looking for someone to talk to that will make him happy. In the beginning of the story, Holden says, â€Å"As a matter of fact, I'm the only dumb one in the family† (David, p. 67). In the whole story, Holden describes himself as a failure and immature, and also has been told by his parents, friends, and teachers number of times but still, Holden every time hangs to his ideals and looks his failings as almost laughable. In the story, Holden is suffering from mental and emotional problems due to his attitudes and behavior. The only thing that can â€Å"cure† Holden, as stated in the story, is to get more and more interaction with the people around him. From the novel, â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye†, possibly one can learn from the main character, â€Å"Holden Caulfield†, that in regards to corruption, wealth and the dream, foes not matter how expensive and attractive it is, but only the true pleasure and satisfaction can only be establish from within. Holden also oversimplifies the whole lot and in his view children are straightforward and innocent image of wholesome life compared to adults who are by now influenced by the accepted public way of life, which adjusts or fakes everyone’s realism. An individual in our society today feels that, they are separated from one another and has lost the interaction between people same way, as Holden in the novel, â€Å"The Catcher in the Rye†. †¢JOSHUA, BRUSTEIN. â€Å"American Internet Use Catches Up With TV Use. † (2010): Web. 2 May 2011. . †¢Ã¢â‚¬ INTERNET USAGE STATISTICS. † (2011): Web. May 2011. . †¢TOFFLER, ALVIN. Future shock. Bantam, 1984. 38. Print. †¢TOFFLER, ALVIN. Future shock. Bantam, 1984. 2. Print. †¢TOFFLER, ALVIN. Future shock. Bantam, 1984. 265. Print. †¢CARR, NICHOLAS. â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid? â€Å". Atlantic Magazine July/Aug 2008: Web. 2 May 2011. < http://www. theatlantic. com/magazine/archive/2008/07 /is-google-making-us-stupid/6868/>. †¢DAVID, JEROME. The Catcher in the Rye. Little, Brown and Company, 1951. 67. Print. †¢POWERS, RICHARD. Plowing the Dark. Picador USA, 2001. Print. †¢Ã¢â‚¬ Secondlife. † Web. 2 May 2011. <