Friday, August 28, 2020
When dealing with a subject as touchy as choosing Essay Example For Students
When managing a subject as unstable as picking Essay the reason for the FirstWorld War, you can not point a finger at an individual nation. Myargument is that every European Country engaged with the war was to blame. Icompletely concur with Sidney B. Fay in section II of An Age of Conflictabout every nation being to blame. an European War broke out. Why?Because in every nation political and military pioneers did certain thingswhich prompted activation and assertion of warall European countries,in a more prominent or less degree, were capable. (Fay 30/31). I think thatMichael Duffy, the writer of The Causes of World War One says all that needs to be said inhis article: The occasions of July and early August 1914 are an exemplary caseof one thing prompted another also called the arrangement alliancesystem.(Duffy, points/causes.htm). We will compose a custom article on When managing a subject as unstable as picking explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The most effortless approach to begin this is to clarify that Serbia started thewar. They killed Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria-Hungry. The following move was Austrias. Austria and its partner Germany assembled theirforces and announced war on Serbia and its partners, France and Russia. WhenBritain picked up wind of Germanys plans of smashing the French, they had nochoice yet to back France and join the war. Presently I can go into the readingsin Chapter II about the inceptions of the First World War. The Origins of the First World War is the primary contention in ChapterII. Fay opens his announcement saying that none of the forces needed the war,but they knew it was inescapable. Each partnered nation excluding Austriaand Serbia, entered the war to safeguard their partners. They where so speedy tolive up to their promise and keep a sense or pride, however didnt think to reasonthings out with each other and attempt to go to a trade off. Fay dosesomething intriguing next. In a few sections, he clarifies what eachcountries activity was in entering the war. He begins with Serbia:Serbia needed one national Government. She melted away to bring her peopletogether to have a feeling of patriotism. She freed those under Turkishrule and would free those under Hepsburg rule. Serbia asked forRussian help and anticipated that the main reaction should be a positive one. After the death, Mr. Pashtich (head of Serbian Government) did notbother to discover the executioner. He even helped a portion of the individuals included todisappear. Pashtich needed to perceive what proof Austria had against hiscountry. In the long run Austria gave Serbia a final proposal. Pashtich respondednegatively and recognized what was to follow. He assembled powers and repairedfor the most exceedingly terrible. He occupied with war realizing Russia would get him out. Austria was more answerable for the war than some other nation, butwas just acting in self protection. She didnt need to resemble a cowardor as Serbian Propaganda called her worm-eaten by not giving anultimatum. She required her people groups support, and all together for this sheneeded to pulverize Serbia. The Austrian priest of remote affairs,Berchtold, surrounded the final proposal gave to Serbia with desires that itwould be dismiss. This dismissal gave Austria no decision in pronouncing war. He knew by doing this he would be hauling Europe into a huge war. Germany didn't need an European war. She put forth certified attempts toovert one. She was a survivor of her collusion to Austria. Since Austriasother partners (Italy and Rumania) were temperamental, Germany had no otherchoice in the issue. Germany dreaded allegations of being an instigator ofwar. She realized that by entering the war, she would maneuver Britain into it. .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 , .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 .postImageUrl , .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 , .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41:hover , .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41:visited , .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41:active { border:0!important; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41:active , .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41:hover { murkiness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-adornment: underline; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-beautification: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38 f42ad45b41 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u7ebe5157fecd469420cb38f42ad45b41:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Pro Choice Among Women Essay PaperThe thinking behind this was expected to Germanys geographic position. Theywere among France and Russia. As a functioning member in the war,Germany would initially squash France and pivot and get Russia. Britainwould need to enter the war since they upheld France. Germany alsodragged Belgium into the war since they needed to walk through Belgium inorder to get to France. Russia was essentially supporting Serbia and everything she might do. Russia wasweak from the Bosnian Crisis and Balkin War. She was likewise depleted fromthe Russo-Japanese War. The way that France and Britain were both alliesgave Russia the certainty it expected to scrutinize an European war. France is less clear than the other Great Powers since she did notmake a full distribution of her records. M. Poincare made an elaborateand skilful request in his journals saying La France guiltless yet he is notconvincing.He visited Russia and guaranteed the Tsars that France wouldsupport Russia as a partner in forestalling Austria in mortifying and crushingSerbia. Poincare persuaded Russia to make solid military move. He knewthis would make Germany enter the war and satisfy his aims ofstopping Germany from harming his nation. Sir Edward Gray of Britain, made numerous recommendations to save peace,but these thoughts were killed do to Germanys disposition toward war. Greycould have potentially forestalled an European war by notice Germany thatBritain would agree with Russia subterranean insect France and this would have intimidatedGermany and made them down. This would keep the war between Serbiaand Austria if war somehow managed to try and break out by any means. The following contention is named Wars Origins and these are Views fromMarxist/Leninist of the Soviet Union. The perspectives communicated in this sectionput the fault on Russia. It says the common laborers upheaval crushedcapitalism and framed propelled free enterprise. This made two social classes,the lower common laborers, and the rich high society. What happened was thatmillionaires made imposing business models by purchasing out the entirety of the capital in Russia. This made an out of line industrialist framework and influenced the harmony ofthe world. The motivation behind why Russia is accused in this area is becausetheir upheaval is dreaded by other Great Powers such at Britain and theU.S. These forces dread that their average workers will revolt too. Inorder to keep things free from any potential harm these Great Powers make propagandaagainst Russia and utilize military power to cut them down. Germans Aims in the First World War by Fritz Fischer is about howGermany is to blame for the war. Fischer said that Germany was rapidlyindustrializing and developing in power. Germanys guarantee to politically influential nation wasbased on her cognizance of being a youthful developing and rising nation.(Fischer 40). Germany realized they were turning into a superpower and needed toexpand its developing country. Germany likewise needed to extend so they couldacquire crude materials economically and without any problem. Germany guarantees that the war wasforced on them and that they are not mindful, anyway the realresponsibility lies in Germany. The last contention is named Domestic Causes of the first World War byArno J. Mayer. Mayer clarifies that political history specialists find that thereare two arrangements of hidden and tireless reasons for the Great War. Thefirst being brokenness inside, and the other being botches andmiscalculations in remote undertakings. Different supporters of war are AllianceSystems, Propaganda, Arms Races, and the way that many driving officershave individual thought processes and plans that they did. A large number of thesepeople didn't fret about the advantage of their nation. .ufd0454f1362b2d5a1f29c8f7e52f4e91 , .ufd0454f1362b2d5a1f29c8f7e52f4e91 .postImageUrl , .ufd0454f1362b2d5a1f29c8f7e52f4e91 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ufd0454f1362b2d5a1f29c8f7e52f4e91 , .ufd0454f1362b2d5a1f29c8f7e52f4e91:hover , .ufd0454f1362b2d5a1f29c8f7e52f4e91:visited , .ufd0454f1362b2d5a1f29c8f7e52f4e91:active { border:0!impor
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Thesis for Gun Control Free Essays
COM 220 Gun Control I belive there is a need to expand weapon control with an end goal to diminish violations that are connected firearms. The control of firearms has been a controversdial theme as far back as 1813. In today’s society the issues with respect to firearm control have been disputable. We will compose a custom article test on Theory for Gun Control or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now Numerous exacting laws have been passed by the central government to control responsibility for. While trying to manage weapon control numerous individuals accept that past recognizable prominent political shootings have been because of the significant firearm control limitations. In 2008 there was a fight occurring in The Supreme Court that casted a ballot five to four for the American people’s sacred option to save a stacked handgun at home for self-preservation. The decision has driven enemy of weapon supporters differ and mad. Weapons are instruments utilized for an assortment of reasons climate it’s for safe guarding material that is exceptionally steal capable or security of a family home. Weapons are instruments that ought to be dealt with and taken care of with deference and ought not be mishandled or abused using any and all means. It is a benefit just as a correct that an individual may possess a weapon in the event that the person in question ought to choose to do as such. I bolster the option to possess and bear guns. I get that if weapons get into an inappropriate hands disasters can be an outcome. I accept that there ought to be stricter laws for the individuals who have commited lawful offenses, have been a respondent to a limiting request, carried out attack, or some other hanous wrongdoing. I comprehend that wrongdoing will never stop in this world yet that ought not be the factor to make an encroachment to the Second Amendment. The most effective method to refer to Thesis for Gun Control, Papers
Sample Exam Paper Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Test Exam Paper Questions - Essay Example Worthington and Britton (2009, p.6) characterize the full scale condition as â€Å"those ... factors ...which influence a wide assortment of organizations and which can exude from nearby and national sources as well as from worldwide and supranational developments†. There are numerous variations, including various components, yet the structure to be utilized for this investigation is the STEEPLE system, speaking to the Socio-social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal and Ethical elements that influence business and over which business has no control. A full scale natural examination is contained inside the accompanying chart: Figure One: Macro-Environmental Analysis for UniQlo Expansion into the UK Consumer Behavior The British retail culture is based around an utilization model that centers around items and the picture that such items pass on when found related to the buyer. Hoyer and MacInnis (2010) recognize a few parts that make up the consumerâ€℠¢s culture: assorted variety, social class and family impacts, psychographics (counting esteems, character and ways of life, and social impacts. They connect these to the mental center which incorporates inspiration capacity and opportunity; introduction, consideration and observation; knowing and comprehension; disposition development and change; and memory and recovery. This feeds into the way toward deciding (after a legitimate dynamic procedure of issue acknowledgment and data search, judgment and dynamic and post-choice procedures. The last component of the consumer’s culture is confirm through the appropriation of, protection from and dispersion of developments, emblematic purchaser conduct and morals and the clouded side of buyer conduct. For the UK customer where extravagance style is control, assorted variety is influenced by pay levels and the requirement for extravagance merchandise as a major aspect of their way of life. With the present somberness program being a ctualized inside the nation, just those with a generous salary who won't be influenced by such things as an expansion in charges, or a decrease of pay, or both, will have the option to enjoy extravagance products. The customer advertise for UniQlo is in this way restricted by levels of salary, as opposed to by different pointers of assorted variety, for example, race or religion. Social class and family unit impacts will again be resolved, all things considered, by accessible salary, regardless of whether produced by working or as pay from speculations. UniQlo should focus on the upper white collar classes or more, who need extravagance design things for social events or for their work appearance. Qualities in the UK give off an impression of being experiencing generous changes, including a progressively narrow minded standpoint that sees those without work, for instance, as scroungers as opposed to people who have basically lost their positions through no deficiency of their own. T he equivalent applies to the individuals who are destitute or incapacitated. The concentration for characters is, as referenced beforehand, the utilization of products that pass on a specific picture that works for the shopper. Ways of life will be changing for most of the UK populace as assessments increment for those procuring up to six figures for each annum, and advantages lessen for the individuals who are unemployed, incapacitated and additionally destitute. Social impacts are additionally changing, as more individuals start to protest the severity program and the impacts of that program start to produce results. There is the chance of uproars as the electorate become disappointed with an alliance
Friday, August 21, 2020
Business Financial Metrics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business Financial Metrics - Essay Example Organization administrators, speculators and government controllers use different measurements and proportions to investigate organization budget summaries, for example, salary articulations and accounting reports in order to decide the financial feasibility of the association in the short and long haul. This paper will look at a portion of the proportions and measurements used by different partners to evaluate diverse budget summaries, inspecting how different partners can effectively utilize the measurements and proportions in their dynamic. The assessment of asset reports involves the utilization of money related proportions as the essential measurements. These proportions incorporate the brisk proportion, influence or obligation to-worth apportion and current proportion. The present proportion, which is additionally alluded to as the liquidity proportion, quantifies the liquidity or dissolvability of a substance (Higgins, 2009). This measurement offers financial specialists a pro portion of the business’ ability to pay its present liabilities utilizing its present resources. Financial specialists commonly utilize this data to choose whether or not to put resources into a business. A high present proportion implies the organization has huge abilities to pay its momentary obligations utilizing transient money. Financial specialists and friends directors look for a present proportion that is above 1.0 since this demonstrates a company’s fitness to reimburse all its present liabilities. Furthermore, speedy proportion is likewise a proportion of liquidity, which takes out certain negligibly fluid resources from the present proportion condition. Organization directors, government controllers and speculators use fast proportion to break down a company’s monetary quality (Shapiro and Balbirer, 2000). Organization directors, speculators and business supervisors utilize this data to decide a company’s by and large ability to reimburse its p resent liabilities, which impacts its drawn out reasonability. Then again, the influence proportion or obligation to-value or obligation to-worth proportion gives financial specialists a practical sign of a business’ influence. At the point when this proportion is high, it implies a company’s resources surpass its stock value, which demonstrates that the organization has more obligation than value. Influence proportions of 2:1 or lower imply that liabilities are twofold the measure of shareholder’s value. Proportions above 2:1 demonstrate that a business might be not able to pay its banks or secure beneficial long haul financing (Higgins, 2009). Government controllers use influence proportions to decide if organizations can legitimately petition for financial protection. Speculators utilize the proportions for control purposes, for example, concluding either to put or pull out their interests in an organization (Harrington, 2003). The proportions permit present and imminent speculators to look at how directors get and utilize organization assets in their control, in this manner impacting venture choices with the end goal of stopping the rate of money related misfortune. Through the proportions, organization administrators gain information on the accomplishment of the business’ over a significant time span techniques and how to improve their future suitability. Proportions additionally empower administrators to feature and careful deviations from ideal execution levels in this manner permitting associations to guide their dynamic and procedures towards the fulfillment of such ideal execution. Different partners utilize various proportions and measurements to break down salary articulations. For example, profit per share proportions tell government examiners and financial specialists the measure of cash accessible to investors
Immigration and Employment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Movement and Employment - Essay Example (Palace and Miller, 2003) First it is significant that we characterized the two terms as utilized, social mosaic is for the most part used to allude to multiculturalism that is utilized to mean numerous assorted culture in a spot or in a territory where differing society relates together calmly. the idea is utilized to differentiate the mixture term which is utilized to infer the fixings in the pot which are individuals with various societies dissolving together to wire and structure one personality. The two thoughts are totally different from one another, anyway the Canadian idea is viewed as a progressively positive particularly with regards to business and settlers working in the nation. (Château and Miller, 2003) Canada is a nation which is clearly multicultural because of numerous workers that have moved to the nation throughout the years. Canada is notable everywhere throughout the world for being among the most liberal, law based and inviting nations in the entire world. It's as a dynamic mosaic of various culture where various individuals dwells and cooperate quiet. It is evaluated that 16% of the all out Canadian populace of 30 million are original foreigners. The Canadian government is devoted to a core value of decent variety which is intended to protect and improve the assorted social legacy of the Canadians, while endeavoring to achieve equity in the social, social political and monetary issues of Canada. (Château and Miller, 2003) The mixture is intended to suggest homogeneous society improvement where individuals with different social foundations are assembled to make a multi-ethnic culture. as Northrop Frye an artistic scholar watches, Canadian understudies have been molded from the beginning period to consider themselves resident of a country with dubious personality, with a hazy past and a hazardous future then again kids in America are adapted from beginning period to trust in themselves that they are residents of a the best country on the planet. (Château and Miller, 2003) Numerous individuals who have settled in Canada and America consistently have a reference about the two nations. While those settled in the United States discussion of the likenesses they share those in Canada talk about the distinctions. Most likely this is a result of the in the United States individuals are relied upon to embrace to the way of life in the United States while in Canada individuals are the Canadian regard and worth the distinctions. Canada has consistently been a mosaic nation, as clarified by human science student of history Castle and Miller (2003) who named Canada as a vertical mosaic and the mosaic term continues being utilized in light of the fact that settlers are urged to keep up their way of life when in the nation. In spite of the fact that the two nations have a past filled with workers the two nations have had various arrangements towards same issues. First and foremost American trusted in making a country which supported solidarity and individual rights, where solidarity of the country was a higher priority than the assorted variety of people. While in Canada the nation supported a framework which depended on ethnic especially with the accentuation of the French culture and French language. (Palace and Miller, 2003) Impacts on work As relating work of outsiders in Canada which is a focal social issue
Monday, June 29, 2020
5 Steps to Help Your Child Master Their Exams
For parents, it can be frustrating to watch your child study all night and bring a low grade on the exam back home. You might ask yourself What is wrong? or Why isnt that teacher teaching them properly? or How can I help short of taking the test for them?These questions have most likely gone through every parents mind and then you most likely tried to rack your brain for a solution.Have you considered that perhaps the amount of hours they spend studying doesnt matter?Now stick with me here..I say that because perhaps while they are spending all night studying, they may not be studying effectively. Some students dont ever figure out what their best study habits are but those that do are able to excel much more and much easier.Today, I am going to give you 5 steps to ensure effective study habits for your child so they can master their exams.1.Getting enough sleepI dont want to spend too much time on this because most parents already know there is an epidemic of sleep deprivation among youth.According to a poll by the National Sleep Foundation, more than 87 percent of high school students in the United States get far less than the recommended eight to 10 hours, and the amount of time they sleep is decreasing a serious threat to their health, safety and academic success. Sleeping the recommended hours is not only important the night before an exam but consistently! This will actually enable them to pay more attention between exams and most likely will need to study less the night before since they retained more throughout the semester.Still, being well-rested on exam day is absolutely critical. They need to be alert, not dozing off.2. Eating a healthy breakfast and lunchTo put it simply, students needs energy for their brain in order to perform well on an exam.Your child also needs to focus on the exam, not a grumbling tummy. They can spend all the hours of the night studying but if they show up hungry, that distraction will likely decrease their scores exponenti ally.Some brain-boosting breakfasts they can eat include protein-rich options which boost mental alertness. This includes eggs, nuts, and yogurt. A good breakfast meal might include whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk, eggs and toast with jam or peanut butter, oatmeal with fresh fruit. Also, chia seeds can be added to the meal for a super-boost.Many of these can be eaten on the road which is what I did as a student so if that is what it takes, bag it up and send them on their way!3. Finding a distraction-free place to studyMany students study while sitting in front of a TV or with their phone constantly going off. It is said that one single buzz from your phone requires 20 minutes to get back to the level of focus you were in before the buzz.. TWENTY minutes! I highly recommend suggesting them putting the phone on silent and maybe even tucking it away where they wont see it. Out of sight, out of mind.While I am sure they wont agree to putting their phone away all night, they can us e it during breaks. Well talk about a good break schedule in just a second.4. Choosing an effective personal study methodThere are many study methods out there, especially depending on how your student learns (auditory, kinesthetic or visual). I am going to suggest one that I was never taught while in school but has helped me exponentially in everything I do and that is the Pomodoro Technique.To use this, your student will choose the topic they want to study (perhaps one chapter or half the chapter depending on how long it is) and then set a timer for 25-50 minutes (they can choose how long they think they can go but no longer than 50 minutes!)I use the Chrome extension 1-Click Timerto keep track of my time because I have the flexibility to do longer stints but there are other options out there.From then on, this is what their study night will look like:25-50 minutes of work5-10 minutes of break25-50 minutes of work5-10 minutes of breakThen they repeat the cycle until theyve complet ed 4 pomodoros, the 25 minutes of working, or 2 cycles if they did 50 minutes long. Once theyve done that, they can take a 20-30 minute break (which is where their phone can come back if they want) and then get back to studying.Again, this was never covered in depth in my education (if at all) so I wanted to make sure I mentioned this effective habit for your student.There are also the study habits such as using flash cards, folding a paper hot dog style and then writing a term on one side, definition on the other and quizzing themselves, etc.My main point is that they need to figure out what works best for them and stick with it and that time management is a huge part of making a successful study routine.5. Eating mintsHeres a fun one! This is becoming more and more common so perhaps you are already aware of this but eating mints while studying and then also during the exam can actually boost your childs exam success.A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Neuroscien ce found that participants exposed to peppermint oil experienced enhanced memory and processing speeds. Peppermint also increased alertness while helping them maintain a sense of calm.So grab them a bag of mints and tell them to enjoy!Overall, these are very simple changes that can dramatically increase your childs test scores. If you cant get them to buy into all of them right off the bat, maybe start introducing them one at a time. Still, these will be especially important for exam week!Sources:
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Instant Solutions to Travel Essay Samples
Instant Solutions to Travel Essay Samples Travel Essay Samples Secrets That No One Else Knows About A vacation essay could possibly be written with the assistance of these steps. In addition, there are tips to help you produce a superb paper. A capstone project is a significant bit of writing that is so critical to a student's education that lots of folks will turn to the web to try to find help when writing one. Writing is an art and it requires a lot of preparations to earn an ideal article. Traveling gives us the chance to disconnect from our routine life. It is the kind of activity, which almost all the people love. Travelling isn't a panacea. It is the kind of activity, which almost all the people love. The entire trip was not all serious however. Quoting people that you have met during your journey or other individuals who have visited the exact same place will offer your travelling essay a nice and personal touch. Besides, when travelling, you learn how to live in the present time. There's nothing quite like traveling, like seeing a new location for the very first time or returning to a favourite spot. Each writer is tremendously educated, uses English as a first language and features special qualifications in some specific fields. The increasing number of essay writing services is wholly overwhelming. If you're given to compose an essay in 250 words, you ought to be in a place to organize all significant information concerning the subject in the designated word count and it should make an effect on the readers. It's a refreshing and revitalizing kind of essay unlike other forms of essays. Impact of social networking on tourism and travel is actually huge. They made a h uge impact on every major industry across the world, and the business of travel and hospitality has reaped the rewards as any other commercial venture. Travel is internal and external, and thus the story'' is absolutely free to concentrate on subtle shifts of inner awareness. It is internal as well as external, and so the story is free to focus on subtle shifts of inner awareness. If you're not certain what a travel essay appears like we have a couple guidelines for you to follow. If you're not sure, what a travel essay resembles, we've got a couple of guidelines for you to follow. You've probably read a travel essay previously. A college travel essay has to be written in a very clear prose. Risking writing your paper when you recognize very well it may be tough that you craft a winning essay is a poor decision. These essays are supposed to be informative that people try to remember that there's an entirely different world out there to explore. You don't need to create a cookie-cutter essay that checks all its boxes, but you need to see if there's an authentic way you're able to build a number of those issues into your essay. There are several essay writing services that think they're the very best, and thus don't be cheated and check the genuine list of the very best. The Fight Against Travel Essay Samples The cost of an essay is dependent upon the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. It's possible to even pick which of our writers you wish to work for you and communicate with him throughout the procedure, enabling you to have a terrific influence on the style, in case you want to. Your work should be up to par in order for it to be awarded some fantast ic marks. If you wish to acquire high high quality research and thesis papers punctually and for an affordable price, you should probably attempt using The solutions aren't easy. The tourism Industry is among the best methods to make money to each country as a result of differences of each country when it comes to geological characteristics and cultures that people are essentially desired of exploring the world and experiencing new things. As stated by the research, there are a great deal of interesting projects developed by the scientists, engineers and programmers from all around the world. In summary, although travelling is a good way of learning about other nations, I firmly insist that all information about other nations can be gotten through television and on the internet. The absolute most important action to do here is to locate a great sample. Adding pictures and writing about an individual's own self can make travel log distinctive and personalized . Earlier phases caused the ulterior part of a person's personal clip. Don't be concerned about expensive costs because our rates are incredibly inexpensive. Almost main activities in the nation club delivers a pricey fee with only once a while promotions. Many members of the world don't have the luxury of going to a different country for pleasure, or even to a different city in their native country for this issue. Although today the industrial space travel is still in the condition of infancy, but it's possible that soon it will turn into one of the frequent events that lots of people would take part and others are going to observe with terrific interest. Hearsay, Deception and Travel Essay Samples You could also spend the chance to go over areas you do not understand. By way of example, universities have a huge community of students both from the neighborhood area and all over the planet. To start with, teacher has to possess extensive knowledge in the area of his compet ence. In any case, space travel could give a chance to visit different planets that have other life forms. The sole thing essential is the way you deliver the message. All the more reason why you have to select a topic about which you aren't so much interested but rather passionate. Aside from being a ton simpler to use, since you don't need to waste your time looking about for a capstone paper example that has some relevance to what you mean to write. Travel essay examples are a really good way to demonstrate a quest you embarked on that could inspire somebody else to try out something out too.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A Short Note On Social Problems With Youth - 1551 Words
Him YEUNG Christopher Cook SOC 201 5 Jun 2015 Social Problems Research Paper Why there are so much alcoholic problems with youth in the United States? United States has the highest legal drinking age in countries that drinking are legal though at the same time, we have one of the worst drinking problem in the world. Why? Alcohol abuse are usually defined as having 5 drinks or more in a short amount of time. Some even drink so much that they can be diagnosed under the guidelines that they have mental disorder criteria for alcohol dependence and they are only teenagers. Researching this topic can let us understand and find out why is this happening to our youth and why. There are several aspect as of why underages teens drinks. We can define it in several different category. History and cultural attitude, Promotion of alcohol within society, Biological effect of alcohol to underage, Family and environmental aspect. Let us travel back in time, there was the prohibition from 1920s - 1930s, the government needed to change the constitution in order to make prohibition happen. At that time progressive has aimed towards drinking as the source of society problem. Although federal law do not and can not prohibit private ownership and consumption but in many areas, state and local laws are more strict. Some state has banned alcohol completely but with movies and stories that we saw and heard, we do know that people do still drink during the prohibition. No doubt that it was harder toShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of A Child882 Words  | 4 Pagesstructures necessarily to help them through it. Many of these individuals may even find themselves diagnosed with some sort of social and/or behavioral disorder. So how do we fix this problem? How do we help these youths who struggle so much to ‘fit in’ and succeed actually do so. First, we must understand the problem in some further depth. ===== ============= To illustrate this problem, imagine the following scenario: Imagine you are an orphan. Maybe you knew your parents, or maybe you did not. But inRead MoreBullying And The Act Of Bullying Essay1660 Words  | 7 Pagestheir problems through aggression (whether verbal or physical), over time. ----------- Thus the following essay will explore the problem of bullying in schools in greater depths. It will also examine some of the greater social and psychological implications of bullying in schools, as well. And last but not least this essay will entertain further reccomendations for school teachers and staff confronting these problems in their own institutions. ----------- Bullying In schools: The problem and itsRead MoreCriminology : The Scientific Study Of Crime As An Individual And Social Phenomenon835 Words  | 4 PagesCriminology is the scientific study of crime as an individual and social phenomenon. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
The Effects Of Mass Media On American Culture - 951 Words
Effects of Mass Media Introduction Why is mass media influencing the American culture? This is what we are going to be discussing in this essay. It’s important that we understand where the media has come from and where it is now and the journey that it is taking the American culture in the last century. America has now explored what un-traditional media and it has a major impact on the culture called new media. What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media during the last century? There has been a major evolution in the mass media in the last century; we have print media, and broadcast media. In recent years, there has been a lot of changes in the media that has more of an impact on informing people of what is going on in the news or/and just the trending topics that is getting people talking. Social media have been taking the spotlight when it comes to the media there are many different reasons why such as; Cost â€Å"Here are almost no barriers to entry in creating or distributing social media content. Or put another way, beyond your time and production costs, it’s almost free†(Mainwaring, 2010), Targeting audience has become even easier especially with hashtags that target buyers and/or readers. Social media has better ways of reaching their audience, they are in the know about what is hot and what is not faster than ever before which allows the producer to change up there topic/items to move with the current pace of the consumer. People areS how MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Mass Media On American Culture777 Words  | 4 Pages Effects of Mass Media Amanda Shock Media Influences on American Culture (HUM/186) 10/19/2015 Allyson Wells Effects of Mass Media There are many different effects of mass media. Where would the world be today without mass media? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Evolution of Baseball Technology 1884-Present
The Evolution of Baseball Technology: 1884-Present I. Introduction From the United States to Japan, every athlete who has ever played the game of baseball has used the basic â€Å"tools of the trade†: a baseball, a bat, a glove, protective equipment, and a uniform. Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Ted Williams, and Sammy Sosa have made a living out of using these tools to play baseball, but there are also a great number of people who play baseball as a source of enjoyment. The crack of the bat connecting with a fastball, the slap of the ball on the mitt, and the roar of the crowd after a homerun are all common sounds of a baseball game. The thing that many people may not realize, however, is that the bat, ball, and glove that make those sounds possible†¦show more content†¦Hillerich went into business selling the highly popular bats shortly thereafter (Wanner). Before Hillerich began selling his Falls City Slugger bats, players had their bats handmade by any local carpenter without any specific instructions on the size and weight of the bat. Base ball bats today are constructed using a pattern guide from a template instead of being carved by hand because hand carving was too time consuming and expensive (Oldham). Although there have been baseball bats of all shapes and sizes throughout the ages, all bats have traditionally been made out of ash (Oldham). Modern players prefer lightweight, thin handled bats, as opposed to the heavy, thick handled bats used by players in the Dead Ball Era (Good Wood: Premium 76-79). Aiding in making today’s bats as lightweight as possible is the cup, invented in 1972 by Jose Cardinal. A cup in a bat scoops away an area of the bat two inches wide by one inch deep from the end of the bat, resulting in a much lighter weight. Over half of the wooden bats sold by Hillerich and Bradsby, the parent company of Louisville Slugger, are cupped (Wanner). One of the biggest changes in the making of a wooden baseball bat occurred in 1999 when Sam Holman, a Canadian carpenter, introduced maple bats to Major Leaguers (Cannella 86-87). Maple wood is much harder and more durable than ash, but it does not weigh much more. Many Major Leaguers such as Albert Pujols and Paul Lo Duca insist that the increased densityShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of Baseball Technology2329 Words  | 10 PagesThe Evolution of Baseball Technology: 1884-Present From the United States to Japan, every athlete who has ever played the game of baseball has used the basic â€Å"tools of the trade†: a baseball, a bat, a glove, protective equipment, and a uniform. Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Ted Williams, and Sammy Sosa have made a living out of using these tools to play baseball, but there are also a great number of people who play baseball as a source of enjoyment. The crack of the bat connecting with a fastball, the slapRead MoreEssay about Anthro Final6421 Words  | 26 Pagesreproductive technologies. d. systems remain unchanged through contact with external forces such as colonization and cultural diffusion. e. is a growing network that has become more and more vital to our ability to survive in the global economy. 50. The Iroquois system of kinship is associated with which form of descent? a. unilineal b. ambilocal c. bilateral d. avunculocal e. virilocal 51. New reproductive technologies challenge: Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesThe New Left Revisited David M. 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I hope you all are well and successful, and I truly appreciate your contributions. I apologize if I have missed anybody, and vi †¢ Preface would be grateful to know such so we can rectify this in future editions. I welcome updates to present affiliations. Michael Pearson, Loyola University, New Orleans; Beverlee Anderson, University of Cincinnati; Y.H. Furuhashi, Notre Dame; W. Jack Duncan, University of AlabamaBirmingham; Mike Farley, Del Mar College; Joseph W. Leonard, Miami University
The Problem With Substance Abuse - 1482 Words
Advocating Kathy Merritt Weber State University Advocating Introduction What is advocacy? Advocacy is defined as the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal (Merriam-Webster, 2015) It is working publically to support specific causes, address problems, actively participating in politics and lobbying for a cause/ belief. Vocally working to support individual patients needs or rights, and working to educate the public regarding the cause. Nurses should be observant of patient’s behaviors and sensitive to patient’s communication cues. (Felicilda-Reynaldo, 2015) Substance abuse patients most often deny or downplay that they have a problem. The patient has to be honest with themselves and they have to be the ones who say†¦show more content†¦(Selanders Crane, 2012) As a nurse you have to be able to advocate in being able to address problems. Once a problem or issues has been addressed you have to be able to come up with a strategy to complete the most desired outcome for the patient. We must enable our clients in helping them transition through situations they may have a hard time with. In Knowlden four dimensions of advocacy it describes what nurses should do. First you should be a client advocate. In my interview Nicky works as a board member of NAMI. She supports those who suffer from mental illness to ensure their voices are heard. She is being an advocate for her client in supporting those who she feels that are in need. Second one in Knowlden dimensions is following through or following up. Once we have established this relationship with our client you can work closely to ensure our patients wants regarding treatment or needs are known to the physician and we continue to follow up until they feel all there needs are met. Third dimension is providing resources. As a nurse you can provide the patient with access to any resources that are available in the community. Most patients are not aware of all the resources they have available to them. As nurses we have a lot of different resources we can provide in helping our client get the help they are looking for. Finally the fourth dimension is going above and beyond. As a nurse it is so important that we go
Multidisciplinary Research In Engineering - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Multidisciplinary Research In Engineering? Answer: Introduction Compatibility is defined as the capacity for two systems to work together without any interference (Kirkham Tipper, 2015). The article by Hoffmann and Chan (2011) mainly gave idea about compatibility by examining the design and spatial relationship for designing four-burner stoves. The concept of compatibility was explained by looking at spatial management of stove hotplates and their associated controls. The aim of the research was to examine compatibility between controls and hotplates to improve spatial relations. The research mainly pointed out that compatibility between two systems is dependent on spatial relationship. For example, stimulus displays vary with changes in spatial characteristics and spatial arrangement of stimuli decides response elements. The article by Hoffmann and Chan, (2011) proposed improving the compatibility and spatial relationship of four stove burner by displacing the hotplates or to change the design of the controls. Hence, the evidence mainly reveale d that level of compatibility is dependent on spatial organization. Another concept described in the article is about congruence. Congruence is a term on engineering field which refers to the congruence of two objects if they have same shape and size. Hence, spatial congruence is dependent on geometric congruity of two objects. Just like spatial compatibility, by Hoffmann and Chan (2011) analyzed spatial congruence in four plate stove and showed that spatial congruence is necessary to determine stereotype strength. The researcher tried to change location of control and stove. Congruence between control and hotplate was achieved when they were placed in a spatially similar location. Hence, the concept of spatial congruence helped the researcher to design the best arrangement for controls and hotplates. 100 responses were received when hotplate was arranged in a geometrically similar manner to control arrangement. Implications for ergonomic principles and human factor principle By reviewing the spatial compatibility and spatial congruence between control and hotplates while designing four plate stove, the study gave implications about human factors and ergonomic principles in the context of stove designs. For instance, the importance of controlling the line of symmetry of the hotplates was displayed by the researcher. The analysis of response gave idea about the ergonomic principle that achieving high level of spatial congruence is likely to eliminate problem in designing any machines like that of stove. Past ergonomic research has not studies about linkage between hotplate and control, unique and inconsistent linkage was found in these plates. Therefore, Hoffmann and Chan (2011) gave idea about best spatial compatibility and linkage between hotplates and controls. The study findings showed that while trying to develop ergonomically good design, it is necessary to consider mapping and spatial congruence factor. Beside the ergonomic principles, Hoffmann and Chan (2011) also gave idea about taking human factor approach in designing ergonomically good products. This means taking user-centered design approach so that physical and mental characteristic of human users is analyzed to minimize limitations in any equipment design (Szalma, 2014). Hoffmann and Chan, (2011) took user centered approach to investigate about the linkage between hotplates and control by directly asking participants about arrangements that they prefer between controls and hotplates. Such consideration is likely to produce user-friendly designs. Best design based on the results obtained from experiment with the second group: In the study investigating about different spatial arrangement of stove hotplates and controls to the design of four burner stoves, two groups were taken to determine preferred arrangements. The second group were given hotplates locations and asked to place controls. The second approach was useful because as it helped to discriminate arrangements which had high special congruence and high compatibility. In the second method, participants were given seven sets of hotplate/control arrangements (Hoffmann Chan, 2011). The seven designs from the second group were as given in the figure below: Of these seven designs, five designs had high degree of spatial compatibility. Some design had good spatial congruence where as some has good scale value (Hoffmann Chan, 2011). However, to decide the best designs from the seven designs, my criteria for best designs includes spatial congruence and good operability of the stove. Hence, I would prefer those designs that has good spatial congruence and had practical arrangements that are marketing to use on a daily basis. According to my preference, best design is one that has high efficiency for operation and good practical arrangements. I would also prefer a design that has more space on the front instead of back. Hence, in terms of these criterions for selecting best stove design, I choose design 3 as the best design for four plate stove. This is because design 3 has spatial congruence and it has more stave on the front of the stove too. This would enhance practice use of the stoves. The study also proved that designs that have high spatial congruence between controls and hotplates are preferred by people. Suggestion for HMI improvements in design: Design 3 had good spatial congruence and good expectancies, which was main reason for nominating this stove as the best design. However, based on human-machine interface (HMI) system, another HMI related improvement that I would want in the stove designs includes the following: Firstly, apart from high expectancy of operation, I would suggest that stove should also be designed by considering safety standards needed in design. Hence, instead of deciding location of hotplates and controls based on spatial congruence, the arrangement that promotes best safety standard should also be considered (Sabattini et al., 2017). In the study by Hoffmann and Chan, (2011), preference rating method was used to evaluate responses of participants related to best designs. For stoves design, best design should also be decided on the basis of well-designed HMI system. HMI system is the tool that enhances reliable operation of any machine (Khairnar et al., 2015). Focus on well-considered HMI design is important because HMI systems are the main contact point between machine and the user. Hence, a good HMI system may help users to give better preference to such products. Therefore, it is suggested to considered ways to optimize users experience by focusing both on ergonomic operation as well as contemporary styles of stoves. Manufacturers who are aiming to adapt an intuitive design for stoves should also pay attention to environment consideration to meet system durability requirements in HMI (Boy, 2017). Reference Boy, G. A. (Ed.). (2017).The handbook of human-machine interaction: a human-centered design approach. CRC Press. Hoffmann, E. R., Chan, A. H. (2011). Alternative approaches to the design of four-burner stoves. economics,54(9), 777-791. Khairnar, P. P., Wanjara, A. G., Bhosale, R., Kamble, S. (2015). Human machine interface.Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 31-35. Kirkham, A. J., Tipper, S. P. (2015). Spatial compatibility interference effects: a double dissociation between two measures.Visual cognition,23(8), 1043-1060. Sabattini, L., Villani, V., Czerniak, J. N., Mertens, A., Fantuzzi, C. (2017). Methodological approach for the design of a complex inclusive human-machine system.arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.08461. Szalma, J. L. (2014). On the application of motivation theory to human factors/ergonomics: Motivational design principles for humanpsychology interaction.Human factors,56(8), 1453-1471.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Comparison Between the Characters Romeo and Juliet free essay sample
By looking at specific parts in the play, both Romeo and Juliet are not very close with their parents. For Juliet’s side of the family, the parents dont seem as if they are her actual parents. She is instead closer to her nurse, who used to and still does everything for Juliet and her mother since she was a baby. The nurse clearly says â€Å"For I had then laid wormwood to my dug†¦When it did taste the wormwood on the nipple†[1. 3. 28-34], which tells us that she had breastfed Juliet after eleven years since the earthquake had occurred. Lady Capulet was supposed to talk to Juliet alone, but she instead invited the nurse along and this was the scene where we find out that the nurse actually knows a lot about Juliet and her personal life compared to Lady Capulet. Juliet is also outgoing in a way of being close with the nurse because it seems as if Juliet does not mind telling her anything that she wants. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison Between the Characters Romeo and Juliet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They are like two best friends who met from a very young age, and still are very close with a strong bond. But, in Juliet’s case, it can also be because of their traditions, such as marriage. In the Elizabethan times, Juliet would have been kept at home all the times, while Romeo would be free, which is why there are many street fights. And, this is the same for Romeo as well. Instead of being close to his parents, he is closer towards his friends, Benvolio and Mercutio. He is more free to do whatever he please to do and makes his own decisions, even meeting and falling in love with Juliet was his own choice, unlike Juliet where she was set to marry Paris. But, his father, Father Montague describes his as an depressed boy, â€Å"Many a morning hath he there been seen, with tears augmenting the fresh morning’s dew†¦Black and portentous must this humour prove, unless good counsel may the cause remove. †[1. 1. 124-133] It is pretty surprising knowing that they don’t really try to help their son, and just let him stay in his room feeling sad and melancholic. They are similar in that they both are stopped from freely being with the one they love because of expectations of the parents and the pressure. Even though the two star crossed lovers are not very close with their parents, Romeo has a different relationship with his friends than Juliet. He is a very outgoing boy, who has close friends around him, who are known to be Mercutio and Benvolio. Mercutio was Romeo’s best friend who is also a cousin of the Prince, and Benvolia is Romeo’s cousin and his best friend. Even though there are only two of his friends introduced in the play, I am pretty sure there are more men that Romeo is a friend with because you can tell he is very nice to everyone and outgoing as well. At the beginning of the play, Romeo is introduced when Benvolio finds him strolling along the streets, thinking of his love, Rosaline. Being such a great friend, Benvolio sits with Romeo and listens to his story that he needs to tell his friend, not his parents. He seems as if he wants to know and help Romeo, â€Å"Groan? Why, no; But sadly tell me, who? †[1. 1. 192-193], which then tells us that they have a great strong relationship between each other. Even though they are cousins, it seems as if they are best friends who have been sharing their secrets since such a young age. This however is different for Juliet because she is an only friend with her nurse. There are no other girl characters that are Juliet’s age to make us think that she is Juliet’s friend. As I said before, the Nurse has been her number one place to go to when Juliet needed help or advice. Juliet doesn’t seem to be the type of girl who likes to meet her friends outside her palace, but instead stay at home and do whatever her mother tells her to do. This shows a complete opposite with Romeo. Thirdly, Juliet is more careful with her decisions, while Romeo is very carefree and does anything he wants. But, they both can be very serious when it comes to important decisions like marriage. Marriage is one of the most important events in this book because this is when two lovers meet and truly fall in love even though their families are great enemies. When Romeo goes to Juliet’s balcony to see her after the party again, he proposes to Juliet, â€Å"Oh, are you going to leave me so unsatisfied? I would be satisfied if we made each other true promises of love. [2. 2. 126-128]. Juliet then accepts the proposal, and made the wedding the next day. In the current days for us, getting married after a day when you just met the person is very crazy, but I bet before, it was normal. Having Juliet make her decisions quick, it seemed as if she was sort of desperate, but also could be love at first site. This was the same for Romeo, because before he met Juliet he was truly, deeply in love with a girl named Rosaline, but in a second, he changed and caught his attention to Juliet at the ball dance. Juliet had to say yes because Romeo urged her, and it seems as if he took it too fast because Juliet normally never takes a decision this quickly. Lastly, Romeo’s personality is fairly different from Juliet’s personality, not just because they are different genders, but also how they were grown up in the family. Romeo is a very outgoing, jolly and a happy boy when there are not any fights and arguments. He likes to meet Friar Lawrence, Benvolio, Mercutio, and his other mates that he gets along with. Romeo and Friar Lawrence have a special bond because without Friar Lawrence, then there wouldn’t have been any marriage between Romeo and Juliet. There is a big contrast between the two characters. Juliet is a virgin, who if very innocent because she never really experienced love affairs before in her life, since she is still very young. Once again, having the Nurse as her friend was still enough to keep Juliet company and feeling good. Overall, I personally think that there is an equal amount of comparison and an equal amount of contrasts. The two of them are not close to their parents and they do not really bond with them. Also, their personalities are very different because Juliet is very innocent while Romeo is an outgoing boy who loves Rosaline but then quickly changes to Juliet. There are two similarities and two differences that were the main key points in the play. I think that the friends and family effect Romeo and Juliet on how they live their lives.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Essay Topics That You Need to Know
Essay Topics That You Need to KnowThere are different levels of essay topics which are provided for the students to choose from. When a student starts writing the essays, he/she must be clear about the level of the essay and have a clear idea on how many pages of the essay should be written. Students must make sure that they include enough information in the topic to encourage readers and not left empty handed.The first level of essay topics is the common level of essay topics that a student will be required to write. This level of essay topics involves a specific topic which is highly popular among students and thus the class. Common level of essay topics also involves writing about current events and getting to know current events.The second level of essay topics includes essays that require students to look deeper into issues that are related to an issue that is currently going on in the world. These issues would usually revolve around the problem of which type of events should be covered in an essay and the writer must give his/her opinion on the subject matter. These topics involve understanding and thinking deeply on how to solve such problems and as well as coming up with a solution.The third level of essay topics include essays that require the students to do research on certain topics that can be dealt with in the present. The topic should be related to current issues and news items as well as coming up with a way on how to deal with issues. It is also considered as an academic requirement that the student must come up with ideas that can help the students solve these problems.The fourth level of essay topics includes writing about current issues and news on an international level. This form of essay topics has to involve information on things that have happened in other countries and also the global events. The focus of this topic should be on how these issues can affect a particular country in the future and how they can be solved.The fifth level of essay topics would be considered as an academic essay. This form of essay topics involves doing researches on current events as well as coming up with ideas on how to deal with issues in an academic manner. This is considered to be one of the most important types of essay topics because it is believed that these topics would enable students to handle the problems of current events with their minds instead of worrying and crying over them.The sixth level of essay topics would be one which is involved with writing about the current events that affect certain countries. The focus of this topic is on coming up with solutions that can help solve the problem but at the same time it should come up with the solutions on how the problem can be solved. In this form of essay topics, the writer should be able to come up with different ways on how to solve the problem.The seventh level of essay topics would be one which involves discussing various problems regarding current issues. The topic sho uld mainly be done to come up with opinions on how to handle these problems and also how to tackle the current events and issues. This is a very effective form of essay topics which will enable the students to come up with proper solutions on how to address certain problems that have been experienced by the society today.
Younger Dryas in the UK Essay Example
Younger Dryas in the UK Essay The Younger Dryas refers to the final phase of cold, glacial conditions preceding the abrupt climatic warming at the beginning of the Holocene. The existence of the Younger Dryas in Europe has been known for most of this century, although recent research suggests that the Younger Dryas cooling may have been global. Estimates of the timing of the event have also improved in recent years, showing that both the onset and termination of the Younger Dryas were abrupt, occurring within decades. The Younger Dryas has been linked with a large-scale shift of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) to a near glacial mode with a consequent reduction in northward heat transport. This shift in the THC may have been triggered by a discharge of Laurentide ice, combined with meltwater inputs from several locations around the North Atlantic. Further study of the events leading up to the Younger Dryas is necessary for improving theoretical understanding of abrupt climatic change, and for evaluating GCM models which seek to simulate the response of the THC to freshwater forcing(Nicholas 2009). With predicted increases in freshwater input to the North Atlantic resulting from increases in atmospheric CO2, a future shift in the THC is a possibility. Predicting the magnitude and climatic consequences of such an event depends upon further study of the Younger Dryas and of other abrupt palaeoclimatic changes which involved the THC. The timing of the Younger Dryas was first established using radiocarbon dating and assigned to the approximate interval 11,000 to 10,000 years before the present (BP). We will write a custom essay sample on Younger Dryas in the UK specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Younger Dryas in the UK specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Younger Dryas in the UK specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The radiocarbon timescale is now known to be in error for the late-glacial period, owing to rapid changes in global carbon reservoirs at that time. The true date of the Younger Dryas has now been established using cores of ice drilled from the Greenland ice sheet. Careful study of ice layers that built up near the centre of the ice sheet has established that the onset of the Younger Dryas was about 12,800 calendar years ago, and its termination about many years ago. The Greenland ice cores provide such a clear and strong record of the Younger Dryas that they can be used as a yardstick against which other types of evidence can be compared(Lehman 1992). Reconstructed temperatures, based on the isotopic composition of oxygen locked up in the ice, are about 7 degrees C colder in central Greenland during the Younger Dryas than in the preceding and succeeding warm periods. The ice-core record shows that the cooling at the start of the Younger Dryas was gradual, but the warming at the end was exceedingly rapid, occurring within a few years or decades at most. The rapidity of this climatic change, which is also recorded in marine and terrestrial records from around the North Atlantic, is one of the most intriguing aspects of the Younger Dryas; it is also characteristic of other relatively short-lived episodes during the last glacial period. The Greenland ice cores also record changes in atmospheric composition. Air bubbles trapped within the ice show that during the Younger Dryas concentrations of the greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane, were lower than modern natural levels, and were similar to those of full glacial times. Methane in particular shows a large oscillation, closely following the pattern of temperature change. Finally, precipitation changed during the Younger Dryas, with snow accumulation about half of that for the succeeding early Holocene(Broeker 1990). This evidence for low precipitation is compatible with the temperature record, since cold air cannot carry as much moisture as warm air. In Europe, the Younger Dryas cooling is most pronounced in Britain, southern Scandinavia, northern Germany, the Low Countries, and northern France, and declines in importance to the north, east, and south. On the other side of the Atlantic, the event is clearly recognizable in the maritime provinces of Canada and the north-eastern United States, but is less apparent further west. A short-lived cooling is also indicated by some pollen records from the Pacific coast of North America, as far north as Alaska. some scientists believe that the Younger Dryas can be recognized in pollen profiles from the northern Andes, Chile, Japan, and Australia, but others disagree. There is intriguing evidence that the Younger Dryas brought changes in wind circulation and moisture balance to some low-latitude continental areas(Bond 1993). Lake levels in East Africa fell, indicating dry conditions and a reduction in the on-land transfer of moist air from over the Indian Ocean. The Tibetan plateau is also thought to have been arid at that time. In contrast, the plateaux of Central China appear to have had a wetter climate than in the preceding and succeeding periods. This wet climate has been attributed to a heightened temperature gradient between a warm land surface and a relatively cool western Pacific, and a consequent strengthening of the summer monsoon. Additionally, the Altiplano in the high Andes also appears to have been wetter at that time. The climate of the Younger Dryas created the conditions for glacier expansion, especially in north-west Europe. The Scandinavian ice sheet, which had been in retreat until about 12-000 (radiocarbon) years ago, underwent a significant readvance and formed prominent moraines at the limit of ice advance in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Ice cover in Britain had probably been reduced to isolated remnants in Scotland between 13-000 and 12-000 radiocarbon years ago, but during the Younger Dryas a substantial ice field formed over the western Scottish Highlands (locally known as the Loch Lomond readvance) and smaller mountain glaciers became established elsewhere in Britain and Ireland. Younger Dryas glacier advances of smaller magnitude have been identified in the European Alps, the North American Cordillera, the Andes, and New Zealand, although dating evidence is fragmentary and far from certain in many areas. In some areas, the glacial record hints at climatic changes within the Younger Dryas(Atkinson 1987). In western Scotland, retreat of some glaciers was well under way before the temperature increase that marked the end of the stade, suggesting that deglaciation may have begun in response to a decrease in snowfall. Changes in the abundance of certain pollen types also indicate that the Younger Dryas in north-west Europe consisted of a moist, cold period followed by a more arid (but still cold) period.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Tiempos de demora para la green card por familia
Tiempos de demora para la green card por familia Actualmente, el tiempo de demora para sacar la tarjeta de residencia permanente en Estados Unidos por peticià ³n de un ciudadano estadounidense o de un residente permanente legal varà a de entre seis meses a 23 aà ±os, aproximadamente. El tiempo de demora depende de quià ©n realiza la peticià ³n, a quià ©n pide y la nacionalidad del pedido. En este artà culo se informa sobre los parentescos y cà ³mo afectan a las demoras para la tarjeta, tambià ©n conocida como green card, cules son actualmente los tiempos de demora para cada una de las categorà as de peticià ³n por familia y, finalmente, se seà ±alan advertencias que deben tenerse en cuenta. Categorà as de familiares y cà ³mo afectan a demoras de green card Segà ºn las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos hay dos grandes categorà as de familiares: En primer lugar, los familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos estadounidenses, que son à ºnicamente sus padres, cà ³nyuge e los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os. En segundo lugar, se encuentran todas las dems personas que pueden ser pedidas por un familiar, es decir: hijos de ciudadanos casados de cualquier edadhijos de ciudadanos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os,hermanos de ciudadanosesposos de residentes permanenteshijos solteros de residentes permanentes menores de 21 aà ±oshijos solteros de residentes permanentes mayores de 21 aà ±os Para los primeros, es decir, para los familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos no hay là mites en el nà ºmero de tarjetas de residencia que se pueden aprobar por aà ±o fiscal. Por lo tanto, se tramitan inmediatamente todas las peticiones que recibe USCIS. La demora responde simplemente a lo que necesita para la tramitacià ³n. En otras palabras, en lo que se tarda en obtener la aprobacià ³n del formulario I-130 y, una vez que se tiene, en lo que se demora el ajuste de estatus, si la persona pedida est en Estados Unidos y puede hacerlo o en la tramitacià ³n consular, si est en otro paà s o no puede ajustar su estatus. Todos los dems familiares para los que se puede pedir los papeles tienen fijado un là mite anual mximo de aprobaciones por aà ±o, que est dividido por categorà as: hijos solteros de ciudadanos mayores de 21 aà ±os: 23.400 green cards anuales.familiares de residentes permanentes: 114.200 divididos en dos subcategorà as;hijos casados: 23.400 green cards anualeshermanos de ciudadanos un total de 65.000. Como el nà ºmero de peticiones en cada una de esas categorà as es superior al de tarjetas de residencia permanentes disponibles cada aà ±o se produce un atasco que se hace ms grande aà ±o tras aà ±o. Esto en la prctica quiere decir que una vez que se obtiene la aprobacià ³n del I-130, que es el documento con el que se empezà ³ todo el proceso, la peticià ³n espera mientras le llega su turno. Por à ºltimo, existe el problema cada aà ±o fiscal ningà ºn paà s se puede llevar ms de un determinado porcentaje del total de peticiones aprobadas. La consecuencia de esto es que paà ses con un alto nà ºmero de peticiones de papeles por familia, como es el caso de China, India, Filipinas o Mà ©xico, tienen retrasos en las tramitaciones mayores a los de nacionales de otros paà ses. Demora en peticià ³n de ciudadano americano para su cà ³nyuge Cabe destacar que es posible pedir los papeles tanto en el caso de matrimonio entre una mujer y un varà ³n como entre dos personas del mismo sexo. Lo importante es que sea vlido segà ºn las leyes del lugar en el que se ha celebrado.. Adems, destacar que en algunos casos si el cà ³nyuge extranjero est ilegalmente en Estados Unidos podr arreglar su situacià ³n mediante ajuste de estatus. Pero no siempre es posible. Si se ha ingresado al paà s cruzando ilegalmente la frontera hay un problema grave que no soluciona el simplemente casarse con un ciudadano. Para determinar cunto tiempo dura la peticià ³n de esposo de ciudadano, hay que tener en cuenta que se tramitan dos situaciones distintas, en primer lugar la peticià ³n per se, es decir el I-130.Como regla general se est demorando entre uno y seis meses, dependiendo del centro al que le corresponde. Una vez que se obtiene su aprobacià ³n, empieza una segunda tramitacià ³n. Si el cà ³nyuge del ciudadano est en EE.UU. y puede ajustar su estatus puede recibir un permiso de trabajo mientras espera por la green card. Por el contrario, si est fuera de EE.UU., despuà ©s de obtener la aprobacià ³n del I-130 se sigue lo que se conoce como procedimiento consular. La demora media para el ajuste de estatus y el procedimiento consular est entre tres y seis meses. Es decir, todo el procedimiento desde presentacià ³n de la peticià ³n a green card est llevando, en general, entre seis y 12 meses. Cabe destacar que hay que ser sumamente cuidadoso a la hora de casarse con un ciudadano cuando se tiene visa o condicià ³n de turista y a continuacià ³n se solicita la green card, ya que hay unas reglas que, de incumplirse, podrà a dar lugar a que no se pudiera arreglar los papeles, a pesar de tratarse de un matrimonio real, y no uno celebrado fraudulentamente con el à ºnico fin de conseguir los papeles. Finalmente destacar que todas las tarjetas de residente que se obtienen por matrimonio y antes de cumplir los dos aà ±os de casados son condicionales. Un divorcio podrà a dar lugar a que no pueda convertirse en permanente. Peticià ³n de ciudadano para hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os Estos hijos tambià ©n son considerados por Inmigracià ³n como familiares inmediatos y la tramitacià ³n de estas peticiones es relativamente rpida. En la actualidad se est demorando entre seis meses y un aà ±o como regla general. En estas peticiones es fundamental entender quà © pasa cuando la persona para la que se piden los papeles cumple la edad de 21 aà ±os. Peticiones de ciudadano para su padre o sumadre Estas peticiones son tambià ©n rpidas y en la actualidad se estn demorando entre seis y 12 meses. Cabe destacar que tener un hijo ciudadano no da a los padres automticamente ningà ºn derecho migratorio. Los hijos ciudadanos solamente pueden pedir a sus padres cuando ya han cumplido los 21 aà ±os de edad y tienen recursos econà ³micos suficientes para patrocinar. Adems, si los padres estn como indocumentados en EE.UU. e ingresaron al paà s cruzando ilegalmente la frontera no van a poder ajustar su estatus. En estos casos, antes de iniciar la peticià ³n es importante informarse del castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os y de posibles perdones y las posibilidades reales de obtenerlos. Peticià ³n de ciudadano para su hijo casado de cualquier edad En las peticiones de green card para un familiar, a las peticiones de ciudadanos a hijos casados de cualquier edad se les conoce como F3. En esta categorà a, en la actualidad, la tramitacià ³n se est demorando aproximadamente 23 aà ±os para el caso de personas pedidas originarias de Mà ©xico y 12 aà ±os para resto de latinoamericanos y espaà ±oles. Las actualizaciones pueden verificarse consultando el boletà n de visas que actualiza cada mes el Departamento de Estado. Cada persona debe saber su fecha de prioridad. Peticiones de ciudadano para hijos solteros mayores de 21 aà ±os Esta categorà a se conoce como F1. En la actualidad, se est demorando unos 22 aà ±os para el caso de Mà ©xico y aproximadamente 7 aà ±os para el resto de Latinoamà ©rica y Espaà ±a. Peticiones de ciudadanos para sus hermanos Inmigracià ³n califica a los hermanos de ciudadanos como F4. Esta es una de las categorà as que ms demora tiene, estando en la actualidad en torno a 20 aà ±os para el caso de mexicanos y de 13 aà ±os para resto de latinoamericanos y espaà ±oles. Cabe destacar que entre los requisitos para solicitar los papeles para los hermanos est el haber cumplido ya los 21 aà ±os de edad. Peticiones de residentes para sus cà ³nyuges Son calificados por Inmigracià ³n como F2A. Los tiempos de tramitacià ³n son, aproximadamente, de dos aà ±os tanto para el caso de mexicanos como de resto de latinoamericanos y espaà ±oles. Cabe destacar que los cà ³nyuges de residentes sà ³lo pueden ajustar su estatus si estn legalmente en Estados Unidos. Hay que tener esto muy claro por las posibles consecuencias que puede tener antes de presentar los papeles a USCIS. Peticiones de residentes para sus hijos solteros A diferencia de lo que ocurre con los ciudadanos, los residentes permanentes no pueden pedir a sus hijos casados. Y dentro de los solteros existen dos categorà as. La F2A, para menores de 21 aà ±os y la F2B, para mayores de dicha edad. Para los primeros los tiempos de demora son, aproximadamente, de dos aà ±os mientras que para los F2B la demora es de 11 aà ±os y medio para el caso de mexicanos y de 6 aà ±os y medio para el resto. Por à ºltimo, cabe destacar la ventaja que tienen los residentes si piden a hijos menores de 18 aà ±os. Y es que si viven con ellos en Estados Unidos y con una green card y son menores de dicha edad, y cualquiera de los padres se naturaliza, pues convierte en ciudadanos automticamente a los hijos que reà ºnen esas condiciones. Consejos: viajar, cambios de estatus y verificacià ³n estatus Un punto de gran importancia que aplica sà ³lo a los extranjeros que estn en Estados Unidos y pueden ajustar su estatus es que si quieren viajar fuera del paà s y luego regresar deben pedir un permiso que se conoce como advance parole. Si viajan sin dicho permiso podrà an tener problemas para el reingreso a EE.UU. y/o que su peticià ³n se paralice mientras estn fuera del paà s. Por otro lado, las personas para las que se piden los papeles y se encuentran en otro paà s muy raramente pueden obtener una visa americana para visitar Estados Unidos mientras dura la tramitacià ³n de sus papeles. En otro orden de cosas, en el caso de peticiones hechas por residentes para cà ³nyuges e hijos conviene examinar si es ventajoso pedir la ciudadanà a por naturalizacià ³n durante el proceso, si es posible y cà ³mo notificar el cambio al USCIS si efectivamente el residente que envià ³ la solicitud se ha convertido en ciudadano durante el trmite. Finalmente, para acabar este artà culo se recomienda tener a mano este listado de telà ©fonos y pginas web en los que es posible verificar el estatus del caso y otra informacià ³n relevante para los migrantes. Puntos Clave: demora en peticiones de green card por familia Hay grandes diferencias en lo que se demora sacar la green card por familia, dependiendo de si el que solicita los papeles es ciudadano o residente permanente y tambià ©n del grado de parentesco entre solicitante y persona pedida. Estos son, actualmente, los tiempos de demora aproximados.Cà ³nyuge, padre, madre o hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os de ciudadano: de 4 a 12 mesesHijo casado de ciudadano: 23 aà ±os caso de mexicanos, 12 para el restoHijo soltero de ciudadano mayor de 21 aà ±os: 22 aà ±os para mexicanos, 7 aà ±os para resto.Hermano de ciudadano: 20 aà ±os para mexicanos, 13 aà ±os para el restoCà ³nyuges de residentes permanentes: 2 aà ±osHijos solteros de residentes permanentes menores de 21 aà ±os: 2 aà ±osHijos solteros de residentes permanentes mayores de 21 aà ±os: 12 aà ±os en el caso de mexicanos y 6 aà ±os y medio para el resto. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Will Current Developments in Energy-Efficient Technologies be able to Essay
Will Current Developments in Energy-Efficient Technologies be able to address Concerns over Natural Resources Depletion - Essay Example Improving energy efficiency in the economy will lead to energy savings. Rising energy prices makes it necessary for business entities and household consumers to adopt efficiency in energy consumption (Blair, John and Gowan, 1993). Energy efficiency refers to both improvement in technology and changes in behavior. The paper evaluates whether current developments in energy-efficient technologies will be able to address concerns over natural resources depletion and if there is a need to adopt different routes for attainment of these objectives. DISCUSSION Several methods of increasing energy efficiency are being implemented in developed countries of the world. The potential of these methods, according to Kounetas and Tsekouras (2010) is to reduce consumption of fossil fuels through improved energy efficiency in buildings, transport and industrial processes is 17 to 33%. Key innovations in energy efficient technologies which can be adopted on wide scale are discussed below: ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN INDUSTRY many industrial processes require large amounts of heat and mechanical energy, which is mostly generated by fuel and electricity. In addition, some industries produce fuel from waste. Since the industrial processes are so varied, there are numerous ways to increase efficiency. They are often based on the specific technologies and processes of each industrial plant.  There are some typical processes and energy services, which are found in the industry very often (Kounetas and Tsekouras, 2010). Conventional electricity generation by steam power plants, which escapes from the heat produced as waste heat is typically at least 30% to 60% efficient at best. Efficiency of this industrial process has been improved in recent years through combined utilization of heat and power, are used both for heat and electricity, it uses up to 90% of the energy. Improved boiler and burner can operate at higher temperatures and burn less fuel at the same time. T his makes them more efficient at lower pollutant emissions. Another method adopted to increase efficiency is the use of porous burners and suitable catalysts (Mulder, 2005). These reduce combustion temperature resulting in lesser formation of nitrogen oxides and lower enthalpies consumed through which considerable amount of heat energy can be saved that increases energy efficiency. In industrial processes, many electric motors run at constant speed. Adoption of energy efficient technology in this process involves installation of an electronic speed controller to adapt energy output of the motor to the load. This can help achieve energy savings of 3% to 60% depending on the type of engine use (Thiruchelvam, Kumar and Visvanathan, 2003). Industrial processes also use compressors to create compressed air for production of tools, sand blasters and sprayers. The energy efficiency of this technology is being improved by 20 to 50% through the in stallation of speed controller and sealing of leaks through of preventive maintenance (Mulder, 2005). Automation one of the major utilization of energy at global level is for transportation through automobiles. Energy efficient technology is being adopted in this sector of energy consumption as well. This energy efficient technology replaces the usual internal combustion engine vehicles to create environmentally friendly electric-car (Blair, John and Gowan, 1993). These electric-cars can be recharged at special charging stations. Such an approach to energy usage considerably solves the problem of a low efficiency of hydrocarbon engine by
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Business Risks in the Pharmaceutical Industry Essay
Business Risks in the Pharmaceutical Industry - Essay Example Manufacturers of generic pharmaceutical products in countries like Asia and Latin America are challenging the company's patents and trademark protection. 2. Exchange rate fluctuations are a major concern for a company with headquarters in the U.K., operations in 45 countries, 64,200 employees of whom 60% are based in Europe (AstraZeneca, 2005, p. 16), 49% of sales from the U.S. and Canada, and 30 manufacturing sites in 20 countries buying and selling raw materials from different sources using a variety of currencies (AstraZeneca, 2005, p. 14), although they are minimizing this to avoid currency fluctuation effects. The company reports in U.S. dollars, so a stronger dollar will have a negative effect on its bottom line due to lower dollar revenues on sales in foreign currencies. Although AstraZeneca mitigates currency risk, it does not "seek to remove all such risks (AstraZeneca, 2005, p. 155)." The company, with a $1.1b fixed interest rate debt, is exposed to interest rate risk due to fluctuations in market interest rates. By converting fixed interest debt to floating rate (AstraZeneca, 2005, p. 91), every one hundred basis point (on e percent) rise in interest rates means the company pays $11m more. 3. Uncertainties of developing new products from the Research and Development (R&D) pipeline affects not only AstraZeneca but the whole pharmaceutical industry, which spends an estimated $1 billion over at least ten years to launch a new drug (KPMG, 2005, p.6), which includes losses incurred in developing drugs that do not even reach the market. Companies need to launch new drugs to replace those with expiring patents, marketing exclusivity or trademarks (Bate, 1997, p. 230-231). 4. AstraZeneca is the 9th largest pharmaceutical company in the world (Fortune, 2005) and competes with bigger companies with more resources for R&D and marketing. It also competes with biotechnology companies developing similar products. Increasing regulations in Europe, the Americas, and Asia (Clifford and Flochel, 2005) that put caps on drug prices directly or indirectly lead to low revenues and margins. 5. The company is at risk of paying higher taxes if existing U.K.-recognized double tax treaties are revoked for any reason. Fortunately, these treaties are holding but the risk of being taxed more than once for the same revenue is real. 6. AstraZeneca had a product liability scare in 2004 with Crestor, an anti-cholesterol drug. As the recent experience of Merck with Vioxx has shown, adverse publicity depresses the stock price and wipes out a portion of potential revenues (Bate, 1997, p. 287-288). 7. AstraZeneca's reliance on other companies for raw materials and services expose it to supply chain risks. If these third parties do not deliver, the company suffers stoppages in production, late deliveries, and lost revenues as the market switches to similar drugs. 8. The pharmaceutical i
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