Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Comparison Between the Characters Romeo and Juliet free essay sample

By looking at specific parts in the play, both Romeo and Juliet are not very close with their parents. For Juliet’s side of the family, the parents dont seem as if they are her actual parents. She is instead closer to her nurse, who used to and still does everything for Juliet and her mother since she was a baby. The nurse clearly says â€Å"For I had then laid wormwood to my dug†¦When it did taste the wormwood on the nipple† [1. 3. 28-34], which tells us that she had breastfed Juliet after eleven years since the earthquake had occurred. Lady Capulet was supposed to talk to Juliet alone, but she instead invited the nurse along and this was the scene where we find out that the nurse actually knows a lot about Juliet and her personal life compared to Lady Capulet. Juliet is also outgoing in a way of being close with the nurse because it seems as if Juliet does not mind telling her anything that she wants. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison Between the Characters Romeo and Juliet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They are like two best friends who met from a very young age, and still are very close with a strong bond. But, in Juliet’s case, it can also be because of their traditions, such as marriage. In the Elizabethan times, Juliet would have been kept at home all the times, while Romeo would be free, which is why there are many street fights. And, this is the same for Romeo as well. Instead of being close to his parents, he is closer towards his friends, Benvolio and Mercutio. He is more free to do whatever he please to do and makes his own decisions, even meeting and falling in love with Juliet was his own choice, unlike Juliet where she was set to marry Paris. But, his father, Father Montague describes his as an depressed boy, â€Å"Many a morning hath he there been seen, with tears augmenting the fresh morning’s dew†¦Black and portentous must this humour prove, unless good counsel may the cause remove. † [1. 1. 124-133] It is pretty surprising knowing that they don’t really try to help their son, and just let him stay in his room feeling sad and melancholic. They are similar in that they both are stopped from freely being with the one they love because of expectations of the parents and the pressure. Even though the two star crossed lovers are not very close with their parents, Romeo has a different relationship with his friends than Juliet. He is a very outgoing boy, who has close friends around him, who are known to be Mercutio and Benvolio. Mercutio was Romeo’s best friend who is also a cousin of the Prince, and Benvolia is Romeo’s cousin and his best friend. Even though there are only two of his friends introduced in the play, I am pretty sure there are more men that Romeo is a friend with because you can tell he is very nice to everyone and outgoing as well. At the beginning of the play, Romeo is introduced when Benvolio finds him strolling along the streets, thinking of his love, Rosaline. Being such a great friend, Benvolio sits with Romeo and listens to his story that he needs to tell his friend, not his parents. He seems as if he wants to know and help Romeo, â€Å"Groan? Why, no; But sadly tell me, who? † [1. 1. 192-193], which then tells us that they have a great strong relationship between each other. Even though they are cousins, it seems as if they are best friends who have been sharing their secrets since such a young age. This however is different for Juliet because she is an only friend with her nurse. There are no other girl characters that are Juliet’s age to make us think that she is Juliet’s friend. As I said before, the Nurse has been her number one place to go to when Juliet needed help or advice. Juliet doesn’t seem to be the type of girl who likes to meet her friends outside her palace, but instead stay at home and do whatever her mother tells her to do. This shows a complete opposite with Romeo. Thirdly, Juliet is more careful with her decisions, while Romeo is very carefree and does anything he wants. But, they both can be very serious when it comes to important decisions like marriage. Marriage is one of the most important events in this book because this is when two lovers meet and truly fall in love even though their families are great enemies. When Romeo goes to Juliet’s balcony to see her after the party again, he proposes to Juliet, â€Å"Oh, are you going to leave me so unsatisfied? I would be satisfied if we made each other true promises of love. [2. 2. 126-128]. Juliet then accepts the proposal, and made the wedding the next day. In the current days for us, getting married after a day when you just met the person is very crazy, but I bet before, it was normal. Having Juliet make her decisions quick, it seemed as if she was sort of desperate, but also could be love at first site. This was the same for Romeo, because before he met Juliet he was truly, deeply in love with a girl named Rosaline, but in a second, he changed and caught his attention to Juliet at the ball dance. Juliet had to say yes because Romeo urged her, and it seems as if he took it too fast because Juliet normally never takes a decision this quickly. Lastly, Romeo’s personality is fairly different from Juliet’s personality, not just because they are different genders, but also how they were grown up in the family. Romeo is a very outgoing, jolly and a happy boy when there are not any fights and arguments. He likes to meet Friar Lawrence, Benvolio, Mercutio, and his other mates that he gets along with. Romeo and Friar Lawrence have a special bond because without Friar Lawrence, then there wouldn’t have been any marriage between Romeo and Juliet. There is a big contrast between the two characters. Juliet is a virgin, who if very innocent because she never really experienced love affairs before in her life, since she is still very young. Once again, having the Nurse as her friend was still enough to keep Juliet company and feeling good. Overall, I personally think that there is an equal amount of comparison and an equal amount of contrasts. The two of them are not close to their parents and they do not really bond with them. Also, their personalities are very different because Juliet is very innocent while Romeo is an outgoing boy who loves Rosaline but then quickly changes to Juliet. There are two similarities and two differences that were the main key points in the play. I think that the friends and family effect Romeo and Juliet on how they live their lives.

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