Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Short Note On Social Problems With Youth - 1551 Words

Him YEUNG Christopher Cook SOC 201 5 Jun 2015 Social Problems Research Paper Why there are so much alcoholic problems with youth in the United States? United States has the highest legal drinking age in countries that drinking are legal though at the same time, we have one of the worst drinking problem in the world. Why? Alcohol abuse are usually defined as having 5 drinks or more in a short amount of time. Some even drink so much that they can be diagnosed under the guidelines that they have mental disorder criteria for alcohol dependence and they are only teenagers. Researching this topic can let us understand and find out why is this happening to our youth and why. There are several aspect as of why underages teens drinks. We can define it in several different category. History and cultural attitude, Promotion of alcohol within society, Biological effect of alcohol to underage, Family and environmental aspect. Let us travel back in time, there was the prohibition from 1920s - 1930s, the government needed to change the constitution in order to make prohibition happen. At that time progressive has aimed towards drinking as the source of society problem. Although federal law do not and can not prohibit private ownership and consumption but in many areas, state and local laws are more strict. Some state has banned alcohol completely but with movies and stories that we saw and heard, we do know that people do still drink during the prohibition. No doubt that it was harder toShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of A Child882 Words   |  4 Pagesstructures necessarily to help them through it. Many of these individuals may even find themselves diagnosed with some sort of social and/or behavioral disorder. So how do we fix this problem? How do we help these youths who struggle so much to ‘fit in’ and succeed actually do so. 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