Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Multidisciplinary Research In Engineering - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Multidisciplinary Research In Engineering? Answer: Introduction Compatibility is defined as the capacity for two systems to work together without any interference (Kirkham Tipper, 2015). The article by Hoffmann and Chan (2011) mainly gave idea about compatibility by examining the design and spatial relationship for designing four-burner stoves. The concept of compatibility was explained by looking at spatial management of stove hotplates and their associated controls. The aim of the research was to examine compatibility between controls and hotplates to improve spatial relations. The research mainly pointed out that compatibility between two systems is dependent on spatial relationship. For example, stimulus displays vary with changes in spatial characteristics and spatial arrangement of stimuli decides response elements. The article by Hoffmann and Chan, (2011) proposed improving the compatibility and spatial relationship of four stove burner by displacing the hotplates or to change the design of the controls. Hence, the evidence mainly reveale d that level of compatibility is dependent on spatial organization. Another concept described in the article is about congruence. Congruence is a term on engineering field which refers to the congruence of two objects if they have same shape and size. Hence, spatial congruence is dependent on geometric congruity of two objects. Just like spatial compatibility, by Hoffmann and Chan (2011) analyzed spatial congruence in four plate stove and showed that spatial congruence is necessary to determine stereotype strength. The researcher tried to change location of control and stove. Congruence between control and hotplate was achieved when they were placed in a spatially similar location. Hence, the concept of spatial congruence helped the researcher to design the best arrangement for controls and hotplates. 100 responses were received when hotplate was arranged in a geometrically similar manner to control arrangement. Implications for ergonomic principles and human factor principle By reviewing the spatial compatibility and spatial congruence between control and hotplates while designing four plate stove, the study gave implications about human factors and ergonomic principles in the context of stove designs. For instance, the importance of controlling the line of symmetry of the hotplates was displayed by the researcher. The analysis of response gave idea about the ergonomic principle that achieving high level of spatial congruence is likely to eliminate problem in designing any machines like that of stove. Past ergonomic research has not studies about linkage between hotplate and control, unique and inconsistent linkage was found in these plates. Therefore, Hoffmann and Chan (2011) gave idea about best spatial compatibility and linkage between hotplates and controls. The study findings showed that while trying to develop ergonomically good design, it is necessary to consider mapping and spatial congruence factor. Beside the ergonomic principles, Hoffmann and Chan (2011) also gave idea about taking human factor approach in designing ergonomically good products. This means taking user-centered design approach so that physical and mental characteristic of human users is analyzed to minimize limitations in any equipment design (Szalma, 2014). Hoffmann and Chan, (2011) took user centered approach to investigate about the linkage between hotplates and control by directly asking participants about arrangements that they prefer between controls and hotplates. Such consideration is likely to produce user-friendly designs. Best design based on the results obtained from experiment with the second group: In the study investigating about different spatial arrangement of stove hotplates and controls to the design of four burner stoves, two groups were taken to determine preferred arrangements. The second group were given hotplates locations and asked to place controls. The second approach was useful because as it helped to discriminate arrangements which had high special congruence and high compatibility. In the second method, participants were given seven sets of hotplate/control arrangements (Hoffmann Chan, 2011). The seven designs from the second group were as given in the figure below: Of these seven designs, five designs had high degree of spatial compatibility. Some design had good spatial congruence where as some has good scale value (Hoffmann Chan, 2011). However, to decide the best designs from the seven designs, my criteria for best designs includes spatial congruence and good operability of the stove. Hence, I would prefer those designs that has good spatial congruence and had practical arrangements that are marketing to use on a daily basis. According to my preference, best design is one that has high efficiency for operation and good practical arrangements. I would also prefer a design that has more space on the front instead of back. Hence, in terms of these criterions for selecting best stove design, I choose design 3 as the best design for four plate stove. This is because design 3 has spatial congruence and it has more stave on the front of the stove too. This would enhance practice use of the stoves. The study also proved that designs that have high spatial congruence between controls and hotplates are preferred by people. Suggestion for HMI improvements in design: Design 3 had good spatial congruence and good expectancies, which was main reason for nominating this stove as the best design. However, based on human-machine interface (HMI) system, another HMI related improvement that I would want in the stove designs includes the following: Firstly, apart from high expectancy of operation, I would suggest that stove should also be designed by considering safety standards needed in design. Hence, instead of deciding location of hotplates and controls based on spatial congruence, the arrangement that promotes best safety standard should also be considered (Sabattini et al., 2017). In the study by Hoffmann and Chan, (2011), preference rating method was used to evaluate responses of participants related to best designs. For stoves design, best design should also be decided on the basis of well-designed HMI system. HMI system is the tool that enhances reliable operation of any machine (Khairnar et al., 2015). Focus on well-considered HMI design is important because HMI systems are the main contact point between machine and the user. Hence, a good HMI system may help users to give better preference to such products. Therefore, it is suggested to considered ways to optimize users experience by focusing both on ergonomic operation as well as contemporary styles of stoves. Manufacturers who are aiming to adapt an intuitive design for stoves should also pay attention to environment consideration to meet system durability requirements in HMI (Boy, 2017). Reference Boy, G. A. (Ed.). (2017).The handbook of human-machine interaction: a human-centered design approach. CRC Press. Hoffmann, E. R., Chan, A. H. (2011). Alternative approaches to the design of four-burner stoves. economics,54(9), 777-791. Khairnar, P. P., Wanjara, A. G., Bhosale, R., Kamble, S. (2015). Human machine interface.Multidisciplinary Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, 31-35. Kirkham, A. J., Tipper, S. P. (2015). Spatial compatibility interference effects: a double dissociation between two measures.Visual cognition,23(8), 1043-1060. Sabattini, L., Villani, V., Czerniak, J. N., Mertens, A., Fantuzzi, C. (2017). Methodological approach for the design of a complex inclusive human-machine system.arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.08461. Szalma, J. L. (2014). On the application of motivation theory to human factors/ergonomics: Motivational design principles for humanpsychology interaction.Human factors,56(8), 1453-1471.

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